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Thomas Bahnson Stanley

Sessions Served: 1930 - November 8, 1946

Member image
  • Birth Date: July 16, 1890 Birth Place:Spencer, VA
  • Death Date: July 11, 1970
  • Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
  • Spouse: Anne Pocahontas Bassett
  • Children:
  • Religion:
  • Education: Eastman Business College
  • Military Service:
  • Occupation/Profession: Furniture manufacturer, farmer and livestock breeder
  • Memberships/Affiliations: Methodist Church Masons Shrine (Kazim Temple) Bassett Country Club Forest Park Country Club Virignia State Chamber of Commerce Virginia Manufacturers Association Southern Furniture Manufacturers Association Ferrum Junior College (trustee) Virginia Hereford Breeders Association (former president) First National Bank of Bassett (director) Democratic Executive Committeee of Henry County (chairman) Governor's Advisory Board on the Budget
  • Bio: Born in Spencer, Va., July 16, 1890. Died in Stanleytown, Va., July II, 1970. Entombed in the Abbey Mausoleum, Roselawn Burial Park, Martinsville, Va. Thomas B. Stanley of Henry County and the city of Martinsville was the son of Crockett and Susan Matildah (Walker) Stanley. He attended Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y,, and was a furniture manufacturer, farmer and livestock breeder. He was a member of the House of Delegates, 1930-46; and the U. S. House of Representatives from 1946 (elected November 5, to fill a vacancy) until 1953, when he resigned because of his campaign for election as Governor. He was inaugurated Governor of the Commonwealth, January 20, 1954. He married, October 24, 1918, Anne Pocahontas Bassett, daughter of John David and Nancy Pocahontas (Hundley) Bassett of Bassett.

    While he was Speaker of the House, the Clerk was E. GRIFFITH DODSON.
  • Other Notable Service and/or Elected Offices: Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates: 1942-1946
    U.S. House of Representatives (1946-53) Governor of Virginia (January 20, 1954-January 11, 1958)
District Number
1930 County of Henry Democrat Agriculture and Mining
Executive Expenditures
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
1932-1933 County of Henry Democrat Appropriations
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Roads and Internal Navigation
1933 Ex. County of Henry; City of Martinsville Democrat Appropriations
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Roads and Internal Navigation
1934 County of Henry; City of Martinsville Democrat Appropriations
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Roads and Internal Navigation
1936-1937 County of Henry; City of Martinsville Democrat Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
1938 County of Henry; City of Martinsville Democrat Manufactures and Mechanic Arts, Interstate Cooperation (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
1940 County of Henry; City of Martinsville Democrat Manufactures and Mechanic Arts, Interstate Cooperation (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
1942 County of Henry; City of Martinsville Democrat Speaker of the House Rules (Chair)
1944-1945 County of Henry; City of Martinsville Democrat Speaker of the House (1942ó) Rules (Chair)
1945 County of Henry; City of Martinsville Democrat Speaker of the House (1942ó) Rules (Chair)
1946-1947 County of Henry; City of Martinsville Democrat Speaker of the House (1942- November 8, 1946) Rules (Chair)

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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