1821-1822 Session Information
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- Start Date: Dec 3 1821
- End Date: Mar 4 1822
- Notes: Session: December 3, 1821 to March 4, 1822
- Speaker:
Linn Banks
- Clerk:
William Munford
Special Sessions:
Name |
Locality |
Committees |
Andrew Alexander | Rockbridge | Claims Roads and Internal Navigation |
Robert Allen | Henry | Enrolled Bills Penitentiary |
William Archer | Powhatan | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
John Armistead | Charles City | Privileges and Elections |
Nathaniel Ashby | Preston | Propositions and Grievances |
Philip Aylett Jr. | King William | Courts of Justice Treasurer's Accounts |
Linn Banks | Madison | |
John S. Barbour | Culpeper | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance Schools and Colleges |
Samuel Bare | Shenandoah | Propositions and Grievances |
William Basye | Northumberland | Register's Office |
John H. Bernard | Caroline | Privileges and Elections |
Royston Betts | Northumberland | Treasurer's Accounts |
Samuel Blackburn | Bath | Courts of Justice (Chair) Finance Roads and Internal Navigation |
John Blair | Grayson | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
John Peyton Bolling | Amelia | Privileges and Elections |
Linneas Bolling | Buckingham | Propositions and Grievances |
Isaac Booth | Randolph | Propositions and Grievances |
Carr Bowers | Southampton | Claims |
John Bowyer | Rockbridge | Propositions and Grievances (Chair) Finance Schools and Colleges |
John Bozarth | Lewis | Propositions and Grievances |
Robert Braden | Loudoun | Claims Enrolled Bills |
Reuben Bradley | Washington | Penitentiary Roads and Internal Navigation |
Vincent Bramham | Richmond County | Finance |
Austin Brockenbrough | Essex | Claims |
John Brown Jr. | Bath | Courts of Justice |
Richard Brown | Brooke | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
William Browne | Williamsburg | |
Hezekiah Bukey | Wood | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Reuben Burton | Henrico | Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas N. Burwell | Botetourt | Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
James Caldwell | Russell | Armory Bonds of Public Officers |
William Callaway | Franklin | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
John Cantrill | Mason | Penitentiary Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
Wilson J. Carey | Fluvanna | Propositions and Grievances Treasurer's Accounts |
Clement R. Carrington | Halifax | Treasurer's Accounts |
Robert W. Carter | Richmond County | Armory Executive Expenditures Treasurer's Accounts |
Alexander Catlett Jr. | Cabell | Propositions and Grievances |
William Chapline | Ohio | Armory |
William B. Charlton | Montgomery | Claims Privileges and Elections |
John B. Christian | New Kent | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
Richard Claggett | Berkeley | Privileges and Elections |
John Clarke | Prince Edward | Propositions and Grievances |
William Clarke | Campbell | Privileges and Elections |
John C. Cobbs | Nelson | First Auditor's Office Privileges and Elections |
Charles Cocke | Albemarle | |
James P. Cocke | Amelia | |
William A. Cocke | Powhatan | |
John C. Cohoon Jr. | Nansemond | Armory Register's Office |
Nathaniel Colley | Prince George | Clerk's Office (Chair) Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges |
Charles M. Collier | Elizabeth City | Propositions and Grievances |
Samuel Colton | Elizabeth City | Claims Enrolled Bills |
Zachariah Crittenden | Middlesex | Claims |
George William Crump | Cumberland | Finance (Chair) Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges |
John Crafford Crump | Surry | Claims Clerk's Office |
Armistead Currie | Lancaster | Claims Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas Curtis | Warwick | Executive Expenditures |
Peter M. Daniel | Louisa | Claims |
Abram Daughtry | Nansemond | Enrolled Bills Register's Office |
James C. Davidson | Tazewell | Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Delashmutt | Tyler | Roads and Internal Navigation |
John Dice | Pendleton | Enrolled Bills |
Griffith Dickenson | Scott | Propositions and Grievances |
William W. Dickenson | Caroline | Clerk's Office Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
James I. Dillard | Amherst | Penitentiary Privileges and Elections |
John P. Drummond | Accomack | Propositions and Grievances |
Ephraim Dunn | Hampshire | Penitentiary |
William Dunton | Northampton | First Auditor's Office Register's Office |
Asa Dupuy | Prince Edward | Armory Roads and Internal Navigation |
Benjamin Dyer | Henry | Enrolled Bills |
Elias Edmunds | Fauquier | Penitentiary Privileges and Elections |
Richard Eppes | Sussex | Armory (Chair) Claims Schools and Colleges |
Michael Erskine | Monroe | Claims |
Charles Everett | Albemarle | Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
John Fairfax | Preston | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
Eli Ferguson | Franklin | Claims |
Ignatius Ferrall | Morgan | Penitentiary |
Richard P. Fletcher | Rockingham | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Redmond G. Foster | Prince William | Clerk's Office Privileges and Elections |
David S. Garland | Amherst | Penitentiary (Chair) Claims Finance Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Henry P. George | Tazewell | Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Gilmore | Lancaster | Courts of Justice |
James T. Gleaves | Wythe | Executive Expenditures |
Jedediah W. Goff | Harrison | Penitentiary Privileges and Elections |
Pleasant M. Goggin | Bedford | Claims Privileges and Elections |
William Goodson | Montgomery | First Auditor's Office Penitentiary |
Burwell Goodwyn | Dinwiddie | Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections Treasurer's Accounts |
William B. Goodwyn | Southampton | Claims |
Richard Graves | New Kent | Claims Clerk's Office First Auditor's Office |
John C. Gray | Southampton | |
John M. Gregory | James City | Claims Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thomas Griffin | York | Executive Expenditures Schools and Colleges |
Lee W. Harris | Nelson | Treasurer's Accounts |
Robert Hartford | Brooke | Register's Office |
Jacqueline B. Harvie | Richmond City | First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Robert Hatford | Brooke | |
Thomas S. Haymond | Monongalia | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Robert Healy | Middlesex | Privileges and Elections |
Levi Henshaw | Berkeley | Clerk's Office First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Josiah Holleman | Isle of Wight | Enrolled Bills Treasurer's Accounts |
Bernard Hooe Jr. | Prince William | Clerk's Office Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
John Hooe | King George | Privileges and Elections Treasurer's Accounts |
Thomas Hudgins | Mathews | Claims |
Madison R. Hughes | Patrick | Claims |
John W. Hungerford | Westmoreland | Executive Expenditures |
Eppa Hunton | Fauquier | Claims Finance |
John Huson | Sussex | Claims First Auditor's Office |
James Jett | Westmoreland | Register's Office |
Joseph Johnson | Harrison | Propositions and Grievances Schools and Colleges |
William R. Johnson | Chesterfield | Bonds of Public Officers Courts of Justice |
John Jones | Brunswick | Privileges and Elections |
Thomas Jones | Pendleton | Armory Claims |
William Jones Jr. | Warwick | Claims Enrolled Bills Roads and Internal Navigation |
Bennett Kirby | James City | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
John H. Knight | Nottoway | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Register's Office |
John Koontz | Rockingham | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
Arthur Lee | Norfolk County | |
John W. Lewis | Mecklenburg | Courts of Justice |
Joseph Lovell | Kanawha | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance Schools and Colleges |
George Loyall | Norfolk Borough | Treasurer's Accounts (Chair) Finance Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Edward Lucas Jr. | Jefferson | Courts of Justice |
John D. Macklin | Greensville | Claims Penitentiary |
Robert L. Madison | Madison | Propositions and Grievances Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
James Baugh Mallory | Brunswick | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
Robert Mallory | Orange | Claims (Chair) Schools and Colleges |
William Marteney | Randolph | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
John Mason | Stafford | Courts of Justice Treasurer's Accounts |
Lewis Maxwell | Lewis | Courts of Justice |
Edward C. Mayo | Henrico | Armory Schools and Colleges |
Peter Mayo | Washington | Courts of Justice Finance Schools and Colleges |
John Mays | Greenbrier | Penitentiary |
Elisha McComas | Cabell | |
John McCoy | Tyler | First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Edmund McGinnis | Cabell | Propositions and Grievances |
Andrew McMillan | Lee | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
Allen McRae | Chesterfield | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Callohill Mennis | Bedford | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances Roads and Internal Navigation |
Reuben Meredith | Hanover | Privileges and Elections |
Jacob Miller | Hardy | Clerk's Office |
Garrett Minor | Spotsylvania | First Auditor's Office (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance Schools and Colleges |
Joseph Montgomery | Wythe | Schools and Colleges |
Charles S. Morgan | Monongalia | Bonds of Public Officers Claims Finance |
Isaac Morris | Wood | Courts of Justice Finance |
Richard Morris Jr. | Hanover | Schools and Colleges (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance |
Richard G. Morris | Gloucester | Enrolled Bills Penitentiary Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Morton | Orange | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances Schools and Colleges |
B.B. Moseley | Princess Anne | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures |
Lawrence Muse | Essex | Finance Privileges and Elections |
Stephen T. Neill | Lee | Penitentiary |
Jethro Neville | Hardy | Enrolled Bills Penitentiary |
Sterling Niblett Jr. | Lunenburg | Claims |
Churchill B. Oglesby | Grayson | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
William Byrd Page | Frederick | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
David W. Patteson | Augusta | Courts of Justice |
Reuben B. Patteson | Buckingham | Privileges and Elections Register's Office |
Barrett G. Payne | Fluvanna | Propositions and Grievances |
William K. Perrin | Gloucester | Enrolled Bills Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Price | Russell | Armory First Auditor's Office |
John Quarles | Spotsylvania | |
John D. Richardson | Charlotte | Privileges and Elections |
Peter Rison | Amelia | |
Francis E. Rives | Prince George | Armory Executive Expenditures Treasurer's Accounts |
William M. Rives | Campbell | Courts of Justice |
John J. Roane | King William | Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
George Rogers | Mecklenburg | Claims |
William Ross | Dinwiddie | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
Lewis Ruffner | Kanawha | Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
George Rust Jr. | Loudoun | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Joseph Sexton | Frederick | Courts of Justice |
James Shannon | Ohio | Courts of Justice Finance Roads and Internal Navigation |
John Sherrard | Morgan | Courts of Justice Finance Register's Office |
Smith Slaughter | Jefferson | Claims |
Augustine J. Smith | Fairfax | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
Austin Smith | King George | Claims |
James Smith | Lunenburg | Claims |
Thomas G. Smith | King and Queen | Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Smith | Giles | Propositions and Grievances |
James Sneed | Halifax | Bonds of Public Officers Penitentiary Schools and Colleges |
Henry Snider | Botetourt | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Christian Snidow | Giles | Propositions and Grievances |
Murtius S. Sparks | Mathews | Courts of Justice |
Alden B. Spooner | Petersburg | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Peter H. Steenbergen | Mason | Claims First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
John G. Stephenson | Nicholas | |
Richard Stewart | Greensville | Privileges and Elections |
John N. Stratton | Northampton | Courts of Justice First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Swanson | Pittsylvania | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas R. Swift | Norfolk County | Enrolled Bills Penitentiary |
John Tatum | Patrick | Armory Enrolled Bills |
Robert T. Thompson | Fairfax | Courts of Justice |
Theritt Towles | Spotsylvania | |
Robert B. Travis | Williamsburg | |
Hedgman Triplett | Nicholas | Penitentiary |
Edwin Upshaw | King and Queen | Enrolled Bills Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Vass | Monroe | Propositions and Grievances |
John Velvin | Surry | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Clerk's Office Executive Expenditures |
Wyatt Walker | Charles City | Propositions and Grievances |
George Waller | Stafford | Armory Clerk's Office |
Robert P. Waller | York | Executive Expenditures |
Moses Walton | Shenandoah | Propositions and Grievances |
William Walton | Pittsylvania | Armory Bonds of Public Officers |
Caleb Ward Sr. | Princess Anne | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
Daniel Ward | Culpeper | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances Roads and Internal Navigation |
Nathan Ward | Nottoway | Armory Penitentiary Register's Office |
Henry W. Watkins | Powhatan | Treasurer's Accounts |
Joseph S. Watkins | Goochland | Privileges and Elections |
David Watson | Louisa | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
John Wayt | Augusta | Bonds of Public Officers (Chair) Claims Finance Privileges and Elections |
Pere Berry B. Wethered | Greenbrier | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Francis White | Hampshire | Register's Office (Chair) Finance Propositions and Grievances Schools and Colleges |
P.W. Willis | Isle of Wight | Clerk's Office Treasurer's Accounts |
Allen Wilson | Cumberland | Penitentiary Privileges and Elections |
Edward D. Wilson | Norfolk County | |
Tully Wise | Accomack | Privileges and Elections |
Henry Wood | Scott | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
Tarlton Woodson | Goochland | Courts of Justice |
Joseph Wyatt | Charlotte | Claims Roads and Internal Navigation |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.