1826-1827 Session Information
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- Start Date: Dec 4 1826
- End Date: Mar 9 1827
- Notes: Session: December 4, 1826 to March 9, 1827
- Journal Link:
- Speaker:
Linn Banks
- Clerk:
George Wythe Munford
Special Sessions:
Name |
Locality |
Committees |
Joseph Alderson | Greenbrier | Roads and Internal Navigation Treasurer's Accounts |
James Allen | Lee | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
James L. Allen | Botetourt | Propositions and Grievances |
William R. Almond | Shenandoah | Enrolled Bills Executive Expenditures |
Hezekiah R. Anderson | Nottoway | Militia Propositions and Grievances |
William Anderson | Shenandoah | Finance Propositions and Grievances |
Philip Aylett Jr. | King William | Register's Office |
Thomas B. B. Baber | King George | Claims Militia |
Linn Banks | Madison | |
James Barbour Jr. | Orange | Claims Schools and Colleges |
Thomas R. Barnes | Richmond County | Clerk's Office Privileges and Elections |
William Basye | Northumberland | Courts of Justice |
Francis Billingsly | Monongalia | Propositions and Grievances |
Humphrey Billups | Mathews | Enrolled Bills Treasurer's Accounts |
John Blair | Grayson | Armory |
Thomas Bland | Lewis | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
John G. Boisseau | Dinwiddie | Claims |
Isaac Booth | Randolph | Bonds of Public Officers Register's Office |
Carr Bowers | Southampton | Penitentiary |
David Briggs | Spotsylvania | Treasurer's Accounts (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance |
Archibald Bryce | Goochland | Claims (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Hugh Caperton | Monroe | Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections |
John B. Carrington | Halifax | Privileges and Elections |
William Carroll | Preston | Armory |
Charles S. Carter | Prince William | Executive Expenditures Schools and Colleges |
Miles Cary | Warwick | Executive Expenditures |
John Cather | Harrison | Roads and Internal Navigation |
John G. Chalmers | Halifax | Executive Expenditures |
John H. Chapman | Isle of Wight | Armory Enrolled Bills |
Samuel Childs | Caroline | Privileges and Elections Treasurer's Accounts |
Joseph William Chinn | Lancaster | Armory Claims |
John B. Christian | Charles City | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
Robert Christian | New Kent | Courts of Justice First Auditor's Office Privileges and Elections |
Colin Clarke | Chesterfield | Courts of Justice First Auditor's Office |
Samuel Clarke | Augusta | Clerk's Office Courts of Justice |
Joseph Cline | Rockingham | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
Charles Cocke | Albemarle | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thomas B. Coleman Jr. | Caroline | Claims |
Charles M. Collier | Elizabeth City | Clerk's Office Penitentiary Treasurer's Accounts |
Edward Colston | Berkeley | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
George M. Cooke | Stafford | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Militia |
George Cowan | Russell | Penitentiary |
Robert Craig | Montgomery | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Hamon Critz | Patrick | Armory |
John Crocker | Nansemond | Penitentiary Treasurer's Accounts |
Gassaway Cross | Morgan | Bonds of Public Officers Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
John Crafford Crump | Surry | Bonds of Public Officers Claims Executive Expenditures |
William Crump | Powhatan | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Robert E. Cummings | Washington | Executive Expenditures |
William Cunningham | Hanover | Privileges and Elections |
Thomas Curtis | Warwick | Treasurer's Accounts |
William Daniels | Randolph | Bonds of Public Officers Register's Office |
Hector Davis | Hanover | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
Jesse Davis | Alleghany | Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
John Denegre | Southampton | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
John Dice | Pendleton | Propositions and Grievances |
James Dickinson | Russell | Enrolled Bills Register's Office |
Samuel Diggs | Mathews | Claims |
James Dillard | Sussex | Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections |
Robert Douthatt | Charles City | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
John P. Drummond | Accomack | Privileges and Elections |
Alexander Dunlap | Monroe | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
William Dunton | Northampton | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Asa Dupuy | Prince Edward | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Jesse Edgington | Brooke | Courts of Justice Finance |
Henry Edmundson | Montgomery | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
Brice Edwards | Henry | Armory |
James Elam | Chesterfield | Claims Enrolled Bills |
Richard Eppes | Sussex | Militia (Chair) Courts of Justice |
John Everett Jr. | Cabell | Register's Office (Chair) Privileges and Elections |
William Finks | Madison | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Montgomery Friel | Wythe | Claims Register's Office |
James H. Fry | Kanawha | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Richard J. Gaines | Charlotte | Privileges and Elections Treasurer's Accounts |
John B. George | Tazewell | Armory Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
James H. Gholson | Brunswick | Courts of Justice Finance Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
James Gibson | Hampshire | Bonds of Public Officers Clerk's Office Militia |
William B. Giles | Amelia | Finance Schools and Colleges |
John Gilliland | Pocahontas | Propositions and Grievances |
William Good | Berkeley | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
William Osborne Goode | Mecklenburg | Courts of Justice Finance Schools and Colleges |
William F. Gordon | Albemarle | Courts of Justice (Chair) Finance Schools and Colleges |
Peyton Gravely | Henry | First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Jacob Greiner | Pendleton | Armory First Auditor's Office |
Thomas Griffin | York | Schools and Colleges |
John Grimes | Pocahontas | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
Lewis Hail | Grayson | Armory Clerk's Office |
Sparrel Hale | Franklin | First Auditor's Office Militia Penitentiary |
Addison Hall | Lancaster | First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Samuel V. Hamilton | Bath | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
Randolph Harrison | Cumberland | Roads and Internal Navigation Treasurer's Accounts |
Thomas H. Harvey | Northumberland | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Richardson Henley | James City | Privileges and Elections |
Ambrose P. Hill | Culpeper | Finance Militia Propositions and Grievances |
John M. Holland | Franklin | Claims First Auditor's Office |
Josiah Holleman | Isle of Wight | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Penitentiary |
John Hooe | King George | Militia Privileges and Elections |
John Pratt Hungerford | Westmoreland | Armory Militia |
Benjamin Hunter | Campbell | Claims Treasurer's Accounts |
Edward R. Hunter | Nansemond | Register's Office Schools and Colleges Treasurer's Accounts |
Arthur Ingram | Tyler | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Edmund Irvine | Bedford | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
John Keller | Washington | Armory Roads and Internal Navigation |
Alexander D. Kelly | Fauquier | Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
Charles Y. Kimbrough | Louisa | First Auditor's Office (Chair) Courts of Justice |
Bennett Kirby | James City | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Isaac Leffler | Ohio | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Samuel H. Lewis | Rockingham | Armory Finance Roads and Internal Navigation |
Samuel Lockett | Mecklenberg | Register's Office Roads and Internal Navigation Treasurer's Accounts |
George Loyall | Norfolk Borough | Finance (Chair) Schools and Colleges |
Isham G. Lundy | Greensville | Claims |
George Macrae | Prince William | Courts of Justice Finance First Auditor's Office |
James B. Mallory | Brunswick | First Auditor's Office Militia Register's Office |
Henry B. Martin | Nelson | Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thompson G. Martin | Scott | Penitentiary Treasurer's Accounts |
James M. Mason | Frederick | Courts of Justice Finance |
John Mason | King and Queen | Bonds of Public Officers (Chair) Clerk's Office Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges |
John Y. Mason | Southampton | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Richard C. Mason | Fairfax | Roads and Internal Navigation |
John F. May | Petersburg | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Edward C. Mayo | Henrico | Militia Register's Office |
Samuel McClung | Greenbrier | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Elisha McComas | Cabell | Militia Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
Samuel McCullough | Mason | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
James McIlhaney | Loudoun | Courts of Justice Militia Roads and Internal Navigation |
Andrew McMillan | Lee | |
John McMillan | Brooke | Clerk's Office |
John McWhorter | Lewis | Militia Propositions and Grievances Roads and Internal Navigation |
Fleming B. Miller | Botetourt | Courts of Justice Finance Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Jacob Miller | Hardy | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thomas G. Moncure | Stafford | Enrolled Bills Penitentiary |
William M. Moody | Williamsburg | Register's Office |
Samuel McD. Moore | Rockbridge | Courts of Justice Finance Schools and Colleges |
Daniel Morgan | Jefferson | Armory (Chair) |
Lawrence Muse | Essex | Finance Treasurer's Accounts |
John W. White Nash | Amelia | Courts of Justice Finance Schools and Colleges |
Augusting Neale | Richmond County | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Morgan Nelson | Ohio | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
Jethro Neville | Hardy | Militia Propositions and Grievances |
Isaac Newman | Mason | Bonds of Public Officers Claims |
Willoughby Newton | Westmoreland | Executive Expenditures |
Edmund F. Noel | Essex | Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
John P. Nye | Wythe | |
Benjamin Orrick | Morgan | Bonds of Public Officers Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
John H. Otey | Bedford | Privileges and Elections |
Mann Page | Gloucester | Courts of Justice |
Reuben B. Patteson | Buckingham | Penitentiary (Chair) Finance Privileges and Elections |
Barrett G. Payne | Fluvanna | Propositions and Grievances |
George M. Payne | Buckingham | Courts of Justice Finance |
Clark Penn | Patrick | Enrolled Bills First Auditor's Office |
John Persinger | Alleghany | Propositions and Grievances Treasurer's Accounts |
Benjamin Pollard | King and Queen | Claims |
John Camm Pollard | King William | Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
Henry L. Prentis | Wood | Roads and Internal Navigation Treasurer's Accounts |
William Reveley | Campbell | |
John D. Richardson | Charlotte | Claims Treasurer's Accounts |
Francis E. Rives | Prince George | Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges |
Robert Rives Jr | Nelson | Courts of Justice |
William M. Rives | Campbell | Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair) |
Asa Rogers | Loudoun | Enrolled Bills First Auditor's Office |
Levin Rogers | Accomack | Claims |
Lewis Ruffner | Kanawha | Roads and Internal Navigation |
John Rutherfoord | Richmond City | Finance Militia Roads and Internal Navigation |
James Saunders | New Kent | Bonds of Public Officers Claims Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
Richard M. Segar | Middlesex | Clerk's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
James M. Selden | Henrico | Claims Militia |
William Shannon | Tazewell | Bonds of Public Officers Executive Expenditures |
Robert Sheild | York | Privileges and Elections Register's Office |
William Shepherd | Middlesex | Propositions and Grievances |
James Ship | Frederick | Penitentiary |
Thomas Sitlington | Bath | Bonds of Public Officers Claims |
John Sloan | Hampshire | Propositions and Grievances |
James Smith | Lunenburg | Clerk's Office |
Thomas Smith | Gloucester | Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Smith | Giles | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Alexander Smyth | Wythe | Courts of Justice Finance Schools and Colleges |
William H. Snidow | Giles | Propositions and Grievances |
John G. Stephenson | Nicholas | Propositions and Grievances |
George Stillman | Fluvanna | Claims Militia |
Drury Stith | Surry | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Griffin Stollings | Logan | Enrolled Bills Register's Office |
John N. Stratton | Northampton | Courts of Justice |
Joseph Stratton | Logan | Register's Office |
John T. Street | Lunenburg | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Henry I. Tapp | Augusta | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Thomas Tavenner | Wood | Enrolled Bills Register's Office |
Robert B. Taylor | Norfolk County | Schools and Colleges (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance Militia Privileges and Elections |
Allen Temple | Prince George | Privileges and Elections |
John Thompson | Norfolk County | Propositions and Grievances Roads and Internal Navigation |
Lucas P. Thompson | Amherst | Courts of Justice Treasurer's Accounts |
Theritt Towles | Spotsylvania | Claims Clerk's Office Schools and Colleges |
Hedgman Triplett | Nicholas | First Auditor's Office Penitentiary |
John Turner | Culpeper | Clerk's Office (Chair) Claims Treasurer's Accounts |
Nathaniel Tyler | Fairfax | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
William Underwood | Tyler | Penitentiary |
Abel P. Upshur | Northampton | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
John Velvin | Surry | |
John Robert Wallace | Fauquier | Courts of Justice Militia |
William M. Waller | Amherst | Claims |
William Walton | Pittsylvania | First Auditor's Office Privileges and Elections |
Nathan Ward | Nottoway | Enrolled Bills Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
William A. Wardlaw | Greensville | Claims |
Henry E. Watkins | Prince Edward | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance Schools and Colleges |
Henry W. Watkins | Powhatan | Propositions and Grievances Treasurer's Accounts |
Joseph S. Watkins | Goochland | Claims Roads and Internal Navigation |
Richard Watts | Monongalia | Claims Militia Roads and Internal Navigation |
Robert White | Rockbridge | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) |
George Wilcox | Scott | Penitentiary |
George J. Williams | Harrison | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Carver Willis | Jefferson | Finance Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Daniel A. Wilson | Cumberland | Claims Courts of Justice Finance |
Horatio Gates Winston | Louisa | Propositions and Grievances (Chair) Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Vincent Witcher | Pittsylvania | Militia Privileges and Elections Treasurer's Accounts |
William J. Woodhouse | Princess Anne | Bonds of Public Officers Claims Enrolled Bills |
John Woolfolk | Orange | Courts of Justice Finance |
John F. Wray | Elizabeth City | Register's Office |
Thomas G. Wynn | Dinwiddie | Claims Enrolled Bills |
William B. Zinn | Preston | Armory |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.