1839 Session Information
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- Start Date: Jan 7 1839
- End Date: Apr 10 1839
- Notes: Session: January 7 to April 10, 1839
- Journal Link:
- Speaker:
Thomas Walker Gilmer
- Clerk:
George Wythe Munford
Special Sessions:
Name |
Locality |
Committees |
Robert Alexander | Northumberland | Treasurer's Accounts |
Archibald Anderson | Louisa | Propositions and Grievances |
Edward J. Armstrong | Harrison | First Auditor's Office |
William E. Bailey | Surry | Enrolled Bills First Auditor's Office |
Spencer M. Ball | Fairfax | Agriculture and Manufactures Lunatic Asylums |
Robert A. Banks | Madison | Enrolled Bills |
Samuel Bare | Shenandoah | Propositions and Grievances |
David Barnett | Montgomery | Finance |
Richard Walker Barton | Frederick | Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair) Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thomas H. Bayly | Accomack | Militia Laws Schools and Colleges |
Lewis Beard | Loudoun | Second Auditor's Office (Chair) Roads and Internal Navigation |
John Booton | Madison | Claims |
John M. Botts | Henrico | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Edmund Broadus | Culpeper | Enrolled Bills Finance |
Edward A. Cabell | Amherst | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Elbert H. Caldwell | Marshall | Bonds of Public Officers Privileges and Elections |
Wyatt Cardwell | Charlotte | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Agriculture and Manufactures Claims |
William Carroll | Preston | Executive Expenditures |
William Carson | Clarke and Warren | Second Auditor's Office |
Manilius Chapman | Giles and Mercer | Courts of Justice |
James S. Clarke | Surry | Enrolled Bills First Auditor's Office |
John Clayton | Monongalia | Clerk's Office |
Martin Cloud | Patrick | Register's Office |
Tilghman A. Cobbs | Bedford | Propositions and Grievances |
Raphael M. Conn | Shenandoah | Armory |
Valentine Y. Conway | Lancaster and Richmond County | Executive Expenditures Lunatic Asylums |
Robert B. Corbin | Caroline | Privileges and Elections Public Libraries |
James H. Cox | Chesterfield | Penitentiary (Chair) |
Addison Crockett | Tazewell | Register's Office |
Charles L. Crockett | Wythe | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thomas T. Cropper | Accomack | Armory Lunatic Asylums |
Oscar Minor Crutchfield | Spotyslvania | Armory (Chair) Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
James Culbertson | Scott | Armory |
William E. Cunningham | Norfolk Borough | Banks Public Libraries Schools and Colleges |
Joseph F. Daingerfield | Greenbrier | Bonds of Public Officers Courts of Justice |
Joseph W. Davis | Smyth | Privileges and Elections Treasurer's Accounts |
Harvey Deskins | Floyd | Penitentiary |
Charles P. Dorman | Rockbridge | Finance (Chair) Militia Laws (Chair) Schools and Colleges |
Alexander Dortch | Mecklenburg | Militia Laws |
James A. Dunlap | Monroe | Register's Office |
Elias Edmonds | Fauquier | Claims Treasurer's Accounts |
John R. Edmunds | Halifax | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Public Libraries |
Henry Farley | Logan | Clerk's Office |
William Fitzgerald | Nottoway | First Auditor's Office (Chair) Armory |
Alexander Fitzhugh | Stafford | Claims Privileges and Elections |
Thomas H. Flood | Buckingham | Propositions and Grievances |
Jesse Flowers | Harrison | Lunatic Asylums Schools and Colleges |
Thomas Fox | Campbell | Armory |
Tillotson Fryatt | Berkeley | Register's Office |
John Gay | Pocahontas | Register's Office |
Thomas Walker Gilmer | Albemarle | |
William Osborne Goode | Mecklenburg | Public Libraries Schools and Colleges |
Samuel E. Goodson | Washington | Banks Claims |
Lewis Hail | Grayson | Second Auditor's Office |
Samuel Hale | Franklin | Privileges and Elections Treasurer's Accounts |
James M. Harris | Powhatan | Claims |
Creed Haskins | Brunswick | Agriculture and Manufactures Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas S. Haymond | Monongalia | Register's Office (Chair) |
William D. Hodges | Nansemond | Courts of Justice |
Weeden Hoffman | Braxton & Lewis | Propositions and Grievances Treasurer's Accounts |
William G. Holloway | Alleghany | Lunatic Asylums Second Auditor's Office |
John J. Jackson | Wood | Register's Office (Chair) Bonds of Public Officers Courts of Justice |
William Kinney | Augusta | Finance (Chair) Banks |
George W. Kyle | Buckingham | Finance |
James H. Langhorne | Norfolk County | Finance |
Alfred Leyburn | Rockbridge | Lunatic Asylums (Chair) Agriculture and Manufactures Lunatic Asylums |
George T. F. Lorimer | Essex | Armory |
William Martin | Henry | Armory Bonds of Public Officers |
John F. May | Petersburg | Courts of Justice (Chair) Banks |
William McClintic | Bath | Second Auditor's Office |
William McConnell | Ohio | Agriculture and Manufactures Banks Schools and Colleges |
William McCoy Jr. | Pendleton | Claims |
John McPherson | Page | First Auditor's Office |
W. H. E. Merritt | Brunswick | Schools and Colleges |
Thomas P. Mitchell | Bedford | Enrolled Bills Second Auditor's Office |
William Odell | Hampshire | Armory |
John O'Ferrall | Morgan | First Auditor's Office |
John Orgain | Lunenberg | Clerk's Office |
George Park | Hampshire | First Auditor's Office |
Barrett G. Payne | Fluvanna | Propositions and Grievances |
John S. Pendleton | Rappahannock | Privileges and Elections (Chair) |
William M. Peyton | Botetourt & Roanoke | Treasurer's Accounts (Chair) Roads and Internal Navigation |
John J. Prince | Sussex | Clerk's Office |
Sanford J. Ramey | Loudoun | Propositions and Grievances |
Daniel Ratcliffe | Prince William | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures |
George Reynolds | Jefferson | Penitentiary |
Jonathan Richmond | Lee | Register's Office |
William Roberts | Princess Anne | Claims |
Wyndham Robertson | Richmond City | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Banks Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Samuel B. Servant | Elizabeth City and Warwick | Enrolled Bills |
William Seymour | Hardy | Bonds of Public Officers (Chair) Propositions and Grievances (Chair) |
James T. Shadwick | King William | Armory |
William Shands | Prince George | Bonds of Public Officers (Chair) Courts of Justice |
Thomas Shanks | Botetourt and Roanoke | Bonds of Public Officers |
Joseph H. Sherrard | Frederick | First Auditor's Office (Chair) Banks Finance |
Arthur Smith | Isle of Wight | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
Daniel Smith | Kanawha | Banks Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
Edward H. Smith | Rockingham | Agriculture and Manufactures Claims |
Henry D. Smith | Russell | Armory |
Nehemiah Smith | Mason and Jackson | Clerk's Office Lunatic Asylums |
Thomas Smith | Gloucester | Finance |
Robert V. Snodgrass | Berkeley | Second Auditor's Office |
Valentine Wood Southall | Albemarle | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Banks Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
James M. Stephenson | Tyler | Claims (Chair) Finance |
Alexander H. H. Stuart | Augusta | Lunatic Asylums (Chair) Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Henry Sturm | Randolph | Armory |
Campbell Tarr | Brooke | Militia Laws |
Edward T. Tayloe | King George | Treasurer's Accounts (Chair) Privileges and Elections Public Libraries |
John R. Taylor | Mathews and Middlesex | Clerk's Office (Chair) |
Paul Taylor | Halifax | Propositions and Grievances |
Timothy Taylor Jr. | Loudoun | Claims |
Isaac Thomas | Rockingham | Treasurer's Accounts |
Solomon Thornburg | Cabell | Propositions and Grievances |
Josiah Tidball | Fauquier | |
Richard H. Toler | Campbell | Banks Lunatic Asylums Roads and Internal Navigation |
Whitmell P. Tunstall | Pittsylvania | Public Libraries (Chair) Courts of Justice |
Joseph Turner | Greensville | Penitentiary |
John Tyler Jr. | James City, York and Williamsburg | Schools and Colleges (Chair) Courts of Justice Lunatic Asylums |
James B. Urquhart | Southampton | Claims Executive Expenditures |
Alfred J. Vaughan | Dinwiddie | Penitentiary |
Nathaniel E. Venable | Prince Edward | Banks (Chair) Agriculture and Manufactures Schools and Colleges |
John Wade | Franklin | Penitentiary |
Oliver L. Waite | Fayette and Nicholas | Penitentiary |
William G. Walker | Westmoreland | Schools and Colleges |
Bushrod C. Washington | Jefferson | Agriculture and Manufactures Schools and Colleges |
Joseph S. Watkins | Goochland | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) |
Samuel Watts | Norfolk County | Militia Laws (Chair) Banks Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
William L. White | Hanover | Armory |
Floyd L. Whitehead | Nelson | Agriculture and Manufactures Claims |
Thomas H. Wilcox | Charles City and New Kent | Agriculture and Manufactures Bonds of Public Officers |
Allen Wilson | Cumberland | Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair) Enrolled Bills (Chair) |
Vincent Witcher | Pittsylvania | Claims (Chair) Banks Roads and Internal Navigation |
Henry Wood | Amelia | Enrolled Bills |
John Woolfolk | Orange and Greene | Penitentiary (Chair) Courts of Justice |
David P. Wright | King and Queen | Executive Expenditures |
George T. Yerby | Northampton | Agriculture and Manufactures Executive Expenditures |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.