1859-1861 Session Information
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- Start Date: Dec 5 1859
- End Date: Apr 4 1861
- Notes: Sessions: December 5, 1859 to April 2, 1860; January 7, 1861 to April 4, 1861
- Journal Link:
- Speaker:
Oscar Minor Crutchfield
- Clerk:
William Fitzhugh Gordon Jr.
Henry St. George Tucker Jr.
Special Sessions:
Name |
Locality |
Committees |
J. A. Alderson | Braxton and Nicholas | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
M. R. Allen | Franklin | Claims Executive Expenditures |
John T. Anderson | Botetourt and Craig | Finance Roads and Internal Navigation |
William E. Arnold | Lewis | Courts of Justice Lunatic Asylums |
James M. Bailey | Mercer | First Auditor's Office Penitentiary |
Charles B. Ball | Loudoun | Courts of Justice Library |
St. Clair Ballard | Logan, Boone, and Wyoming | Penitentiary Second Auditor's Office |
James Barbour | Culpeper | Finance (Chair) Courts of Justice |
William R. Baskerville | Mecklenberg | Clerk's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Colin Bass | Roanoke | Clerk's Office Finance |
Benjamin Bassel | Upshur | Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair) |
Reuben P. Bell | Page | Lunatic Asylums Second Auditor's Office |
R. M. Bentley | Loudoun | Bonds of Public Officers Schools and Colleges |
D. T. Bisbie | Norfolk City | Enrolled Bills Roads and Internal Navigation |
Charles Blue | Hampshire | Armory (Chair) Privileges and Elections |
Albert H. Boisseau | Dinwiddie | Lunatic Asylums Treasurer's Accounts |
Richard A. Booker | Prince Edward | First Auditor's Office (1861) Lunatic Asylums (1861) |
Arthur I. Boreman | Wood | Bonds of Public Officers (Chair) Finance |
Andrew Brown | Monongalia | Armory First Auditor's Office |
G. L. Brown | Bedford | First Auditor's Office Lunatic Asylums |
Edward C. Burks | Bedford | Military Affairs (1861) |
William A. Burwell | Patrick | Clerk's Office Privileges and Elections |
Allen T. Caperton | Monroe | Finance Schools and Colleges |
Samuel Carpenter | Alleghany and Bath | Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
Addison L. Carter | Lancaster and Northumberland | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
John H. Cassin | Hardy | Claims Privileges and Elections |
A. A. Chapman | Monroe | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) |
William L. Childs | Fauquier | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Bolivar Christian | Augusta | Schools and Colleges (Chair) Roads and Internal Navigation |
David A. Claiborne | Halifax | Agriculture and Manufactures Schools and Colleges |
Creed D. Coleman | Cumberland and Powhatan | Claims Library |
Charles F. Collier | Courts of Justice Finance |
Robert E. Cowan | Preston | Banks Schools and Colleges |
Samuel Crane | Randolph | Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections |
Charles A. Crump | Amelia and Nottoway | Military Affairs (1861) |
Oscar Minor Crutchfield | Spotyslvania | |
R. L. Davis | Campbell | Enrolled Bills Finance |
Asa D. Dickenson | Prince Edward | Courts of Justice Militia Laws |
William J. Dickenson | Russell, Wise, and Buchanan | Register's Office Schools and Colleges |
Joseph L. or S. Duckwall | Morgan | Treasurer's Accounts (Chair) Courts of Justice |
Alexander M. Earle | Clarke | Armory Library |
Daniel M. Edgington | Ohio | Bonds of Public Officers Roads and Internal Navigation |
William H. Edwards | Franklin | Second Auditor's Office (Chair) Privileges and Elections |
Andrew B. Evans | Mathews and Middlesex | Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
James Ferguson | Wayne | Armory Treasurer's Accounts |
James P. Ferrill | Wetzel | Executive Expenditures Penitentiary Register's Office |
William W. Fleming | Highland | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
Charles T. Friend | Chesterfield | Penitentiary Privileges and Elections |
Daniel Frost | Jackson | Register's Office (Chair) Library |
Thomas W. Garrett | Essex and King & Queen | Agriculture and Manufactures Armory |
William Garth | Albemarle | Claims |
David Gibson | Hampshire | Banks Clerk's Office |
John T. Gibson | Jefferson | Militia Laws Schools and Colleges |
Charles H. Gilmer | Russell, Wise, and Buchanan | Penitentiary Treasurer's Accounts |
John Gilmer | Pittsylvania | Courts of Justice Library |
Isaac Goodycoontz | Floyd | Agriculture and Manufactures First Auditor's Office |
Joseph J. Graham | Wythe | Agriculture and Manufactures Militia Laws |
Charles Grattan | Rockingham | Clerk's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Walter B. Hackley | Rappahannock | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Penitentiary |
J. M. Hanly | Mason | Armory Lunatic Asylums |
Reuben N. Harrison | Rockingham | Agriculture and Manufactures Executive Expenditures |
Joseph F. Harvey | Richmond County and Westmoreland | Militia Laws Register's Office |
Thomas S. Haymond | Marion | Finance Library |
John S. Hoffman | Harrison | Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills |
Henry H. Holdway | Scott | Lunatic Asylums Treasurer's Accounts |
George Washington Hopkins | Russell County, and Washington County | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Courts of Justice |
John Hunter | Loudoun | Clerk's Office (Chair) Finance |
O. W. Huntt | Fairfax | Armory Enrolled Bills First Auditor's Office |
Edward James | Princess Anne | Agriculture and Manufactures First Auditor's Office |
J. B. Jett | Richmond County and Westmoreland | Privileges and Elections (1861) Second Auditor's Office (1861) |
William Johnson | Barbour | First Auditor's Office Penitentiary |
Crawford H. Jones | Appomattox | Banks Bonds of Public Officers |
Warner T. Jones | Gloucester | Courts of Justice Militia Laws |
M. R. Kaufman | Frederick | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
James B. Kee | Pendleton | Penitentiary (Chair) Executive Expenditures |
E. F. Keen | Pittsylvania | Banks Clerk's Office |
James Lawson Kemper | Madison | Militia Laws (Chair) Courts of Justice |
John W. Kincheloe | Fauquier | Claims Enrolled Bills Second Auditor's Office |
John Knote | Ohio | Banks Second Auditor's Office |
Absalom Knotts | Gilmer, Wirt, and Calhoun | Enrolled Bills |
William Kyle | Carroll | Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
Joel B. Leftwich | Campbell | Banks Bonds of Public Officers Enrolled Bills |
John J. Locke | Jefferson | Claims Executive Expenditures |
James T. Lockridge | Pocahontas | Armory Militia Laws |
Samuel Lucas | Giles | Armory Second Auditor's Office |
William T. Lundy | Greensville and Sussex | Schools and Colleges |
Jacob Lynch | Washington | Penitentiary Second Auditor's Office |
Seymour Lynn | Prince William | Agriculture and Manufactures Executive Expenditures |
B.H. Magruder | Albemarle | Propositions and Grievances (Chair) Schools and Colleges |
R. M. Mallory | Brunswick | Militia Laws Schools and Colleges |
J. G. Martin | Norfolk County | Library Register's Office |
Thomas Martin | Nelson | Privileges and Elections Treasurer's Accounts |
William Martin | Henry | Finance Roads and Internal Navigation |
Nathaniel Massie | Augusta | Claims Lunatic Asylums |
Mason Mathews | Greenbrier | Claims |
Henry B. Maupin | Cabell | Schools and Colleges Second Auditor's Office |
Samuel McCamant | Grayson | Courts of Justice Militia Laws |
John Marshall McCue | Augusta | Banks Privileges and Elections |
James McDowell | Botetourt and Craig | Schools and Colleges Treasurer's Accounts |
S. F. McGehee | Charlotte | Agriculture and Manufactures Enrolled Bills |
Z. S. McGruder | Henrico | Library Lunatic Asylums Treasurer's Accounts |
Louis McKenzie | Alexandria | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Roads and Internal Navigation |
Phillip W. McKinney | Buckingham | Library Privileges and Elections |
G. C. Medley | Halifax | Claims Register's Office |
Frederick S. Miles | Lee and Wise | Armory Clerk's Office |
David Miller | Lee, Scott, and Wise | Claims Executive Expenditures |
John R. Miller | Shenandoah | Armory First Auditor's Office |
William H. Mong | Berkeley | Agriculture and Manufactures Enrolled Bills |
Rice D. Montague | Montgomery | Banks Claims |
James Montgomery | Fayette and Raleigh | Propositions and Grievances Treasurer's Accounts |
Benjamin Morgan | Clarke | Armory (1861) |
James D. Morris | Marshall | Bonds of Public Officers Lunatic Asylums |
Gustavus A. Myers | Richmond City | Library Propositions and Grievances |
Robert E. Nelson | Fluvanna | Clerk's Office (1861) Library (1861) |
William B. Newton | Hanover | Agriculture and Manufactures Militia Laws |
John Orgain Jr. | Lunenberg | Banks Enrolled Bills |
Andrew Patterson | Rockbridge | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
Lewis A. Phelps | Pleasants and Ritchie | Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills |
George McC. Porter | Brooke and Hancock | Enrolled Bills Library Schools and Colleges |
A. R. Preston | Washington | Armory (1861) |
Joshua Pretlow | Southampton | Agriculture and Manufactures Enrolled Bills |
Alpheus Prichard | Marion | Enrolled Bills Library |
Samuel P. F. Randolph | Doddridge and Tyler | Executive Expenditures Penitentiary |
Samuel McD. Reid | Rockbridge | Banks Clerk's Office |
Nathaniel Richardson | Ohio | Agriculture and Manufactures Bonds of Public Officers Enrolled Bills |
Nathaniel Riddick | Nansemond | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
George E. Rives | Prince George and Surry | Enrolled Bills Lunatic Asylums Schools and Colleges |
Wyndham Robertson | Richmond City | Armory Banks Militia Laws |
R. K. Robinson | Berkeley | Propositions and Grievances |
John C. Rutherfoord | Goochland | Courts of Justice (Chair) Schools and Colleges |
David J. Saunders | Richmond City | Finance Penitentiary Roads and Internal Navigation |
John Scott | Preston | Penitentiary Register's Office |
John Seddon | King George and Stafford | Banks (Chair) Finance |
Joseph Segar | Elizabeth City, Warwick, York and Williamsburg | Library |
Charles D. Shannon | Smyth | Enrolled Bills Penitentiary Register's Office |
Robert B. Sherrard | Hampshire | Claims (1861) |
William M. Sibert | Shenandoah | Agriculture and Manufactures Enrolled Bills |
Henry Smith | Amherst | Lunatic Asylums Roads and Internal Navigation |
Isaac N. Smith | Kanawha | Bonds of Public Officers Roads and Internal Navigation |
James K. Smith | Taylor | Claims Enrolled Bills Library |
John Staples | Patrick | Courts of Justice (1861) Privileges and Elections (1861) |
Don Pedro Taylor | Amelia and Nottoway | Armory Register's Office |
Samuel W. Thomas | Warren | Finance |
John J. Thompson | Putman | Lunatic Asylums Militia Laws |
Harrison B. Tomlin | King William | Library (Chair) Finance |
R. R. Turner | Gilmer, Wirt, and Calhoun | Penitentiary Second Auditor's Office |
Thomas H. Tutwiler | Fluvanna | Bonds of Public Officers Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
George Tyler | Caroline | Agriculture and Manufactures Propositions and Grievances |
Samuel T. Walker | Rockingham | Banks Privileges and Elections |
John Wallace | Monongalia | Militia Laws Privileges and Elections |
George W. Ward | Frederick | Banks Enrolled Bills Roads and Internal Navigation |
Arthur Watson | Accomack | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
Edwin Watson | Pulaski | Executive Expenditures Lunatic Asylums |
A. S. Watts | Norfolk County | Banks Enrolled Bills |
Isaiah A. Welch | Kanawha | Enrolled Bills First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
J. B. West | Harrison | Claims Enrolled Bills Treasurer's Accounts |
J. M. Wilcox | Charles City, James City, and New Kent | First Auditor's Office (Chair) Militia Laws |
James L. Wilson | Isle of Wight | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
G. A. Wingfield | Bedford | Claims (Chair) Courts of Justice |
J. M. Witten | Tazewell | Roads and Internal Navigation Treasurer's Accounts |
Thomas Wood | Albemarle | Finance (1861) |
John L. Woolfolk | Greene and Orange | Enrolled Bills
Lunatic Asylums Second Auditor's Office |
George T. Yerby | Northampton | Lunatic Asylums (Chair) Finance |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.