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1836-1837 Session Information

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  • Start Date: Dec 5 1836
  • End Date: Jun 24 1837
  • Notes: Sessions: December 5, 1836 to March 31, 1837; June 12 to 24, 1837
  • Speaker: Linn Banks
  • Clerk: George Wythe Munford
  • Special Sessions:
Name Locality Committees
Robert Alexander Northumberland First Auditor's Office
William R. Almond Page Agriculture and Manufactures
Archibald Anderson Louisa Finance
Treasurer's Accounts
Archibald Austin Buckingham Bonds of Public Officers (Chair)
Agriculture and Manufactures
Public Library
William E. Bailey Surry Claims
Enrolled Bills
Spencer M. Ball Fairfax Militia Laws
Linn Banks Madison
Samuel Bare Shenandoah Propositions and Grievances
Thomas H. Bayly Accomack Courts of Justice
Lewis Beard Loudoun Roads and Internal Navigation
John B. Benton Nansemond Penitentiary
Thomas Bland Braxton and Lewis Agriculture and Manufactures
Second Auditor's Office
George Booker Buckingham Courts of Justice
John M. Botts Henrico Schools and Colleges
Elisha Boyd Berkeley Register's Office
Noble S. Braden Loudoun Agriculture and Manufactures
Executive Expenditures
John Brady Ohio First Auditor's Office
Alexander Brown Nelson Penitentiary (Chair)
John T. Brown Petersburg Finance
Edward Butts Southampton Agriculture and Manufactures
Andrew H. Byrd Bath Armory
William Cackley Pocahontas First Auditor's Office
Register's Office
Robert Campbell Bedford Agriculture and Manufactures
William Carson Clarke and Warren Agriculture and Manufactures
Robert W. Carter Lancaster and Richmond County Banks (Chair)
Augustus A. Chapman Monroe Courts of Justice
Robert Christian Charles City and New Kent Clerk's Office (Chair)
Clayton G. Coleman Charles City and New Kent
John B. Collier Lee Claims
Mordecai Cooke Norfolk County Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Clerk's Office
Isaac Cooper Monongalia Enrolled Bills
Register's Office
Samuel Cootes Rockingham Claims
Samuel Cox Grayson Propositions and Grievances
Oscar Minor Crutchfield Spotyslvania Militia Laws
Roads and Internal Navigation
William E. Cunningham Norfolk Borough Banks
Schools and Colleges
John Davenport Jefferson Agriculture and Manufactures
Joseph W. Davis Smyth Privileges and Elections
Harvey Deskins Floyd Schools and Colleges
Hudson M. Dickinson Fayette and Nicholas Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
Andrew Donnelly Jr. Kanawha Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles P. Dorman Rockbridge Courts of Justice
Elias Edmonds Fauquier
John R. Edmunds Halifax First Auditor's Office
Privileges and Elections
Buckner Fairfax Preston Armory
Bonds of Public Officers
Henry J. Fisher Mason and Jackson Courts of Justice
Robert Fitzgerald Jr. Nottoway Second Auditor's Office
Hugh A. Garland Mecklenburg Schools and Colleges (Chair)
John Gibson Washington Claims
Robert Gillespie Tazewell Roads and Internal Navigation
William L. Goggin Bedford Privileges and Elections
Charles P. Goodall Hanover Bonds of Public Officers
Militia Laws
Thomas Griggs Jr. Jefferson Agriculture and Manufactures
Daniel Hale Giles Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
Samuel Hale Franklin Executive Expenditures
Second Auditor's Office
Jesse Hargrave Sussex Privileges and Elections
Kenton Harper Augusta Armory
William A. Harrison Harrison Courts of Justice
William C. Haymond Randolph Public Library
Schools and Colleges
Ambrose P. Hill Culpeper Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
John Hooe King George Privileges and Elections
Henry Laurens Hopkins Powhatan
James R. Hubard Princess Anne Executive Expenditures
Houlder Hudgins Mathews and Middlesex Executive Expenditures
R. M. T. Hunter Essex Schools and Colleges
William Jessee Russell Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
James Jett Westmoreland Clerk's Office
Second Auditor's Office
William R. Johnson Chesterfield Treasurer's Accounts (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
Samuel Johnston Morgan Clerk's Office
Douglass B. Layne Alleghany Enrolled Bills (Chair)
George T. F. Lorimer Essex Schools and Colleges
Robert T. Luckett Loudoun Finance
Second Auditor's Office
Treasurer's Accounts
James Madison Prince Edward
James B. Mallory Brunswick Armory (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Edward C. Marshall Fauquier Public Library
Schools and Colleges
John Marshall Lunenberg Register's Office
George W. Martin Henry Bonds of Public Officers
Propositions and Grievances
John F. May Petersburg
Thomas McAllister Cabell Propositions and Grievances
Robert McCandlish James City, York, and Williamsburg Schools and Colleges
John McCauley Montgomery Roads and Internal Navigation
William McCoy Jr. Pendleton Claims
Enrolled Bills
John McMillan Brooke Roads and Internal Navigation
Jacob Michaux Powhatan
Fleming B. Miller Botetourt Courts of Justice
Public Library
Anderson Moffett Rockingham Agriculture and Manufactures
Second Auditor's Office
John Moncure Stafford Banks
Register's Office
Samuel McD. Moore Rockbridge Schools and Colleges
John Mullen Hardy Roads and Internal Navigation
John W. Murdaugh Norfolk County Roads and Internal Navigation
Alexander Newman Marshall Penitentiary
William Nixon Hampshire Propositions and Grievances
John S. Pendleton Rappahannock Privileges and Elections (Chair)
John Peter Jefferson Militia Laws
Robert J. Poulson Accomack First Auditor's Office
Treasurer's Accounts
James Powell Amherst Roads and Internal Navigation
Treasurer's Accounts
Thomas J. Randolph Albemarle Public Library (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
James M. Redd Patrick First Auditor's Office
John D. Richardson Charlotte Agriculture and Manufactures
Absalom Rinker Shenandoah Propositions and Grievances
John Ripley Tyler Propositions and Grievances
Alexander Rives Albemarle Finance (Chair)
Edgar W. Robinson Frederick Second Auditor's Office (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
George Rogers Mecklenberg Executive Expenditures
Register's Office
Archibald Samuel Caroline Propositions and Grievances
Abraham Samuels Wood Schools and Colleges
James Saunders Campbell
William C. Scott Powhatan Executive Expenditures
Joseph Segar Northampton Privileges and Elections
Samuel B. Servant Elizabeth City and Warwick Treasurer's Accounts
James T. Shadwick King William Privileges and Elections
William Shands Prince George Courts of Justice
Wilson K. Shinn Harrison Register's Office
Thomas Sloan Hampshire Claims
Arthur Smith Isle of Wight Militia Laws (Chair)
Ballard Smith Greenbrier First Auditor's Office (Chair)
John B. D. Smith Frederick Banks
Militia Laws
Thomas Smith Gloucester Public Library
Robert V. Snodgrass Berkeley Armory
Robert Spear Scott
Robert Speer Scott Claims
Thomas Spencer Greensville Privileges and Elections
Robert Stanard Richmond City Courts of Justice (Chair)
John Stanger Wythe Propositions and Grievances
Gideon A. Strange Fluvanna Bonds of Public Officers
Propositions and Grievances
Joseph Stratton Logan Claims
Alexander H. H. Stuart Augusta Courts of Justice
Paul Taylor Halifax Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
Whitmell P. Tunstall Pittsylvania Courts of Justice
Charles Turnbull Brunswick Claims
Alfred J. Vaughan Dinwiddie Agriculture and Manufactures
Bonds of Public Officers
Nathaniel E. Venable Prince Edward
Joseph S. Watkins Goochland Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
John F. Wiley Amelia Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
William J. Willey Monongalia Roads and Internal Navigation
John W. Williams Prince William Finance
Samuel C. Williams Shenandoah
John Wills Campbell Clerk's Office
Roads and Internal Navigation
Allen Wilson Cumberland Bonds of Public Officers
Roads and Internal Navigation
George W. Wilson Botetourt Courts of Justice
Militia Laws
Vincent Witcher Pittsylvania Claims (Chair)
Robert W. Withers Campbell Armory
Wyley P. Woods Franklin Claims
John Woolfolk Orange Register's Office (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Public Library
David P. Wright King and Queen Agriculture and Manufactures
Charles Yancey Buckingham

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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