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Grover Ashton Dovell

Sessions Served: 1924 - 1941

Member image
  • Birth Date: June 8, 1885 Birth Place:Madison County, VA
  • Death Date: October 28, 1948
  • Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
  • Spouse: Martha Lane
  • Children:
  • Religion:
  • Education: University of Virignia (B.A.) The College of William & Mary (LL.D.)
  • Military Service:
  • Occupation/Profession: Attorney
  • Memberships/Affiliations: Episcopal Church Yorktown Country Club Williamsburg Rotary Masons Shrine (Khedive Temple) Peninsula Shrine American Legion Princess Anne Country Club Kappa Alpha Omicron Delta Kappa Phi Beta Kappa Governor's Advisory Board on the Budget Maryland Casualty Company (board of directors)
  • Bio: Born in Madison County, Va., June 8, 1885, Died in Richmond, Va., October 28, 1949. Buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery, Williamsburg, Va. G. Ashton Dovell of Williamsburg was the son of Early Beauregard and Lucy Mary (Bond) Dovell of Madison County. He was educated at the College of William and Mary, LL.D., and the University of Virginia, LL.B. He was a World War I Veteran. He was well informed on State affairs, a scholar, a lawyer, and an orator and parliamentarian of considerable ability. He was a member of the House of Delegates, 1924-42; city attorney for Williamsburg; a director of the Maryland Casualty Company; and one of the trustees of Colonial Williamsburg. He married, February 28, 1911, in Bruton Parish Church, Martha Lane, daughter of Colonel Levin Winder and Elizabeth Littleton (Jordan) Lane, Jr. of Williamsburg.

    While he was Speaker of the House, the Clerk was E. GRIFFITH DODSON.
  • Other Notable Service and/or Elected Offices: Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates: 1936-1942
District Number
1924 Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Appropriations
Private and Local Legislation
1926-1927 Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Confirmation (Chair)
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Privileges and Elections
1927 Ex. Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Confirmation (Chair)
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Privileges and Elections
1928 Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Privileges and Elections (Chair)
1930 Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Appropriations, Privileges and Elections (Chair)
1932-1933 Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Privileges and Elections, Appropriations (Chair)
1933 Ex. Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Privileges and Elections, Appropriations (Chair)
1934 Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Privileges and Elections, Appropriations (Chair)
1936-1937 Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Speaker of the House (1936-1941) Rules (Chair)
1938 Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Speaker of the House (1936-1941) Rules (Chair)
1940 Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City and York; City of Williamsburg Democrat Speaker of the House (1936-1941) Rules (Chair)

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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