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George Alvin Massenburg
Sessions Served: 1926 - 1949

- Birth Date: September 19, 1894 Birth Place:Hampton, VA
- Death Date: November 25, 1968
- Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
- Spouse: Carrie Wood
- Children:
- Religion:
- Education:
- Military Service: US Coast Guard Reserve (T) (Captain)
- Occupation/Profession: Virginia pilot
- Memberships/Affiliations: Methodist Church Coast Guard League State Port Authority State Chamber of Commerce Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Norfolk Association of Commerce Hampton Yacht Club Princess Anne Golf and Country Club Propeller Clubs of Norfolk and Newport News Rotary Masons Shrine Benevolent Protective Order of Elks Eagles Improved Order of Red Men Hampton Roads Maritime Exchange (director) Chesapeake Bay Survey Committee (chairman) Virginia Pilot Association (president)
- Bio: Born in Hampton, Va., September 19, 894. Died in Hampton, Va., November 25, 1968. Buried in St. Johns Cemetery, Hampton, Va. G. Alvin Massenburg of Elizabeth City County and the city of Hampton was the son of Virginius Minson and Virginia Satchel (Bully) Massenburg. Alter two years of high school, lie left to accept an apprenticeship in electrical engineering. He was a maritime pilot and was President of the Virginia Pilot Association. He was a member of the House of Delegates, 1926-50; Chairman of the State Democratic Committee, 1948-52; member of the State Port Authority, 1942-51; member of Staffs of Governors Colgate W. Darden, Jr., William M. Tuck, and John S. Battle; member of the Conservation and Development Commission, 1949-53; and member of the Board of Visitors of the Virginia Military Institute. He was promoted from Lieutenant Commander to Captain in the U. S. Coast Guard Reserve during World War It. He married, October 19, 1918, Carrie Wood, daughter of William Allen and Egglora Serepta (Smith) Wood, Sr. of Hampton.
While he was Speaker of the House, the Clerk was E. GRIFFITH DODSON. - Other Notable Service and/or Elected Offices: Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates: 1947-1950
Session |
District |
District Number |
Party |
Leadership |
Committees |
1926-1927 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce House Expenses Immigration |
1927 Ex. | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce House Expenses Immigration |
1928 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Currency and Commerce (Chair) Appropriations Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Immigration |
1930 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Currency and Commerce (Chair) Appropriations Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Immigration |
1932-1933 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Currency and Commerce (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Immigration Privileges and Elections |
1933 Ex. | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Currency and Commerce (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Privileges and Elections |
1934 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Currency and Commerce (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Immigration Privileges and Elections |
1936-1937 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Rules |
1938 | County of Elizabeth City; CIty of Hampton | Democrat | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Rules |
1940 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Moral and Social Welfare Rules |
1942 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Moral and Social Welfare Rules |
1944-1945 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Moral and Social Welfare Rules |
1945 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Moral and Social Welfare Rules |
1946-1947 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Moral and Social Welfare Rules |
1947 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Moral and Social Welfare Rules |
1948 | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Democrat | Speaker of the House | Rules (Chair) |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at