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John Hanah Daniel
Member From: 1944 - Ex. 1969

- Birth Date: March 1, 1896 Birth Place:Charlotte Court House, Virginia
- Death Date: March 20, 1972
- Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
- Spouse: Eloise Burney
- Children: Florence
- Religion: Presbyterian
- Education: Charlotte Court House Public Schools
- Military Service:
- Occupation/Profession: Farmer and businessman President (John H. Daniel Company, Knoxville, TN and Virginia Crafts, Inc., Keysville, VA)
- Memberships/Affiliations: Presbyterian Church Omicron Delta Kappa Society Ruritan Commonwealth Club Loyal Order of Moose Virginia State Chamber of Commerce Virginia Manufacturers Association, Inc. Farm Bureau Patrick Henry Memorial Foundation, Inc. (board of trustees) Charlotte County Democratic Committee (chairman) State Soil Conservation Committee (chairman)
Additional Info Links:
Papers of John Hannah Daniel Collection at the University of Virginia
Session | District | District Number | Party | Leadership | Committees |
1944-1945 | Counties of Prince Edward and Charlotte | Democrat | Asylums and Prisons Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
1945 | Counties of Prince Edward and Charlotte | Democrat | Asylums and Prisons Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
1946-1947 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Appropriations Asylums and Prisons Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
1947 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Appropriations Asylums and Prisons Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
1948 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Appropriations Asylums and Prisons Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Roads and Internal Navigation |
1950 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair) Appropriations Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
1952 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair) Appropriations Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
1954-1955 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair) Appropriations Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
1955 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair) Appropriations Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
1956 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair) Appropriations Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
1958-1959 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Institutions |
1959 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Institutions |
1960 | County of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Democrat | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Institutions |
1962-1963 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | 22 | Democrat | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Rules |
1963 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | 22 | Democrat | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Rules |
1964-1965 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | 22 | Democrat | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Rules |
1965 | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | 22 | Democrat | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Institutions Rules |
1966 | Counties of Charlotte, Cumberland, and Prince Edward | 22 | Democrat | Appropriations (Chair) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and Economy Rules |
1968-1969 | Counties of Charlotte, Cumberland, and Prince Edward | 22 | Democrat | Appropriations (Chair) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and Economy Rules |
1969 | Counties of Charlotte, Cumberland and Prince Edward | 22 | Democrat | Appropriations (Chair) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and Economy Rules |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at