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William Booth Taliaferro
Sessions Served: 1874 - 1879

- Birth Date: December 28, 1822 Birth Place:Gloucester County, Virginia
- Death Date: February 27, 1898
- Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
- Spouse: Sally Lyons
- Children:
- Religion:
- Education: Harvard University and College of William & Mary (1839-1842)
- Military Service: Veteran of the Mexican War, rising to the rank of Major
Veteran of Civil War – Colonel and regimental commander of the 23rd Virginia Infantry. Fall of 1861 promoted to brigade commander in the “Stonewall” Division. In March 1862 promoted to brigadier general and served with Jackson through Second Bull Run and battle of Fredericksburg. Named commander of the District of Savannah (GA) under PGT Beuaregard and spent two years in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Prepared the Confederate defenses at Fort Wagner on Morris Island, SC. After the Savannah Campaign (Sherman’s march through Georgia in Fall 1864) was promoted to commander of all Confederate forces in South Carolina. Appointed major-general by President Davis on April 25, 1865 (after Lee’s surrender) with a (backdated) date of rank of 1 January 1865, pending confirmation by the Confederate Senate (Which never happened) - Occupation/Profession: Attorney and judge
- Other Notable Service and/or Elected Offices: Member of W&M Board of Visitors, and later rector and president of the Board.
Session |
District |
District Number |
Party |
Leadership |
Committees |
1850-1851 | Gloucester | Courts of Justice | |||
1874-1875 | Gloucester | Democrat | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair) Courts of Justice |
1875-1877 | Gloucester | Democrat | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair) Courts of Justice |
1877-1879 | Gloucester | Democrat | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair) Courts of Justice Militia and Police |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at