1814-1815 Session Information
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- Start Date: Oct 10 1814
- End Date: Jan 19 1815
- Notes: Session: October 10, 1814 to January 19, 1815
- Journal Link:
- Speaker:
Andrew Stevenson
- Clerk:
William Munford
Special Sessions:
Name | Locality | Committees |
Robert Allen | Henry | Propositions and Grievances |
Andrew Anderson | Augusta | Claims (Chair) |
Patrick Anderson | Hanover | Courts of Justice |
William Archer | Powhatan | Courts of Justice Finance |
Tyree G. Bacon | Nottoway | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
Stephen Bailey/Bayley | Westmoreland | |
Ephraim Baird | Prince George | Propositions and Grievances |
Jerman Baker | Cumberland | Courts of Justice Finance |
Jerman Baker | Patrick | Claims |
Joseph B. Baker | Nansemond | Privileges and Elections |
Linn Banks | Madison | Courts of Justice |
John S. Barbour | Culpeper | Courts of Justice Finance |
James W. Bates | Goochland | Courts of Justice |
Lawrence Battaile | Caroline | Finance Privileges and Elections |
Peter Jones Beasley | Brunswick | Propositions and Grievances |
Allen Bernard | Fluvanna | Propositions and Grievances |
Joseph Billups Jr. | Mathews | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Hiram Blackwell | Northumberland | Propositions and Grievances |
John Blair | Grayson | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
Churchhill Blakey | Middlesex | |
Edward Booker | Prince Edward | Courts of Justice |
Manoah Bostick | Cabell | Propositions and Grievances |
Carr Bowers | Southampton | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
John Bowyer | Rockbridge | Courts of Justice Finance |
Francis M. Boykin | Isle of Wight | Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections |
Reuben Bradley | Washington | Armory Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Moore Fauntleroy Brockenbrough | Richmond County | Claims |
William Brown | Brooke | Propositions and Grievances |
William Bryan | Rockingham | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
Thornton Buckner | Fauquier | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
Hezekiah Bukey/Budy | Wood | Propositions and Grievances |
Jesse Burton | Campbell | Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections |
Armistead Burwell | Mecklenburg | Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections |
John Cantrill | Mason | Propositions and Grievances |
Nathaniel Cargill | Sussex | Armory Privileges and Elections |
Daniel Carmichael | Westmoreland | |
William Carson | Shenandoah | Privileges and Elections |
Hill Carter | Amherst | Penitentiary Privileges and Elections |
Robert Chapell | Lunenburg | Propositions and Grievances |
John Chapman Jr. | Giles | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures |
John Chowning Jr. | Middlesex | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
John Hunt Christian | New Kent | Privileges and Elections |
Herbert Augustine Claiborne | King William | Courts of Justice |
Philip Claiborne | Brunswick | Courts of Justice |
Daniel Coleman | Caroline | Clerk's Office (Chair) Privileges and Elections |
John R. Cooke | Berkeley | Propositions and Grievances |
Mordecai Cooke | Norfolk County | Clerk's Office Privileges and Elections |
Joseph Crockett | Wythe | Claims |
William Crump | Powhatan | Privileges and Elections |
Lawrence T. Dade | Orange | Privileges and Elections |
William Davis | Princess Anne | Propositions and Grievances |
Anthony Debrell | Buckingham | Register's Office |
Robert Doake | Augusta | Claims |
John P. Drummond | Accomack | Propositions and Grievances |
Langley B. Eddens | Mathews | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
John Edie | Brooke | Propositions and Grievances |
Ralph Edmonds | Lancaster | Propositions and Grievances |
Benjamin Estill | Washington | Courts of Justice Finance |
Hancock Eustace | Stafford | Armory Privileges and Elections |
Dudley Evans | Monongalia | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
John Fairfax | Monongalia | Propositions and Grievances |
Adam Faris | Ohio | Claims Clerk's Office |
Daniel Field | Madison | Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
William H. Fitzhugh | Stafford | Propositions and Grievances |
William Flood | Buckingham | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
John Floyd | Montgomery | Armory Privileges and Elections |
Redmond G. Foster | Prince William | Privileges and Elections |
James Fullen | Russell | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
David S. Garland | Amherst | Register's Office (Chair) Finance Privileges and Elections |
John Mercer Garnett | Essex | Propositions and Grievances |
William Garrow | Warwick | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Robert Given | Bath | Propositions and Grievances |
John C. Goode | Mecklenburg | Courts of Justice |
Richard Graves | New Kent | Claims Clerk's Office |
John Gray | Monroe | Armory Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
Robert Hairston | Henry | Claims |
Archer Hankins | James City | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
John Hansford | Kanawha | Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
Benjamin Harrison | Charles City | Privileges and Elections |
John Hatcher | Cumberland | Propositions and Grievances |
James Ewell Heath | Prince William | Courts of Justice |
Richard Heath | Prince George | Propositions and Grievances |
John Hill | King William | Privileges and Elections |
John Hill | Halifax | Propositions and Grievances |
John Hooe | King George | Claims |
William Hudnall | Northumberland | Propositions and Grievances |
Peter Hull Jr. | Pendleton | Claims |
George W. Humphreys | Jefferson | Armory Claims |
Robert Innes | Franklin | Armory Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
William Irwin | Ohio | Armory Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
John M. Jeffries | Greensville | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
Archer Jesse | Russell | Propositions and Grievances |
John Jones | Warwick | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Mathias Jones | Nansemond | Propositions and Grievances |
Minitree Jones | Grayson | Propositions and Grievances |
Richard Jones | Gloucester | Claims |
Isham Jordan | Isle of Wight | Propositions and Grievances |
Levin L. Joynes | Accomack | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
Miles King Jr. | Norfolk Borough | Privileges and Elections |
John Lane | Amelia | Courts of Justice Finance |
John Lewis | Gloucester | Privileges and Elections |
John Lewis | Bath | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
William J. Lewis | Campbell | Privileges and Elections |
William Lindsay/Lindsey | Prince Edward | Propositions and Grievances |
Robert Lively | Elizabeth City | Propositions and Grievances |
Charles U. Lovell | Shenandoah | Courts of Justice |
Archibald Magill | Frederick | Courts of Justice Finance |
Robert Mallory | Orange | Penitentiary Privileges and Elections |
Thomas Marshall | Fauquier | Courts of Justice Finance |
William Marteney | Randolph | Claims |
John M. Martin | Nelson | Claims |
John Mathews | Greenbrier | Armory Courts of Justice |
James McCally | Harrison | Propositions and Grievances |
Edward McCarty | Hampshire | Claims Penitentiary |
Washington McClanahan | Botetourt | Propositions and Grievances |
Elisha McComas | Cabell | Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
John McCullock | Mason | Propositions and Grievances |
Edward McDonald | Botetourt | Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas McHenry | Montgomery | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
James McLaughlin | Greenbrier | Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
Andrew McMillan | Lee | Propositions and Grievances |
Alexander McRae | Henrico | Courts of Justice Finance |
Isaac Medley | Halifax | Propositions and Grievances |
Charles Fenton Mercer | Loudoun | Finance (Chair) Courts of Justice |
John Moseley | Bedford | Penitentiary (Chair) Courts of Justice |
Lawrence Muse | Essex | Claims Executive Expenditures |
George Newkirk | Berkeley | Propositions and Grievances |
Sterling Niblett | Lunenburg | Propositions and Grievances |
William Nimmo | Princess Anne | Propositions and Grievances |
William Noland | Loudoun | Propositions and Grievances (Chair) |
John P. Nye | Wythe | Propositions and Grievances |
William Parham | Sussex | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
John C. Parramore | Northampton | Privileges and Elections |
Edmund Pate | Bedford | Claims |
Barrett G. Payne | Fluvanna | Propositions and Grievances |
John Pegram | Dinwiddie | Privileges and Elections |
Nathaniel Pendleton | Pendleton | Courts of Justice |
George Penn | Patrick | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
Robert Pescud | York | Claims Clerk's Office |
John Peters Jr. | Giles | Clerk's Office Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
Carter B. Poindexter | Norfolk County | Claims Executive Expenditures |
Thomas Poindexter | Louisa | Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
John Prunty | Harrison | Propositions and Grievances |
John P. Richardson | Charlotte | Privileges and Elections |
Francis Ridley | Southampton | Privileges and Elections |
William H. Roane | King and Queen | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures |
James Robertson Jr. | Amelia | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Finance |
Andrew Rogers/Rodgers | Rockbridge | Claims Penitentiary |
Francis Ruffin | Surry | Privileges and Elections |
Archibald Rutherford | Rockingham | Armory (Chair) Claims |
Robert G. Scott | York | Courts of Justice |
Adam See | Randolph | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
William Selden | Henrico | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures |
Richard Barron Servant | Elizabeth City | Claims |
Vincent Shackleford | Richmond County | Propositions and Grievances |
George Sharfe | Hampshire | Claims |
John D. Sharp | Lee | Courts of Justice |
Samuel M. Shearman | Lancaster | Propositions and Grievances |
Joseph Shelton | Nelson | Claims Register's Office |
Austin Smith | King George | Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas Spencer | Greensville | Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
Robert Stanard | Spotsylvania | Courts of Justice (Chair) Finance |
John Starke | Hanover | Claims |
Andrew Stevenson | Richmond City | |
Carter Littlepage Stevenson | Spotsylvania | Courts of Justice |
John Stokely | Wood | Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
Thomas V. Swearingen | Jefferson | Privilleges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
William Tazewell | James City | Armory Claims |
William H. Terrett | Fairfax | Propositions and Grievances |
Adam Thomas | Monroe | Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
James Thompson | Tazewell | Courts of Justice Register's Office |
John Thruston | Middlesex | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Archibald Thweatt | Chesterfield | Courts of Justice Finance |
Charles A. Turley | Hardy | Propositions and Grievances |
Lewis Turnbull | Franklin | Propositions and Grievances |
Zephaniah Turner | Culpeper | Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections |
John Tyler Jr. | Charles City | Courts of Justice Finance |
John Underwood | Goochland | Claims |
John Velvin | Surry | Propositions and Grievances |
Humphrey Walker | King and Queen | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
William Waller | Williamsburg | Courts of Justice |
William Walton | Pittsylvania | Claims |
John Ward | Tazewell | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Andrew S. Warwick | Bath | Propositions and Grievances |
John Watkins | Dinwiddie | Armory Claims |
William M. Watkins | Charlotte | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance |
David Watson | Louisa | Courts of Justice Finance |
Alexander Waugh | Fairfax | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
Thomas Wells | Nottoway | Propositions and Grievances |
Rawley White | Pittsylvania | Propositions and Grievances |
Jared Williams | Frederick | Armory Privileges and Elections |
Vincent Williams | Hardy | Propositions and Grievances |
Harold L. Wilson | Northampton | Courts of Justice |
John Wilson | Kanawha | Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas Wood | Albemarle | Claims |
Abram S. Woolridge | Chesterfield | Courts of Justice |
Charles Yancey | Albemarle | Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.