1874-1875 Session Information
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- Start Date: Jan 1 1874
- End Date: Mar 31 1875
- Notes: Sessions: January 1 to April 30, 1874; December 2, 1874 to March 31, 1875
- Journal Link:
- Speaker:
James Marshall Hanger
- Clerk:
John Bell Bigger
Special Sessions:
Name |
Locality |
Committees |
J. B. Alexander | Pulaski | Claims Retrenchment and the Economy |
John J. Allen | Botetourt | Courts of Justice Federal Relations and Resolutions Immigration |
Joseph Reid Anderson | Richmond City | Banks, Currency and Commerce (Chair) Finance |
Charles Armentrout | Rockbridge | Agriculture and Mining Labor and the Poor Public Property |
E. J. Armstrong | Rockingham | Public Property (Chair) Roads and Internal Navigation |
Edmund R. Bagwell | Accomack | Militia and Police (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Finance |
Robert A. Banks | Madison | Retrenchment and the Economy (Chair) Privileges and Elections |
Thomas H. Barnes | Nansemond | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (1875) Finance (1875) |
George E. Beaton | Southampton | Claims Executive Expenditures |
Charles G. Bickings | Dinwiddie | Banks, Currency and Commerce Militia and Police |
Henry E. Blair | Roanoke | Propositions and Greivances (Chair) Courts of Justice |
C. A. Bohannon | Mathews | Agriculture and Mining Chesapeake and Its Tributaries |
Samuel H. Boykin | Nansemond | Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair) Finance |
J. P. Brady | Nottoway | Claims |
Tazewell Branch | Prince Edward | Claims |
Socrates Brooks | Chesterfield | Courts of Justice (1875) Militia and Police Privileges and Elections |
Granville L. Brown | Bedford | Agriculture and Mining (Chair) Immigration |
James L. Campbell | Bedford | Agriculture and Mining Roads and Internal Navigation |
Jack Carter | Russell | Counties, Cities and Towns Finance Public Property |
John A. Carter | Loudoun | Immigration (Chair) Finance |
Peter Jacob Carter | Northampton | Agriculture and Mining Claims Committee (Dates Unknown) Militia and Police Committee (Dates Unknown) Retrenchment and Economy |
William P. Cecil | Tazewell | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Propositions and Greivances |
Matt Clark | Halifax | Asylums and Prisons Committee |
William T. Clark | Pittslyvania | |
A.J. Clarke | Campbell | Asylums and Prisons Immigration |
Richard H. Cockerille | Fairfax | Courts of Justice Immigration |
Robert A. Coghill | Amherst and Nelson | Courts of Justice (Chair) Federal Relations and Resolutions |
Henry Cox | Powhatan | Labor and the Poor Committee (Dates Unknown)
Militia and Police Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Richard G. Crank | Albemarle | Claims Counties, Cities and Towns |
James P. Critz | Patrick | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair) Executive Expenditures Finance |
Stephen N. Davis | Henrico | Claims Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
James H. Dooley | Richmond City | Courts of Justice Militia and Police Rules |
William A. J. Finney | Pittsylvania and Danville | Banks, Currency and Commerce Militia and Police |
Alexander B. Fitzpatrick | Nelson | Claims Federal Relations and Resolutions |
Joel W. Flood | Appomattox | Militia and Police Public Property |
William E. Foster | Norfolk City | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Property Roads and Internal Navigation |
James Franklin Sr. | Campbell | Banks, Currency and Commerce Finance |
G.W. Friend | Chesterfield | |
Abram Fulkerson | Washington | Asylums and Prisons (Chair) Courts of Justice |
William R. Gaines | Charlotte | Claims Retrenchment and the Economy Schools and Colleges |
Reuben E. Gardner | Hanover | Retrenchment and the Economy Schools and Colleges |
Philip Gibson | King William | Banks, Currency and Commerce Counties, Cities and Towns |
Thomas S. Gibson | Lee | Agriculture and Mining Militia and Police Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Gilliam | Prince George | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Propositions and Greivances |
William S. Gilman | Richmond City | Library (Chair) Printing Schools and Colleges |
James P. Goodwyn | Petersburg | Privileges and Elections |
William F. Graves | Bedford | Counties, Cities and Towns Finance |
Andrew J. Grayson | Bland | Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
Frederick Griffith | Westmoreland | Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
William D. Haden | Fluvanna | Agriculture and Mining Enrolled Bills |
Peyton G. Hale | Grayson | Claims Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and the Economy |
Ross Hamilton | Mecklenburg | Executive Expenditures Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
James Marshall Hanger | Augusta | Rules (Chair) |
Henry Clay Harris | Halifax | Public Property |
Mathew Harrison | Loudoun | Counties, Cities and Towns (Chair) Courts of Justice |
Thomas Henderson | Fauquier | Propositions and Greivances Retrenchment and the Economy |
Henry C. Hill | Amelia | Retrenchment and the Economy |
Theodore William Hoenniger | Henrico | Agriculture and Mining Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
Garland J. Holbrook | Wythe | Counties, Cities and Towns Library |
John T. Hoskins | Essex | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Labor and the Poor |
William Hoskins | King and Queen | Asylums and Prisons Executive Expenditures |
J. L. Howard | Floyd | Immigration Public Property Roads and Internal Navigation |
John M. Hudgin | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Courts of Justice Rules |
Robert W. Hunter | Frederick | Federal Relations and Resolutions (Chair) Finance Library |
Waddie T. James | Franklin | Public Property Retrenchment and the Economy |
Starke Jett | Northumberland | Public Property Retrenchment and the Economy |
Peter K. Jones | Greensville | Officers & Offices at the Capitol
Privileges and Elections Committee |
Rufus Sibb Jones | Elizabeth City and Warwick | Labor and the Poor Schools and Colleges |
George H. Jordan | Isle of Wight | Asylums and Prisons Executive Expenditures |
Absalom Koiner | Augusta | Asylums and Prisons Roads and Internal Navigation |
Benjamin Watkins Lacy | Charles City and New Kent | Courts of Justice Rules Schools and Colleges |
J. Horace Lacy | Spotsylvania | Library Militia and Police Roads and Internal Navigation |
James J. Lamkin | Pittsylvania | Agriculture and Mining Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
John A.J. Lee | Alleghany and Craig | Enrolled Bills Immigration Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
Henry M. Lemmon | Sussex | Executive Expenditures Roads and Internal Navigation |
H.L.D. Lewis | Clarke | Counties, Cities and Towns Executive Expenditures |
Paul Lightner | Bath and Highland | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Greivances |
Morgan T. Lipps | Buchanan and Wise | Labor and the Poor Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
James F. Lipscomb | Cumberland | Executive Expenditures |
Seldon Longley | Washington | Federal Relations and Resolutions House Expenses Schools and Colleges |
John T. Lovell | Warren | Federal Relations and Resolutions Privileges and Elections Propositions and Greivances |
William Lovenstein | Richmond City | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Asylums and Prisons Immigration |
Henry Loving | Amherst | Finance House Expenses |
William P. Lucas | Louisa | Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Samuel E. Lybrook | Giles | Finance Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
B.H. Magruder | Albemarle | Schools and Colleges (Chair) Courts of Justice |
John Edward Massey | Albemarle | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Enrolled Bills Labor and the Poor |
Godfrey May | Petersburg | Claims |
William McGonigal | Surry | Labor and the Poor |
Francis M. McMullan | Greene | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Banks, Currency and Commerce Chesapeake and Its Tributaries |
Robert L. Latane Montague | Middlesex | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Federal Relations and Resolutions |
John W. R. Moore | Shenandoah | Claims Schools and Colleges |
William W. Morris | Henry | Asylums and Prisons House Expenses Immigration |
James D. Morrison | Rockbridge | Printing Schools and Colleges |
Francis Moss | Buckingham | Labor and the Poor Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
John L. Nash | Princess Anne | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Enrolled Bills Public Property |
William A. Nash | Lunenberg | Agriculture and Mining |
John Neeley | Accomack | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Greivances Schools and Colleges |
Armistead S. Nickens | Lancaster | Agriculture and Mining Militia and Police |
Robert Norton | York and James City | Asylums and Prisons Committee
Federal Relations and Resolutions Committee (Dates Unknown) Labor and Poor Committee Privileges and Elections Committee (Dates Unknown) Schools and Colleges Committee (Dates Unknown) |
Robert Norton | York and James City | |
J.C. O'Neal | Alexandria | Banks, Currency and Commerce Counties, Cities and Towns |
Robert Ould | Richmond City | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Federal Relations and Resolutions |
Richard Gault Leslie Paige | Norfolk County | Propositions and Greivances Retrenchment and the Economy |
David Pannill | Orange | House Expenses (Chair) Asylums and Prisons |
Edmund S. Pendleton | Goochland | Claims Counties, Cities and Towns Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Thomas G. Popham | Rappahannock | Immigration Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Powell | Franklin | Officers and Offices at the Capitol Roads and Internal Navigation |
William W. Raines | Richmond County | Enrolled Bills Federal Relations and Resolutions |
James Buchanan Richmond | Scott | Enrolled Bills Federal Relations and Resolutions Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
H. H. Riddlebarger | Shenandoah | Printing (Chair) Privileges and Elections Retrenchment and the Economy |
Thacker Rogers | King George | Labor and the Poor (Chair) Counties, Cities and Towns |
George C. Round | Prince William | Federal Relations and Resolutions Schools and Colleges |
Langhorne Scruggs | Pittsylvania | Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges |
T. N. Sellers | Rockingham | Agriculture and Mining Asylums and Prisons |
Bailey Shumate | Fauquier | Asylums and Prisons Labor and the Poor |
Thomas H. Spratt | Smyth | Labor and the Poor Public Property |
J. B. Stovall Jr. | Halifax | Banks, Currency and Commerce Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
John R. Strother | Culpeper | Claims (Chair) Courts of Justice |
Alexander H.H. Stuart | Augusta | Finance (Chair) |
Samuel A. Swann | Caroline | Banks, Currency and Commerce Propositions and Greivances |
John Byrce Syphax | Arlington /Alexandria | Executive Expenditures |
William Booth Taliaferro | Gloucester | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair) Courts of Justice |
Frederick S. Taylor | Norfolk City | House Expenses Immigration Library |
Phillip G. Thomas | Portsmouth | Enrolled Bills Public Property |
George Turner | Louisa | Counties, Cities and Towns Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
James H. Van Auken | Sussex | Executive Expenditures Roads and Internal Navigation |
John W. Walke | Chesterfield | Asylums and Prisons Immigration Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Gustavus B. Wallace | Stafford | Agriculture and Mining Labor and the Poor |
Isaac Webb | Carroll | Counties, Cities and Towns Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
C. M. Webber | Roanoke | Enrolled Bills (1875) Propositions and Greivances (1875) |
Gabriel C. Wharton | Montgomery | Roads and Internal Navigation Rules Schools and Colleges |
Robert H. Whitaker/Whittaker | Brunswick | |
James H. Williams | Frederick | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Willam R. Winn | Hanover | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Greivances |
H. Howard Withers | Campbell | Counties, Cities and Towns Militia and Police |
William Overall Yager | Page | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Immigration Militia and Police |
George W. Young | Mecklenberg | Banks, Currency and Commerce Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Propositions and Greivances |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.