1918-1919 Session Information
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- Start Date: Jan 9 1918
- End Date: Sept 9 1919
- Notes: Sessions: January 9 to March 21, 1918; August 13 to September 9, 1919
- Journal Link:
- Speaker:
Harry Rutherford Houston
- Clerk:
John William Williams
Special Sessions:
Name |
Locality |
Committees |
Berkley D. Adams | County of Charlotte | Agriculture and Mining (Chair) Appropriations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
Robert A. Anderson | County of Smyth | Asylums and Prisons Finance Insurance and Banking Printing |
William Alexander Anderson | County of Rockbridge; City of Buena Vista | Appropriations Claims Military and Police Schools and Colleges |
Preston H. Bailey | County of Lynchburg | Claims Military and Police Special Private and Local Legislation |
Howard Percy Baker | Counties of Buckingham and Cumberland | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair) Claims Finance Roads and Internal Navigation |
Harry Canfield Beattie | County of Henrico | Appropriations Currency and Commerce Executive Expenditures Roads and Internal Navigation |
G. Claude Bond | County of Scott | Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures Public Property |
Albert Orlando Boschen | City of Richmond | Enrolled Bills Labor and the Poor Privileges and Elections Special Private and Local Legislation |
George A. Bowles | Counties of Goochland and Fluvanna | Labor and the Poor Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Officers and Offices at the Capitol Roads and Internal Navigation |
Richard Lewis Brewer Jr. | County of Nansemond | Appropriations (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Finance |
J. Callaway Brown | County of Bedford | Claims Insurance and Banking Labor and the Poor Schools and Colleges |
John Sinclair Brown | County of Roanoke | Public Property (Chair) Appropriations Roads and Internal Navigation |
Ephraim C. Buck | County of Washington; CIty of Bristol | Counties Cities and Towns (Chair) Enrolled Bills Executive Expenditures House Expenses |
Joseph Benson Buhrman | County of Botetourt | Agriculture and Mining Claims Counties Cities and Towns Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Richard L. Burke | County of Appomattox | Appropriations Federal Relations and Resolutions Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Schools and Colleges |
Emmett Roy Carner | County of Spotsylvania; City of Fredericksburg | Confirmations General Laws Labor and the Poor Special Private and Local Legislation |
Richard W. Carrington | City of Richmond | Claims General Laws Insurance and Banking Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
John W. Carter | County of Pittsylvania; City of Danville | General Laws Labor and the Poor Moral and Social Welfare Retrenchment and Economy |
William Rufus Cato | Counties of Sussex and Greensville | Executive Expenditures Federal Relations and Resolutions Insurance and Banking Moral and Social Welfare |
Roland E. Chase | Counties of Dickenson and Wise | Enrolled Bills Officers and Offices at the Capitol Privileges and Elections |
John William Cherry | City of Norfolk | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Counties Cities and Towns Currency and Commerce Enrolled Bills |
Nathaniel Elliot Clement | County of Pittsylvania; City of Danville | Special Private and Local Legislation (Chair) Appropriations Enrolled Bills Federal Relations and Resolutions |
Thomas C. Commins | Counties of King William and Hanover | Claims (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
Coleman Berkley Conway | County of Caroline | Insurance and Banking Labor and the Poor Officers and Offices at the Capitol Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Alexander Cook | Counties of Madison and Greene | General Laws
Immigration Labor and the Poor Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
M. O. Cornett | County of Grayson | Immigration Retrenchment and Economy Schools and Colleges |
John H. Crockett | County of Wythe | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Agriculture and Mining Claims Counties Cities and Towns |
Quinton Clarence Davis Jr. | County of Norfolk | Counties Cities and Towns Federal Relations and Resolutions Military and Police Roads and Internal Navigation |
Parke Poindexter Deans | County of Isle of Wight | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Enrolled Bills Finance |
Peter Dickerson | County of Floyd | Executive Expenditures Immigration Roads and Internal Navigation |
Hughes Dalton Dillard | County of Franklin | Courts of Justice Immigration Labor and the Poor Retrenchment and Economy |
Edward Griffith Dodson | City of Norfolk | Currency and Commerce Finance Retrenchment and Economy Special Private and Local Legislation |
James Stone Easley | County of Halifax | Counties Cities and Towns Federal Relations and Resolutions Moral and Social Welfare Special Private and Local Legislation |
J. D. Elam | County of Brunswick | Counties Cities and Towns Insurance and Banking Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Moral and Social Welfare |
Peyton Randolph Evans | County of Amherst | Asylums and Prisons Courts of Justice Library Military and Police |
William Bullitt Fitzhugh | Counties of Northampton and Accomack | Printing (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Schools and Colleges |
Ulysses Grant Flanagan | County of Montgomery; City of Radford | Appropriations Military and Police |
Thomas Beatty Forester | County of Lee | Claims Executive Expenditures House Expenses Immigration Labor and the Poor |
Edward R. Fuller | City of Richmond | House Expenses (Chair) Finance Immigration Schools and Colleges |
Robert Gilliam Jr. | City of Petersburg | Asylums and Prisons Courts of Justice Military and Police |
Howard C. Gilmer | County of Pulaski | Federal Relations and Resolutions Finance Moral and Social Welfare Privileges and Elections |
Kenneth N. Gilpin | Counties of Clarke and Warren | Appropriations Executive Expenditures Military and Police Roads and Internal Navigation |
Bernard C. Goodwin | Counties of Alleghany and Craig; City of Clifton Forge | Claims Enrolled Bills General Laws Privileges and Elections |
Reuben Lindsay Gordon Jr. | County of Louisa | Courts of Justice Immigration Insurance and Banking |
Channing Westwood Hall | County of Norfolk | Appropriations Immigration Public Property |
Wilbur C. Hall | Counties of Fauquier and Loudoun | Finance Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Privileges and Elections Retrenchment and Economy |
C. Henry Harman | Counties of Tazewell and Buchanan | Agriculture and Mining Currency and Commerce Enrolled Bills |
James T. Harvey | County of Nelson | Agriculture and Mining Executive Expenditures Public Property Retrenchment and Economy |
Norvell Lightfoot Henley | Counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, York, and Warwick; City of Williamsburg | Appropriations Officers and Offices at the Capitol Roads and Internal Navigation Rules |
Alexander R. Hobbs | Counties of Surry and Prince George; City of Hopewell | Counties Cities and Towns Enrolled Bills General Laws Immigration |
Wesley Anderson Horton | County of Carroll | Asylums and Prisons Labor and the Poor Military and Police |
Harry Rutherford Houston | County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton | Rules |
Edward Wren Hudgins | County of Mecklenburg | Courts of Justice General Laws Labor and the Poor |
Deane Hundley | Counties of King and Queen and Essex | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Claims Insurance and Banking Public Property |
Posie J. Hundley | County of Pittsylvania; City of Danville | Courts of Justice Federal Relations and Resolutions Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Property |
Thomas Lomax Hunter | Counties of Stafford and King George | Agriculture and Mining Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Officers and Offices at the Capitol Special Private and Local Legislation |
James Phillip Jones | City of Richmond | Moral and Social Welfare (Chair) Appropriations General Laws Public Property |
Emmett Lee Mann | Counties of Chesterfield and Powhatan | Labor and the Poor (Chair) Executive Expenditures Federal Relations and Resolutions General Laws |
Richard Anderson Marshall | Counties of Amelia and Nottoway | Insurance and Banking Moral and Social Welfare Public Property |
Richard Saunders Martin | County of Patrick | Asylums and Prisons Finance Moral and Social Welfare |
Garland Mourning McNutt | County of Albemarle; City of Charlottesville | Appropriations Retrenchment and Economy Schools and Colleges |
C. J. Meetze | County of Prince William | Immigration (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Federal Relations and Resolutions |
John James Miller | Counties of Page and Rappahannock | Agriculture and Mining Appropriations Public Property |
Philip W. Murray | City of Newport News | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Currency and Commerce Finance Militia and Police |
Joseph Simmons Musgrave Sr. | County of Southampton | Military and Police (Chair) Agriculture and Mining Asylums and Prisons Currency and Commerce |
Benjamin Franklin Noland | County of Loudoun | Confirmations (Chair) Asylums and Prisons Counties Cities and Towns Retrenchment and Economy |
Robert Opie Norris Jr. | Counties of Lancaster and Richmond | General Laws (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries House Expenses Retrenchment and Economy |
Richard Lafayette Omps | County of Frederick; City of Winchester | Agriculture and Mining Counties Cities and Towns Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Daniel William Owen | County of Halifax | Federal Relations and Resolutions (Chair) Enrolled Bills Finance Labor and the Poor |
Thomas William Ozlin | County of Lunenburg | Currency and Commerce General Laws Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Moral and Social Welfare |
Otto V. Pence | County of Shenandoah | Executive Expenditures Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and Economy Schools and Colleges |
D. H. Pitts | County of Albemarle; City of Charlottesville | Finance (Chair) Military and Police Public Property |
James Hubert Price | City of Richmond | Counties Cities and Towns Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Rules |
John Fendell Ragland Jr. | County of Chesterfield | Appropriations Executive Expenditures Moral and Social Welfare |
John W. Ramsey | County of Henry | Claims Enrolled Bills Finance |
J. Davis Reed | City of Portsmouth | Library (Chair) Federal Relations and Resolutions Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges |
J. Harry Rew | County of Accomack | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair) Finance Immigration |
Charles Hopkins Rolston | County of Rockingham; City of Harrisonburg | Schools and Colleges (Chair) Asylums and Prisons Immigration Privileges and Elections |
Robert Achilles Russell | County of Campbell | Asylums and Prisons Claims Courts of Justice |
Virginius Randolph Shackelford | County of Orange | Courts of Justice Insurance and Banking Public Property |
Anderson E. Shumate | Counties of Giles and Bland | Appropriations Currency and Commerce Federal Relations and Resolutions Privileges and Elections |
Charles Fletcher Smith | County of Dinwiddie | Agriculture and Mining Asylums and Prisons Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
Harry B. Smith | County of Culpeper | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Confirmations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
William Albert Smoot | County of Alexandria; City of Alexandria | Currency and Commerce Finance Retrenchment and Economy |
George Tabscott Snead | County of Princess Anne | Asylums and Prisons Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce |
William Conway Snow | Counties of Northumberland and Westmoreland | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Executive Expenditures Insurance and Banking Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
William White Sproul | County of Augusta; City of Staunton | Retrenchment and Economy (Chair) Agriculture and Mining Confirmations Finance |
Donald Thomas Stant | County of Washington; City of Bristol | Confirmations Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Rules |
John Wilson Stephenson | Counties of Bath, Highland, and Rockbridge; City of Buena Vista | Courts of Justice (Chair) Library Moral and Social Welfare |
John White Stuart | County of Russell | Counties Cities and Towns Military and Police Schools and Colleges |
James N. Stubbs | County of Gloucester | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Courts of Justice Currency and Commerce |
Robert Henry Stubbs | Counties of Mathews and Middlesex | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Public Property Retrenchment and Economy Roads and Internal Navigation |
Herbert J. Taylor | County of Augusta; City of Staunton | Asylums and Prisons (Chair) General Laws Immigration Military and Police |
Wallace Newton Tiffany | County of Fauquier | Currency and Commerce (Chair) House Expenses Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
George Gideon Turner | County of Bedford | Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair) Agriculture and Mining Privileges and Elections |
William Bledsoe Walton | County of Hanover | Insurance and Banking (Chair) Officers and Offices at the Capitol Printing Schools and Colleges |
Franklin Williams Jr. | County of Fairfax | Agriculture and Mining Moral and Social Welfare Schools and Colleges |
R. Holman Willis | City of Roanoke | Privileges and Elections (Chair) General Laws Officers and Offices at the Capitol Rules |
Peter Winston | County of Prince Edward | Appropriations Asylums and Prisons Insurance and Banking Library |
Frank James Wright | County of Rockingham; City of Harrisonburg | Federal Relations and Resolutions Library Moral and Social Welfare Public Property |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.