1829-1830 Session Information
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- Start Date: Dec 7 1829
- End Date: Feb 23 1830
- Notes: Session: December 7, 1829 to February 23, 1830
- Speaker:
Linn Banks
- Clerk:
George Wythe Munford
Special Sessions:
Name |
Locality |
Committees |
Isaac Adams | Patrick | Armory |
Joseph Alderson | Greenbrier | |
Archibald D. Alexander | Charlotte | Privileges and Elections |
Nathaniel Alexander | Mecklenburg | Register's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Guy R. C. Allen | Preston | Bonds of Public Officers Courts of Justice |
John T. Anderson | Botetourt | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Arbogast | Pocahontas | Propositions and Grievances |
William Armistead | King and Queen | Courts of Justice |
Archibald Atkinson | Isle of Wight | Armory Courts of Justice |
Thomas P. Atkinson | Halifax | Penitentiary Schools and Colleges |
Linn Banks | Madison | |
Arthur L. Barnes | Essex | Privileges and Elections |
Thomas R. Barnes | Richmond County | Clerk's Office Privileges and Elections |
William 1829 Barnes | Tazewell | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
William Basye | Northumberland | Courts of Justice Treasurer's Accounts |
Thomas M. Bayly | Accomack | Executive Expenditures Finance |
Peter Jones Beasley | Brunswick | Finance Penitentiary |
Frederick G.L. Beuhring | Cabell | Privileges and Elections |
James Bias | Logan | Armory |
Francis Billingsly | Monongalia | Treasurer's Accounts |
Humphrey Billups | Mathews | Executive Expenditures |
John Billups | Gloucester | Claims Finance |
Thomas Bland | Lewis | Propositions and Grievances Roads and Internal Navigation |
John T. Bocock | Buckingham | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
John G. Boisseau | Dinwiddie | Claims |
George Booker | Elizabeth City | Privileges and Elections Treasurer's Accounts |
Richard Booker | Amelia | Finance Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Isaac Booth | Randolph | Militia Laws Register's Office |
Mordecai C. Booth | Middlesex | Bonds of Public Officers Privileges and Elections |
Elisha Boyd | Berkeley | Militia Laws (Chair) Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
John Brown Jr. | Bath | Roads and Internal Navigation |
John T. Brown | Harrison | Courts of Justice Finance Public Library |
Archibald Bryce | Goochland | Finance (Chair) Public Library (Chair) Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Richard Buckner Jr. | Caroline | Claims |
Thomas E. Burfoot | Chesterfield | Courts of Justice |
Benjamin W.S. Cabell | Pittsylvania | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Archibald A. Campbell | Nottoway | Register's Office |
Robert Campbell | Bedford | Roads and Internal Navigation Second Auditor's Office |
Hugh Caperton | Monroe | Privileges and Elections Second Auditor's Office Treasurer's Accounts |
Thomas Carskaddon | Hampshire | Roads and Internal Navigation Second Auditor's Office |
Cyrus Cary | Greenbrier | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Castleman Jr | Frederick | Banks Enrolled Bills Penitentiary |
Mark A. Chilton | Fauquier | Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges |
John B. Christian | Charles City | First Auditor's Office (Chair) Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Robert Christian | New Kent | Register's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Oden G. Clay | Campbell | Privileges and Elections |
Joseph Cline | Rockingham | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
Tilghman A. Cobbs | Bedford | Privileges and Elections |
John C. Cohoon | Nansemond | Schools and Colleges Treasurer's Accounts |
Roscow Cole | James City | Executive Expenditures Schools and Colleges |
Eli Cook | Grayson | Privileges and Elections Second Auditor's Office |
George M. Cooke | Stafford | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Banks Militia Laws Penitentiary |
Charles L. Crockett | Wythe | Claims |
Walter Crockett | Montgomery | Register's Office |
Gassaway Cross | Morgan | First Auditor's Office |
John Crafford Crump | Surry | Bonds of Public Officers (Chair) Claims |
Robert E. Cummings | Washington | Claims Register's Office |
Christopher Curtis | Warwick | Propositions and Grievances |
Benjamin F. Dabney | King William | Courts of Justice |
William H. Dandridge | Lancaster | Militia Laws |
Peter M. Daniel | Louisa | Armory First Auditor's Office |
Jesse Davis | Alleghany | Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Thomas Davis | Orange | Banks Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Delashmutt | Tyler | Propositions and Grievances |
James Dillard | Sussex | Claims Penitentiary |
James Dillon | Prince Edward | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
John P. Drummond | Accomack | Clerk's Office Privileges and Elections |
Matthew Dunbar | Kanawha | Courts of Justice |
William Dunton | Northampton | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Asa Dupuy | Prince Edward | Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Jesse Edgington | Brooke | Register's Office (Chair) Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Richard Eppes | Sussex | Courts of Justice Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
Charles James Faulkner | Berkeley | Claims Courts of Justice |
William Finks | Madison | Claims Penitentiary |
Miers W. Fisher | Northampton | Penitentiary |
James H. Fitzgerald | Cumberland | Finance |
Samuel Hughes Fitzhugh | Ohio | Courts of Justice |
Redmond G. Foster | Prince William | Propositions and Grievances |
John Gaines | King and Queen | Courts of Justice |
James Garland | Nelson | Claims Courts of Justice |
Samuel M. Garland | Amherst | Courts of Justice Finance |
Augustine H. Garnett | Mathews | |
Thomas J. George | Tazewell | Claims Clerk's Office Executive Expenditures |
Thomas Walker Gilmer | Albemarle | Courts of Justice
Public Library Schools and Colleges |
William Osborne Goode | Mecklenburg | Schools and Colleges (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance |
William B. Goodwyn | Southampton | Finance Penitentiary Schools and Colleges |
James Goolrick | Middlesex | |
Peyton Gravely | Henry | First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Robert W. Graves | Charles City | |
Alexander M. Gray | Scott | Propositions and Grievances |
Harvey Gray | Russell | Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas W. S. Gregory | King William | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Benjamin Griffin | Southampton | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Penitentiary |
Thomas Griffin | York | Schools and Colleges |
Hugh Blair Grigsby | Norfolk Borough | Banks Executive Expenditures Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
John Grimes | Pocahontas | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Peter Guerrant | Goochland | Courts of Justice |
Lewis Hail | Grayson | Armory Enrolled Bills |
Joseph S. Hansbrough | Culpepper | Privileges and Elections |
William Harding | Northumberland | Claims |
Joseph Hart | Randolph | Propositions and Grievances |
Jacqueline B. Harvie | Henrico | Banks (Chair) Roads and Internal Navigation |
Humphrey Harwood | Warwick | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
Samuel L. Hays | Lewis | Armory |
William Heiskell | Lee | Armory Enrolled Bills |
Jacob Helms | Montgomery | Propositions and Grievances |
Ambrose P. Hill | Culpeper | Propositions and Grievances (Chair) First Auditor's Office |
Meredith Hilliard | New Kent | |
John Hindman | Brooke | Privileges and Elections |
Harman Hiner | Pendleton | Roads and Internal Navigation Second Auditor's Office |
John M. Holland | Franklin | Banks Claims Clerk's Office |
Houlder Hudgins | Mathews | Claims |
John Pratt Hungerford | Westmoreland | Armory Militia Laws |
Aldridge James | Fauquier | Finance First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Rodophil Jeter | Amelia | Militia Laws Propositions and Grievances |
William R. Johnson | Chesterfield | Banks Finance Privileges and Elections |
John Keller | Washington | Penitentiary Second Auditor's Office |
Samuel Kercheval | Hampshire | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Hiram Kilgore | Scott | Propositions and Grievances |
Charles Y. Kimbrough | Louisa | Courts of Justice |
Chesley Kinney | Augusta | Courts of Justice |
Charles H. Leland | Lancaster | Schools and Colleges |
William W. Magruder | Shenandoah | Enrolled Bills |
George W. Martin | Henry | Treasurer's Accounts |
James M. Mason | Frederick | Courts of Justice (Chair) Banks Public Library |
Nehemiah H. Mason | King George | Bonds of Public Officers Privileges and Elections |
John H. McCabe | Loudoun | Register's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Benjamin McCoy | Pendleton | Penitentiary |
John McCue | Augusta | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Malcolm McFarland | Lunenburg | Courts of Justice |
James M. McFarlane | Russell | Claims Enrolled Bills Penitentiary |
James McIlhaney | Loudoun | Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
John McKeon | Lee | Armory |
Addison McLaughlin | Nicholas | Armory
First Auditor's Office |
James McLaughlin | Greenbrier | |
William McMahon | Rockingham | Militia Laws Propositions and Grievances Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thomas Miller | Powhatan | Treasurer's Accounts (Chair) Finance Roads and Internal Navigation |
Garrett Minor | Spotsylvania | Second Auditor's Office (Chair) Banks Courts of Justice |
Carter Mitchell | Richmond County | Claims Finance |
Thomas G. Moncure | Stafford | Executive Expenditures Schools and Colleges |
William A. Moody | Williamsburg | Enrolled Bills Penitentiary Schools and Colleges |
Samuel McD. Moore | Rockbridge | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Daniel Morgan | Jefferson | Armory (Chair) Finance |
John Mullen | Hardy | Roads and Internal Navigation Treasurer's Accounts |
John W. Murdaugh | Norfolk County | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Zachariah Nevil | Nelson | Claims Treasurer's Accounts |
Isaac Newman | Mason | Finance Roads and Internal Navigation |
John Newman | Shenandoah | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
John O'Ferrall | Morgan | First Auditor's Office |
Eli Offutt | Fairfax | Penitentiary |
William Old | Powhatan | Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges Second Auditor's Office |
Edward Oldham | King George | Claims |
Samuel Pack Jr. | Giles | Penitentiary |
John Parriott | Ohio | Bonds of Public Officers Propositions and Grievances |
Barrett G. Payne | Fluvanna | Schools and Colleges |
George N. Pearis | Giles | Clerk's Office Penitentiary Roads and Internal Navigation |
Charles Powell | Franklin | Privileges and Elections |
Robert D. Powell | Spotsylvania | Courts of Justice Second Auditor's Office |
Henry L. Prentis | Wood | Executive Expenditures Finance Militia Laws |
John D. Richardson | Charlotte | Propositions and Grievances Register's Office Treasurer's Accounts |
Robert P. Richardson | James City | Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Francis E. Rives | Prince George | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Banks |
William M. Rives | Campbell | Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair) Banks Courts of Justice |
William Robertson Jr. | Petersburg | |
Francis Ruffin | Surry | Executive Expenditures Finance Penitentiary Treasurer's Accounts |
John Rutherfoord | Richmond City | Penitentiary (Chair) Banks Finance Militia Laws |
Archibald Samuel | Caroline | Privileges and Elections |
James Sangster | Fairfax | Clerk's Office Treasurer's Accounts |
John A. Saunders | Wythe | Propositions and Grievances |
Henry E. Scott | Halifax | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
John L. Scott | Dinwiddie | Militia Laws Privileges and Elections |
William Seymour | Hardy | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Shands | Prince George | Courts of Justice |
Thomas Shanks | Botetourt | Privileges and Elections |
Benjamin Shaw | Preston | Propositions and Grievances |
Robert Sheild | York | Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections |
Henry N. Shepherd | Middlesex | Bonds of Public Officers Register's Office |
Thomas Sitlington | Bath | Clerk's Office |
Daniel Smith | Kanawha | Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thomas Smith | Gloucester | Roads and Internal Navigation Second Auditor's Office |
David B. Spencer | Wood | Courts of Justice Treasurer's Accounts |
William Spurlock | Cabell | Claims |
John Stanger | Wythe | |
John G. Stephenson | Nicholas | |
Griffin Stollings | Logan | Militia Laws |
John T. Street | Lunenburg | First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
David Stuart | Fayette and Nicholas | |
John Tatum | Patrick | Clerk's Office Privileges and Elections |
William H. Terrill | Alleghany | Courts of Justice |
Benjamin Thomas | Mason | Register's Office |
Lucas P. Thompson | Amherst | Courts of Justice Finance |
Timothy Thorp | Greensville | Claims |
James Tillar | Greensville | Propositions and Grievances |
Isham Trotter | Brunswick | Executive Expenditures Militia Laws |
William Tyler | Charles City | Treasurer's Accounts |
William B. Tyler | Prince William | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures |
John H. Upshaw | Essex | Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
William Vass | Monroe | Executive Expenditures Register's Office |
William Walton | Pittsylvania | Privileges and Elections |
Caleb Ward | Princess Anne | Propositions and Grievances Second Auditor's Office |
James Warden | Norfolk County | Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
Bushrod C. Washington | Jefferson | Militia Laws Register's Office |
William A. Washington | Westmoreland | Executive Expenditures Schools and Colleges |
Austin Watkins | Nottoway | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Richard Watts | Monongalia | Bonds of Public Officers Militia Laws Propositions and Grievances Roads and Internal Navigation |
Robert H. Webb | Nansemond | Schools and Colleges |
Peregrine Wells | Tyler | Roads and Internal Navigation |
Robert White | Rockbridge | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Schools and Colleges |
William L. White | Hanover | Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
George J. Williams | Harrison | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
John G. Williams | Henrico | Courts of Justice Public Library |
Parker Wills | Isle of Wight | Claims |
John P. Wilson | Cumberland | Privileges and Elections |
John Winn | Fluvanna | Enrolled Bills Second Auditor's Office |
Felix Winston | Hanover | Clerk's Office Treasurer's Accounts |
Rice W. Wood | Albemarle | Clerk's Office (Chair) Courts of Justice |
William J. Woodhouse | Princess Anne | Claims |
John Woolfolk | Orange | Courts of Justice Second Auditor's Office |
John F. Wray | Elizabeth City | Bonds of Public Officers Finance Penitentiary |
Charles Yancey | Buckingham | Claims (Chair) Banks Finance |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.