1950 Session Information
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- Start Date: Jan 11 1950
- End Date: Apr 1 1950
- Notes: Session: January 11 to April 1, 1950
- Speaker:
Edgar Blackburn Moore
- Clerk:
Edward Griffith Dodson
Special Sessions:
Name |
Locality |
Committees |
Howard H. Adams | Counties of Northampton and Accomack | Appropriations (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and Economy Rules |
William Harrison Adams | City of Richmond | Insurance and Banking (Chair) Finance Printing Public Property |
George Statton Aldhizer II | County of Rockingham; City of Harrisonburg | Currency and Commerce General Laws Privileges and Elections Retrenchment and Economy |
John Bradie Allman | County of Franklin | Courts of Justice Currency and Commerce Militia and Police Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Norman C. Bailey | Counties of Orange and Madison | Labor (Chair) Insurance and Banking Roads and Internal Navigation Welfare |
Robert Winston Bain | City of Portsmouth | Counties Cities and Towns Militia and Police Printing Welfare |
Tennyson M. Bates | County of Wise | Agriculture Appropriations Claims Currency and Commerce Mining and Mineral Resources |
Frank Bryant Beazley | Counties of Caroline, Essex, and King and Queen | Federal Relations (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Courts of Justice Education |
Daniel Woodrow Bird | Counties of Bland and Giles | Agriculture Mining and Mineral Resources Privileges and Elections Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
Joseph Washington Bland | County of Brunswick | Agriculture Education Labor Public Property |
John B. Boatwright Sr. | Counties of Appomattox, Buckingham and Cumberland | General Laws (Chair) Courts of Justice Federal Relations Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Armistead Lloyd Boothe | City of Alexandria | Counties Cities and Towns Currency and Commerce Executive Expenditures General Laws |
Keys Silas Bordwine | County of Washington; City of Bristol | Counties Cities and Towns Enrolled Bills General Laws Mining and Mineral Resources |
Albert Orlando Boschen | City of Richmond | Public Institutions (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Claims Enrolled Bills |
Edward McPhail Bridgforth | Counties of Lunenburg and Mecklenburg | Executive Expenditures Officers and Offices at the Capitol Privileges and Elections Welfare |
Willey Richard Broaddus Jr. | County of Henry; City of Martinsville | Courts of Justice Game and Inland Fisheries Privileges and Elections Welfare |
James Lyle Camblos | County of Wise | Courts of Justice Mining and Mineral Resources Nominations and Confirmations Roads and Internal Navigation |
Benjamin Logan Campbell | City of Petersburg | Federal Relations Finance Insurance and Banking Public Institutions |
Henry Stuart Carter | County of Washington; City of Bristol | Education Finance Game and Inland Fisheries Interstate Cooperation |
Stuart Barns Carter | Counties of Botetourt and Craig | Counties Cities and Towns Finance Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Property |
William Hazzard Wigg Cassell | City of Portsmouth | Public Property (Chair) Claims General Laws Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Charles William Cleaton | County of Mecklenburg | Claims Currency and Commerce Finance Immigration |
George Moffett Cochran | County of Augusta; Cities of Staunton and Waynesboro | Courts of Justice Education Nominations and Confirmations Welfare |
Roderick Dhu Coleman | County of Scott | Game and Inland Fisheries General Laws Immigration Militia and Police Mining and Mineral Resources |
John Warren Cooke | Counties of Gloucester, Mathews, and Middlesex | Nominations and Confirmations (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Finance Privileges and Elections |
Paul Whittington Crockett | Counties of Charles City, James City, New Kent, and York; City of Williamsburg | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair) Claims Courts of Justice Education Welfare |
George Damm | County of Arlington | Militia and Police (Chair) Education Finance Public Institutions |
John Hanah Daniel | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair) Appropriations Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
Delamater Davis | City of Norfolk | House Expenses (Chair) Courts of Justice Currency and Commerce Privileges and Elections |
Harry B. Davis | County of Princess Anne | Education (Chair) Appropriations Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Executive Expenditures |
Roy B. Davis | County of Halifax | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Appropriations Claims Labor Rules |
Edmund Tompkins DeJarnette | Counties of Hanover and King William | Game and Inland Fisheries (Chair) Insurance and Banking Nominations and Confirmations Privileges and Elections |
Edward Griffith Dodson Jr. | City of Roanoke | Claims Counties Cities and Towns Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills |
James Fillmore Dulaney | Counties of Albemarle and Greene; City of Charlottesville | Agriculture Finance Game and Inland Fisheries Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Felix Elmer Edmunds | County of Augusta; Cities of Staunton and Waynesboro | Counties Cities and Towns Enrolled Bills Insurance and Banking Roads and Internal Navigation |
Richard Coles Edmunds | County of Halifax | Claims Executive Expenditures Finance General Laws |
John W. Fletcher | County of Russell | Enrolled Bills Federal Relations Mining and Mineral Resources Retrenchment and Economy |
John Shockley George | County of Patrick | Agriculture Immigration Labor Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
William John McCandless Gibson | County of Spotsylvania; City of Fredericksburg | Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair) Courts of Justice Insurance and Banking Public Property |
Luther Melvin Giles | County of Pittsylvania | Agriculture Auditing Education House Expenses |
Mills Edwin Godwin Jr. | County of Nansemond; City of Suffolk | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Executive Expenditures Insurance and Banking Public Property |
Wrendo Marion Godwin | County of Accomack | Agriculture Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Enrolled Bills General Laws |
Henry Burr Gordon | Counties of Albemarle and Greene; City of Charlottesville | Enrolled Bills Immigration Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
Marvin Giles Graham | County of Pulaski | Printing (Chair) Appropriations Executive Expenditures Federal Relations |
Louis Lee Guy | City of Norfolk | Claims Counties Cities and Towns General Laws Retrenchment and Economy |
Stilson Hutchins Hall | County of Loudoun | Courts of Justice Federal Relations Immigration Labor |
Bentley Hite | County of Montgomery; City of Radford | Federal Relations Immigration Labor Mining and Mineral Resources |
Shirley Thomas Holland | Counties of Isle of Wight and Nansemond; City of Suffolk | Finance Insurance and Banking Interstate Cooperation Welfare |
Charles K. Hutchens | City of Newport News | Finance (Chair) Labor Militia and Police Privileges and Elections Rules |
Robert Francis Hutcheson Jr. | Counties of Greensville and Sussex | Appropriations House Expenses Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and Economy |
William H. Irvine | County of Campbell | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Appropriations Auditing Game and Inland Fisheries Labor |
Temple Lyman Kessinger | County of Alleghany; City of Clifton Forge | Executive Expenditures Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Institutions Retrenchment and Economy |
Wilbur Talmadge Leary | County of Norfolk; City of South Norfolk | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Library Retrenchment and Economy Roads and Internal Navigation |
Ralph Louis Lincoln | County of Smyth | Interstate Cooperation Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property Welfare |
Baldwin Gerald Locher | County of Rockbridge; City of Buena Vista | Agriculture Appropriations Game and Inland Fisheries Public Institutions |
Marshall Cyclone Looney | County of Buchanan | Executive Expenditures Immigration Militia and Police Mining and Mineral Resources |
Charles Nicholas Loving | Counties of Bath, Highland, and Rockbridge; City of Buena Vista | Immigration (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Game and Inland Fisheries Labor Mining and Mineral Resources |
Edwin Williams Lynch | County of Fairfax | Agriculture Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Property Welfare |
James Maynard Magruder | County of Arlington | Interstate Cooperation (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Federal Relations House Expenses Insurance and Banking |
George Edmond Massie Jr. | City of Richmond | Appropriations Federal Relations General Laws Immigration Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Lewis Archer McMurran Jr. | County of Warwick; City of Newport News | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Counties Cities and Towns Federal Relations Roads and Internal Navigation |
Frank Peyton Moncure | Counties of Prince William and Stafford | Auditing (Chair) Courts of Justice General Laws Retrenchment and Economy |
Edgar Blackburn Moore | Counties of Clarke and Frederick; City of Winchester | Rules (Chair) |
William Tayloe Murphy Sr. | Counties of Lancaster and Richmond | Appropriations Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Game and Inland Fisheries Insurance and Banking |
Walter A. Page | City of Norfolk | Courts of Justice Library Printing Privileges and Elections |
Nathaniel Willis Pendleton | County of Wythe | Education Enrolled Bills General Laws Retrenchment and Economy |
Charles Homer Phillips | City of Richmond | Agriculture Currency and Commerce Education Executive Expenditures |
Frederick Gresham Pollard | City of Richmond | Courts of Justice Education Militia and Police Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Samuel Eliba Pope | County of Southampton | Agriculture Education Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Institutions |
Charles Daniel Price | Counties of Page and Warren | Executive Expenditures Insurance and Banking Militia and Police Roads and Internal Navigation |
Harold Hidmore Purcell | Counties of Fluvanna, Goochland and Louisa | Education Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Griffith Purcell | City of Richmond | Counties Cities and Towns Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Roads and Internal Navigation Welfare |
DuVal Radford | County of Bedford | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Retrenchment and Economy Welfare |
Arthur Harrison Richardson | County of Dinwiddie | General Laws Library Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Roads and Internal Navigation |
James Walker Roberts | City of Norfolk | Appropriations Immigration Militia and Police Roads and Internal Navigation |
Ernest Robertson | County of Roanoke | Currency and Commerce Enrolled Bills General Laws Militia and Police Roads and Internal Navigation |
Julian Hamilton Rutherfoord Jr. | City of Roanoke | General Laws Insurance and Banking Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Vernon Spitler Shaffer | County of Shenandoah | Claims Federal Relations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Militia and Police |
Basil Poff Simpson | Counties of Carroll and Floyd | Agriculture Executive Expenditures Immigration Public Property |
Almer Reen Singleton | Counties of Buchanan and Dickenson | Welfare (Chair) Education Labor Mining and Mineral Resources Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Harold Brown Singleton | County of Amherst; City of Lynchburg | Courts of Justice Insurance and Banking Public Institutions Public Property |
Daniel French Slaughter | Counties of Culpeper and Rappahannock | Currency and Commerce (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Public Property |
James Marion Smith | County of Lee | House Expenses Labor Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property |
Walter Carl Spencer | City of Norfolk | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Enrolled Bills Federal Relations Labor |
James O. Stickley | County of Rockingham; City of Harrisonburg | Library (Chair) Finance General Laws Immigration |
Samuel Waverly Swanson | County of Pittsylvania | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Finance Public Property |
Cecil Wood Taylor | City of Lynchburg | Appropriations Currency and Commerce Education Library Militia and Police |
L. Lake Triplett | County of Fauquier | Claims (Chair) Appropriations Privileges and Elections Retrenchment and Economy |
John Randolph Tucker Jr. | City of Richmond | Finance General Laws Labor Retrenchment and Economy |
Charles Francis Unruh | Counties of King George, Northumberland, and Westmoreland | Retrenchment and Economy (Chair) Agriculture Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Roads and Internal Navigation |
Charles Montgomery Waldrop | Counties of Amelia and Nottoway | Agriculture (Chair) Executive Expenditures Militia and Police Roads and Internal Navigation |
Theodore Garnett Walton | County of Norfolk; City of South Norfolk | Agriculture Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Finance Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
William Anthony Walton | Counties of Prince George and Surry; City of Hopewell | Claims Counties Cities and Towns Enrolled Bills Game and Inland Fisheries |
Robert Whitehead | Counties of Nelson and Amherst | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Claims Education Finance |
Floyd Windfield Williams | County of Grayson | Currency and Commerce Game and Inland Fisheries Interstate Cooperation Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
Joseph J. Williams Jr. | County of Henrico | Courts of Justice (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Printing Public Institutions Rules |
Victor P. Wilson | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Currency and Commerce Immigration Public Institutions Welfare |
Jack Walter Witten | County of Tazewell | Mining and Mineral Resources (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Finance Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Institutions |
Landon Russell Wyatt | City of Danville | Appropriations Counties Cities and Towns Federal Relations Nominations and Confirmations |
Elwood Floyd Yates | Counties of Chesterfield and Powhatan | Counties Cities and Towns (Chair) Education Enrolled Bills Game and Inland Fisheries |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.