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Daniel Woodrow Bird
Member From: 1948 - Ex. 1955

- Birth Date: July 6, 1912 Birth Place:Bland, Virginia
- Death Date: November 16, 1995
- Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
- Spouse: Elizabeth Kegley Dunn (m. 1936)
- Children: Janet and Judith
- Religion: Methodist
- Education: National Business College, Roanoke Emory & Henry College
- Military Service:
- Occupation/Profession: Dairyman and farmer
- Memberships/Affiliations: Methodist Church (charge lay leader, board of stewards) Bland County Kiwanis (former president, board of directors) Masons AF & AM, Bland Lodge No. 206, Wythe Royal Arch Chapter No. 51 Ceres Ruritan County Farm Bureau (director) County Dairyman's Association (director) Tri-State Milk Producers Association (vice president) Virginia Safety Appliance Corporation, Bastian, VA (president)
- Other Notable Service and/or Elected Offices: Senate of Virginia (1956-1960, 1962-1971)
Session | District | District Number | Party | Leadership | Committees |
1948 | Counties of Bland and Giles | Democrat | Agriculture Asylums and Prisons Mining and Mineral Resources Roads and Internal Navigation |
1950 | Counties of Bland and Giles | Democrat | Agriculture Mining and Mineral Resources Privileges and Elections Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
1952 | Counties of Bland and Giles | Democrat | Agriculture Mining and Mineral Resources Privileges and Elections Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
1954-1955 | Counties of Bland and Giles | Democrat | Agriculture Mining and Mineral Resources Privileges and Elections Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
1955 | Counties of Bland and Giles | Democrat | Agriculture Mining and Mineral Resources Privileges and Elections Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at