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1934 Session Information

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Berkley D. Adams County of Charlotte Agriculture and Mining
Howard H. Adams Counties of Northampton and Accomack Appropriations
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Retrenchment and Economy
William Harrison Adams City of Richmond Printing (Chair)
Insurance and Banking
Public Property
Charles J. Ashworth County of Pittsylvania Agriculture and Mining
Asylums and Prisons
Labor and the Poor
Henry Matthew Bandy County of Wise Labor and the Poor (Chair)
Agriculture and Mining
Executive Expenditures
General Laws
Emory P. Barrow County of Brunswick Federal Relations and Resolutions
Insurance and Banking
J. Owen Beard County of Rockingham; City of Harrisonburg Agriculture and Mining
Enrolled Bills
Retrenchment and Economy
Schools and Colleges
Hubert D. Bennett County of Pittsylvania Claims
Labor and the Poor
Moral and Social Welfare
Schools and Colleges
John Fred Birrell City of Alexandria Counties Cities and Towns
Albert Orlando Boschen City of Richmond Asylums and Prisons
Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
John M. Britt Sr. County of Southampton Currency and Commerce
Federal Relations and Resolutions
General Laws
Moral and Social Welfare
John Sinclair Brown County of Roanoke Rules (Chair)
Maitland Hunt Bustard City of Danville Special, Private and Local Legislation (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Insurance and Banking
Public Property
Samuel R. Buxton County of Warwick; City of Newport News Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Currency and Commerce
T. Elliott Campbell Counties of Caroline and King George Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Moral and Social Welfare
Special Private and Local Legislation
Squire Merriman Chitwood Counties of Bedford, Franklin and Floyd Enrolled Bills
General Laws
Schools and Colleges
Daniel Coleman City of Norfolk General Laws (Chair)
Currency and Commerce
Federal Relations and Resolutions
I. Newton Coleman County of Dinwiddie Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair)
Agriculture and Mining
Roads and Internal Navigation
John Tinsley Coleman Jr. County of Nelson Claims
Courts of Justice
Labor and the Poor
Special Private and Local Legislation
George B. Collings City of Newport News Appropriations
Currency and Commerce
House Expenses
Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles Womack Crowder City of Richmond Moral and Social Welfare (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
T. Franklin Daniel City of Lynchburg Counties Cities and Towns
Militia and Police
Special Private and Local Legislation
Ralph Hunter Daughton City of Norfolk Currency and Commerce
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Insurance and Banking
Roads and Internal Navigation
Floyd J. Daughtrey Counties of Sussex and Greensville Claims
Counties Cities and Towns
Insurance and Banking
Militia and Police
Harry B. Davis County of Princess Anne Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Currency and Commerce
Executive Expenditures
Schools and Colleges
Roy B. Davis County of Halifax Claims (Chair)
Agriculture and Mining
Labor and the Poor
Privileges and Elections
Edmund Tompkins DeJarnette Counties of Hanover and King William Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Executive Expenditures
Insurance and Banking
Grover Ashton Dovell Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, and York; City of Williamsburg Privileges and Elections, Appropriations (Chair)
John Tabb DuVal Counties of Gloucester and Mathews Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Enrolled Bills
Insurance and Banking
Retrenchment and Economy
Harrison C. Eacho County of Henrico Claims
Counties Cities and Towns
James B. Early Counties of Orange and Madison Asylums and Prisons
General Laws
Labor and the Poor
Militia and Police
Horace H. Edwards City of Richmond Counties Cities and Towns
Courts of Justice
Militia and Police
Retrenchment and Economy
Alpheus Wilson Embrey Jr. County of Spotsylvania; City of Fredericksburg Militia and Police (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Schools and Colleges
Edgar B. English City of Richmond General Laws
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Public Property
Special Private and Local Legislation
L. Stanford Finney County of Franklin Appropriations
Counties Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Manufactures and Mechanics Arts
Blair J. Fishburn City of Roanoke Appropriations
Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
Retrenchment and Economy
R. Hill Fleet Counties of Lancaster and Richmond Agriculture and Mining
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Labor and the Poor
J. Tyler Frazier Jr. County of Smyth Agriculture and Mining
Militia and Police
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Thomas Jefferson George County of Patrick Confirmation
Labor and the Poor
Public Property
Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles E. Grabeel County of Lee Agriculture and Mining
Enrolled Bills
Schools and Colleges
Wilbur C. Hall County of Loudoun Finance (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Retrenchment and Economy
King E. Harman County of Pulaski Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
Federal Relations and Resolutions
G. A. Harris County of Nansemond; City of Suffolk Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
General Laws
House Expenses
Labor and the Poor
George W. Herring Counties of Stafford and Prince William Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Counties Cities and Towns
Executive Expenditures
Haskins Hobson Counties of Chesterfield and Powhatan Counties Cities and Towns
Courts of Justice
Public Property
Yewell Melvin Hodges County of Mecklenburg Counties Cities and Towns
Courts of Justice
Militia and Police
Public Property
J. Howard Holleman County of Surry and Prince George; City of Hopewell Counties Cities and Towns
House Expenses
Moral and Social Welfare
Retrenchment and Economy
Edward Thomas Humphries County of Norfolk; City of South Norfolk Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Currency and Commerce
Roads and Internal Navigation
Joseph C. Hutcheson County of Shenandoah Currency and Commerce
Militia and Police
Schools and Colleges
William H. Irvine County of Campbell Agriculture and Mining
Labor and the Poor
Public Property
Roads and Internal Navigation
M. H. Jackson County of Wythe Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Moral and Social Welfare
Public Property
Roads and Internal Navigation
Sydney Bruce Jones County of Washington; City of Bristol Asylums and Prisons
Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
Special Private and Local Legislation
A. Owen King County of Halifax Agriculture and Mining
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Scott Litton County of Russell Agriculture and Mining
Insurance and Banking
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Charles C. Louderback Counties of Page and Warren Appropriations
Insurance and Banking
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Public Property
H. L. Lyon County of Carroll Agriculture and Mining
Asylums and Prisons
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
John Chichester Mackall County of Fairfax Executive Expenditures
Moral and Social Welfare
Roads and Internal Navigation
George Alvin Massenburg County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton Currency and Commerce (Chair)
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Privileges and Elections
Edward O. McCue Jr. Counties of Albemarle and Greene; City of Charlottesville Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Schools and Colleges
Robert Ferebee McMurran City of Portsmouth Finance
Insurance and Banking
Militia and Police
Public Property
William D. Medley County of Arlington Counties Cities and Towns
Currency and Commerce
Executive Expenditures
General Laws
Burnett Miller Jr. Counties of Rappahannock and Culpeper Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Special Private and Local Legislation
Robert W. Moffat City of Portsmouth Currency and Commerce
General Laws
Moral and Social Welfare
William Stuart Moffett County of Augusta; City of Staunton Agriculture and Mining (Chair)
Enrolled Bills
Militia and Police
Edgar Blackburn Moore Counties of Clarke and Frederick; City of Winchester Confirmation
Privileges and Elections
Frank Moore County of Rockbridge; City of Buena Vista Insurance and Banking (Chair)
Retrenchment and Economy
Milton R. Morgan Counties of Botetourt and Craig Public Property (Chair)
Insurance and Banking
John W. Morrison County of Rockingham; City of Harrisonburg Executive Expenditures
Manufactures and Mechanics Arts
Privileges and Elections
Charles Wesley Moss City of Richmond Appropriations
Counties Cities and Towns
Public Property
William Newton Neff County of Washington; City of Bristol 1943 (Chair)
Militia and Police
Schools and Colleges
Edward L. Oast County of Norfolk; City of Norfolk Claims
Counties Cities and Towns
General Laws
Public Property
John B. Oliver County of Bedford Federal Relations and Resolutions
General Laws
Moral and Social Welfare
Retrenchment and Economy
Vivian L. Page City of Norfolk Courts of Justice (Chair)
Moral and Social Welfare
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
William Horton Perry County of Scott Asylums and Prisons
Moral and Social Welfare
Ceylon Grey Quesenbery County of Augusta; City of Staunton Appropriations
General Laws
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
John Quincy Rhodes Jr. County of Louisa Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Paul Cochran Richards Jr. County of Fauquier Asylums and Prisons
General Laws
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Samuel Dagnell Rodgers City of Petersburg Asylums and Prisons (Chair)
Moral and Social Welfare
Richard Willing Ruffin City of Norfolk Counties Cities and Towns
Currency and Commerce
Ernest Waller Sanford Counties of Cumberland and Prince Edward Asylums and Prisons
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Schools and Colleges
Walter Harold Scott City of Roanoke Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Labor and the Poor
Roads and Internal Navigation
A. E. Segar Counties of King and Queen, Essex and Middlesex Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Executive Expenditures
Insurance and Banking
Labor and the Poor
Samuel W. Shelton Counties of Goochland and Fluvanna Asylums and Prisons
Federal Relations and Resolutions
House Expenses
Roads and Internal Navigation
Lucian Henry Shrader County of Amherst Agriculture and Mining
Courts of Justice
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Militia and Police
H. T. Smith County of Grayson Counties Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Labor and the Poor
John Benjamin Spiers County of Montgomery; City of Radford Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Schools and Colleges
Thomas Bahnson Stanley County of Henry; City of Martinsville Appropriations
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Roads and Internal Navigation
Allie Edward Stakes Stephens County of Isle of Wight Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Tate Boys Sterrett Counties of Rockbridge, Bath and Highland; City of Buena Vista Agriculture and Mining
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles Edward Stuart Counties of Northumberland and Westmoreland Retrenchment and Economy (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
H. Maynor Sutherland Counties of Wise and Dickenson Asylums and Prisons
Retrenchment and Economy
Schools and Colleges
Albert J. Terrell Counties of Appomattox and Buckingham Federal Relations and Resolutions (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles Montgomery Waldrop Counties of Amelia and Nottoway Agriculture and Mining
Retrenchment and Economy
Roads and Internal Navigation
Jasper Newton Walker Counties of Giles and Bland Asylums and Prisons
Counties Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Llewellyn Gordon White Counties of Albemarle and Greene; City of Charlottesville Appropriations
Roads and Internal Navigation
Roy D. White County of Accomack Appropriations
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Isham T. Wilkinson County of Lunenburg Library (Chair)
Moral and Social Welfare
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Privileges and Elections
Robert E. Williams Counties of Russell and Buchanan Confirmation (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Thomas J. Wilson Jr. County of Alleghany; City of Clifton Forge Enrolled Bills
Executive Expenditures
Jack Walter Witten County of Tazewell Counties Cities and Towns (Chair)
Asylums and Prisons
Militia and Police
Retrenchment and Economy

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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