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1822-1823 Session Information

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  • Start Date: Dec 2 1822
  • End Date: Feb 25 1823
  • Notes: Session: December 2, 1822 to February 25, 1823
  • Speaker: Linn Banks
  • Clerk: William Munford
  • Special Sessions:
William Archer Powhatan
Nathaniel Ashby Preston Clerk's Office
Enrolled Bills
Philip Aylett Jr. King William Militia Laws
Privileges and Elections
Briscoe G. Baldwin Augusta Courts of Justice
Militia Laws
Schools and Colleges
Linn Banks Madison
John S. Barbour Culpeper Courts of Justice (Chair)
Samuel Bare Shenandoah Propositions and Grievances
Ralph Berkshire Monongalia Propositions and Grievances
Register's Office
John H. Bernard Caroline Privileges and Elections
Treasurer's Accounts
Frederick G.L. Beuhring Cabell Penitentiary
Register's Office
Hiram Blackwell Northumberland First Auditor's Office
Propositions and Grievances
John Blair Grayson
John Booker Amelia Roads and Internal Navigation
Isaac Booth Randolph Roads and Internal Navigation
James E. Bouldin Henry Roads and Internal Navigation
Carr Bowers Southampton Penitentiary
John Bowyer Rockbridge Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
Vincent Bramham Richmond County Finance
Roads and Internal Navigation
David H. Branch Chesterfield
Austin Brockenbrough Essex Claims
Treasurer's Accounts
Reuben Burton Henrico Propositions and Grievances
Thomas N. Burwell Botetourt Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
James Caldwell Russell Executive Expenditures
Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
William Callaway Franklin Privileges and Elections
Clement R. Carrington Halifax Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Robert W. Carter Richmond County Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
Wilson J. Cary Fluvanna Treasurer's Accounts
Thomas Chambers Lunenburg
William B. Charlton Montgomery Militia Laws
Privileges and Elections
Treasurer's Accounts
William Chilton Loudoun Courts of Justice
Treasurer's Accounts
John B. Christian New Kent Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
Richard Claggett Berkeley Claims
First Auditor's Office
James P. Cocke Amelia Roads and Internal Navigation
John C. Cohoon Jr. Nansemond Claims
Register's Office
Charles M. Collier Elizabeth City Treasurer's Accounts
Samuel Colton Elizabeth City Treasurer's Accounts
Zachariah Crittenden Middlesex Claims
Joseph Crockett Wythe Propositions and Grievances
John Crafford Crump Surry Claims
Register's Office
Armistead Currie Lancaster Courts of Justice
Thomas Curtis Warwick Executive Expenditures
Peter M. Daniel Louisa Claims
Walter R. Daniel Stafford Executive Expenditures
First Auditor's Office
Roads and Internal Navigation
Hector Davis Hanover Courts of Justice
Isaac Davis Jr. Orange First Auditor's Office
Propositions and Grievances
William Delashmutt Tyler Claims
First Auditor's Office
Griffith Dickenson Scott Propositions and Grievances
John S. Dillard Amherst Militia Laws
Privileges and Elections
Philip Doddridge Brooke Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
John P. Drummond Accomack Propositions and Grievances
Matthew Dunbar Kanawha Bonds of Public Officers
Roads and Internal Navigation
Ephraim Dunn Hampshire Penitentiary
Asa Dupuy Prince Edward Executive Expenditures
Benjamin Dyer Henry Roads and Internal Navigation
Robert Edmondson Washington Penitentiary
Richard Eppes Sussex Militia Laws (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Michael Erskine Monroe Propositions and Grievances
John Everett Jr. Cabell Bonds of Public Officers
John Fairfax Preston Enrolled Bills
Adam Faris Ohio Enrolled Bills
First Auditor's Office
Ignatius Ferrall Morgan Propositions and Grievances
James Fisher Lunenburg Executive Expenditures
Register's Office
Treasurer's Accounts
Richard P. Fletcher Rockingham First Auditor's Office
George W. Foote Fauquier Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
Redmond G. Foster Prince William
John H. Fulton Washington Claims
Treasurer's Accounts
David S. Garland Amherst Finance (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
John B. George Tazewell Claims
First Auditor's Office
Roads and Internal Navigation
John Gilliland Pocahontas Claims
William Gilmour Lancaster Courts of Justice
Jedediah W. Goff Harrison Propositions and Grievances
Register's Office
Pleasant M. Goggin Bedford Militia Laws
Privileges and Elections
William Osborne Goode Mecklenburg Courts of Justice
Register's Office
William Fitzhugh Gordon Albemarle Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Richard Graves New Kent Claims
Clerk's Office
John C. Gray Southampton Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Griffin York Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Lewis Hail Grayson Propositions and Grievances
Samuel V. Hamilton Bath Armory
Samuel Hanby Jr. Patrick Claims
George Hancock Montgomery Claims
Enrolled Bills
Walter Harrison Prince William Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Robert Hartford Brooke Armory
Enrolled Bills
Jacqueline B. Harvie Richmond City Finance
Militia Laws
Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
Archibald R. Harwood King and Queen Enrolled Bills
Roads and Internal Navigation
William Heiskell Lee Penitentiary
Richardson Henley James City Privileges and Elections
Levi Henshaw Berkeley Claims
Privileges and Elections
Register's Office
John Hodges Norfolk County
John M. Holland Franklin
Josiah Holleman Isle of Wight Roads and Internal Navigation
Treasurer's Accounts
John Hooe King George Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
John Hopkins Pendleton Propositions and Grievances
John W. Hungerford Westmoreland Clerk's Office
James Hunter Essex Finance
Schools and Colleges
Eppa Hunton Fauquier Penitentiary (Chair)
Militia Laws
Edward Jackson Lewis First Auditor's Office
Register's Office
Thomas James Jr. Mathews Bonds of Public Officers
Propositions and Grievances
William Jesse Middlesex Claims
James Jett Westmoreland Privileges and Elections
William Jett Northumberland Executive Expenditures
Treasurer's Accounts
William R. Johnson Chesterfield Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Scervant Jones York Bonds of Public Officers
Privileges and Elections
Thomas Jones Pendleton Claims
First Auditor's Office
William Jones Jr. Warwick Claims
Enrolled Bills
Hiram Kilgore Scott Propositions and Grievances
Daniel Kincheloe Harrison Clerk's Office
First Auditor's Office
Roads and Internal Navigation
Bennett Kirby James City Roads and Internal Navigation
John Koontz Rockingham Penitentiary
Propositions and Grievances
Arthur Lee Norfolk Borough Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
John Lewis Gloucester Militia Laws
Privileges and Elections
John Linton Prince William Clerk's Office
John Lipscomb Spotsylvania Penitentiary
Propositions and Grievances
George Loyall Norfolk Borough Treasurer's Accounts (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
John D. Maclin Greensville Treasurer's Accounts
Robert L. Madison Madison Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Robert Mallory Orange Claims (Chair)
Militia Laws
Moses H. Mann Alleghany Armory
John Mason Stafford Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Lewis Maxwell Lewis Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Edward C. Mayo Henrico Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
John Mays Greenbrier Privileges and Elections
George Mayse Bath Courts of Justice
William C. McAllister Campbell Privileges and Elections
Register's Office
John McCoy Tyler Executive Expenditures
Militia Laws
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
William H. McFarland Lunenburg
Allen McRae Chesterfield Courts of Justice
Callohill Mennis Bedford Courts of Justice
Militia Laws
Reuben Meredith Hanover Clerk's Office (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
James Merry Jr. Alleghany Enrolled Bills
Roads and Internal Navigation
John Miller Cumberland Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
John G. Miller Goochland
John Minge Jr. Charles City Enrolled Bills
Schools and Colleges
Levi Moore Pocahontas Claims
Enrolled Bills
Charles S. Morgan Monongalia Claims
Militia Laws
Daniel Morgan Jefferson First Auditor's Office (Chair)
Isaac Morris Wood Courts of Justice
B.B. Moseley Princess Anne Claims
Courts of Justice
Josiah Murdaugh Nansemond Propositions and Grievances
Stephen T. Neill Lee Roads and Internal Navigation
Jethro Neville Hardy Militia Laws
Isaac Newman Mason Penitentiary
William Old Powhatan
William Byrd Page Frederick Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Stafford H. Henry Parker Caroline Courts of Justice
John Patterson Mathews Roads and Internal Navigation
Reuben B. Patteson Buckingham Privileges and Elections
Register's Office
Barrett G. Payne Fluvanna Armory
Addison Powell Brunswick First Auditor's Office
Militia Laws
Propositions and Grievances
William Price Russell Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
Jesse Read Brunswick Penitentiary
Privileges and Elections
John D. Richardson Charlotte Militia Laws
Privileges and Elections
Francis E. Rives Prince George Executive Expenditures
Schools and Colleges
Robert Rives Jr Nelson Claims
William Cabell Rives Albemarle Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Courts of Justice
William M. Rives Campbell Courts of Justice
John J. Roane King William Claims
Roads and Internal Navigation
George Rogers Mecklenburg Bonds of Public Officers
Executive Expenditures
Ralph Rogers Princess Anne First Auditor's Office
Roads and Internal Navigation
William Ross Dinwiddie Armory
Militia Laws
George Rust Jr. Loudoun Finance
Joseph H. Samuels Wood Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
James Sangster Fairfax Armory
John A. Saunders Wythe Enrolled Bills
Adam See Randolph Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
James Semple Williamsburg Clerk's Office
Schools and Colleges
Joseph Sexton Frederick Armory
Courts of Justice
Militia Laws
James Shannon Ohio Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Daniel Sheffey Augusta Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Joseph Shelton Nelson Roads and Internal Navigation
John Sherrard Morgan Bonds of Public Officers (Chair)
Militia Laws
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Treasurer's Accounts
Christian Simon/Simons Hardy Propositions and Grievances
Smith Slaughter Jefferson Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Treasurer's Accounts
Austin Smith King George Claims
First Auditor's Office
James M. Smith Sussex Penitentiary
Register's Office
Treasurer's Accounts
William Smith Giles Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
James Sneed Halifax Bonds of Public Officers
Schools and Colleges
William H. Snidow Giles Armory
Bonds of Public Officers
Alden B. Spooner Petersburg Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
John G. Stephenson Nicholas Propositions and Grievances
Richard Stewart Greensville Armory
John N. Stratton Northampton Courts of Justice
William Swanson Pittsylvania Bonds of Public Officers
John Tatum Patrick Claims
Clerk's Office
Allen Taylor Botetourt Courts of Justice
William Taylor Rockbridge Bonds of Public Officers
Privileges and Elections
James Y. Temple Prince George Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
Enos Thomas Mason Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Nathaniel Thompson Jr. Louisa Enrolled Bills
Robert T. Thompson Fairfax Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Courts of Justice
William Thompson Tazewell Claims
Roads and Internal Navigation
Philip Thornton Spotsylvania Claims
Treasurer's Accounts
Hedgman Triplett Nicholas Propositions and Grievances
James S. Turner Northampton Enrolled Bills
Edwin Upshaw King and Queen Enrolled Bills
Roads and Internal Navigation
William Vass Monroe Propositions and Grievances
John Velvin Surry Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Executive Expenditures
Wyatt Walker Charles City Privileges and Elections
Moses Walton Shenandoah Propositions and Grievances
William Walton Pittsylvania Bonds of Public Officers
Daniel Ward Culpeper Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
Nathan Ward Nottoway Enrolled Bills
Executive Expenditures
Austin Watkins Nottoway Propositions and Grievances
Register's Office
Henry E. Watkins Prince Edward Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Henry W. Watkins Powhatan Claims
Joseph S. Watkins Goochland Courts of Justice
John C. Webb Norfolk County Propositions and Grievances
Register's Office
Pere Berry B. Wethered Greenbrier Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
Francis White Hampshire Register's Office (Chair)
Propositions and Grievances
Parker Wills Isle of Wight Claims
Allen Wilson Cumberland Privileges and Elections
Register's Office
James Wilson Kanawha Roads and Internal Navigation
Tully Wise Accomack Privileges and Elections
James C. Wyatt Gloucester Armory
Militia Laws
Joseph Wyatt Charlotte Armory (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Thomas G. Wynn Dinwiddie Privileges and Elections
Charles Yancey Buckingham Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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