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1944-1945 Session Information

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  • Start Date: Jan 12 1944
  • End Date: May 16 1945
  • Notes: Sessions: January 12 to March 25, 1944; December 14, 1944 to March 15, 1945; March 19 to May 16, 1945
  • Speaker: Thomas Bahnson Stanley
  • Clerk: Edward Griffith Dodson
  • Special Sessions:
Marvin Hill Abernathy County of Brunswick Agriculture
Insurance and Banking
Public Property
Howard H. Adams Counties of Northampton and Accomack Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair)
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Retrenchment and Economy
William Harrison Adams City of Richmond Insurance and Banking (Chair)
Public Property
Norman C. Bailey Counties of Orange and Madison Insurance and Banking
Moral and Social Welfare
Roads and Internal Navigation
Robert Frederick Baldwin Jr. City of Norfolk Appropriations
Militia and Police
Roads and Internal Navigation
Henry Matthew Bandy County of Wise Currency and Commerce
General Laws
Mining and Mineral Resources
Frank Bryant Beazley Counties of Caroline, Essex, and King and Queen Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Counties Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Cralle Fauntleroy Blackwell Counties of Lunenburg and Mecklenburg Special, Private and Local Legislation (Chair)
General Laws
Privileges and Elections
John B. Boatwright Sr. Counties of Appomattox, Buckingham and Cumberland Federal Relations and Resolutions (Chair)
Courts of Justice
General Laws
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Albert Orlando Boschen City of Richmond Asylums and Prisons (Chair)
Enrolled Bills
Robert Contee Bowie County of Grayson Executive Expenditures
General Laws
Interstate Cooperation
Retrenchment and Economy
Isaac Cleveland Boyd County of Russell Counties Cities and Towns
Mining and Mineral Resources
Schools and Colleges
Jacob Ralph Breneman County of Rockingham; City of Harrisonburg House Expenses (Chair)
Currency and Commerce
Frank Wellington Burks County of Bedford Moral and Social Welfare (Chair)
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Public Property
Retrenchment and Economy
William Edward Butler County of Mecklenburg Appropriations
Currency and Commerce
Stuart Bland Campbell County of Wythe Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Mining and Mineral Resources
Retrenchment and Economy
William Hazzard Wigg Cassell City of Portsmouth Public Property (Chair)
General Laws
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
William Collin Chilton Counties of Lancaster and Richmond Agriculture
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Insurance and Banking
Public Property
William Cutlar Clark County of Pittsylvania Agriculture
Moral and Social Welfare
Ernest Dewey Coburn Counties of Bland and Giles Asylums and Prisons
Mining and Mineral Resources
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Willis Everett Cohoon County of Nansemond; City of Suffolk Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
Public Property
I. Newton Coleman County of Dinwiddie Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Lewis Preston Collins II County of Smyth Courts of Justice
Militia and Police
Mining and Mineral Resources
Public Property
John Warren Cooke Counties of Gloucester, Mathews and Middlesex Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Militia and Police
Privileges and Elections
Peter Davis Copes County of Accomack Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Enrolled Bills
General Laws
Ryland Glenmore Craft County of Scott Game and Inland Fisheries
Militia and Police
Mining and Mineral Resources
Roads and Internal Navigation
Paul Whittington Crockett Counties of Charles City, James City, New Kent, and York; City of Williamsburg Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Special Private and Local Legislation
John Hanah Daniel Counties of Prince Edward and Charlotte Asylums and Prisons
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Floyd J. Daughtrey Counties of Greensville and Sussex Claims
Enrolled Bills
Schools and Colleges
Delamater Davis City of Norfolk Courts of Justice
Currency and Commerce
House Expenses
Insurance and Banking
Harry B. Davis County of Princess Anne Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair)
Currency and Commerce
Executive Expenditures
Game and Inland Fisheries
Schools and Colleges
Roy B. Davis County of Halifax Claims (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Edmund Tompkins DeJarnette Counties of Hanover and King William Game and Inland Fisheries (Chair)
Insurance and Banking
Moral and Social Welfare
Roads and Internal Navigation
Elbert White Dodd Counties of Botetourt and Craig Asylums and Prisons
Moral and Social Welfare
Public Property
Schools and Colleges
Charles Rogers Fenwick County of Arlington Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Interstate Cooperation
Militia and Police
William McLeod Ferguson County of Warwick; City of Newport News Currency and Commerce (Chair)
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Executive Expenditures
Game and Inland Fisheries
General Laws
Earl A. Fitzpatrick City of Roanoke Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Counties Cities and Towns
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
James Earle Gardner City of Richmond Counties Cities and Towns
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Militia and Police
Schools and Colleges
James Newton Garrett County of Norfolk; City of South Norfolk Immigration (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Retrenchment and Economy
Roads and Internal Navigation
William John McCandless Gibson County of Spotsylvania; City of Fredericksburg Courts of Justice
Insurance and Banking
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Special Private and Local Legislation
Virgil Hamlin Goode Sr. County of Franklin Agriculture
Currency and Commerce
General Laws
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
John Walter Gray County of Washington; City of Bristol Agriculture
Enrolled Bills
General Laws
Mining and Mineral Resources
Auborn Pridemore Hamblen County of Lee Agriculture
House Expenses
Mining and Mineral Resources
Retrenchment and Economy
Edward Thomas Haynes City of Richmond Courts of Justice
Currency and Commerce
Executive Expenditures
Special Private and Local Legislation
George Dayton Hodges County of Augusta; City of Staunton Counties Cities and Towns
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Moral and Social Welfare
Roads and Internal Navigation
J. Howard Holleman Counties of Prince George and Surry; City of Hopewell Counties Cities and Towns (Chair)
House Expenses
Retrenchment and Economy
Lloyd West Hopkins County of Patrick Game and Inland Fisheries
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Walter Lee Hopkins City of Richmond Library (Chair)
Militia and Police
Privileges and Elections
Retrenchment and Economy
Hugh White Huff County of Pulaski Appropriations
Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
Charles K. Hutchens City of Newport News Militia and Police (Chair)
Moral and Social Welfare
William H. Irvine County of Campbell Agriculture (Chair)
Game and Inland Fisheries
Roads and Internal Navigation
Henry Satterwhite Johnson Counties of Fluvanna, Goochland, and Louisa Asylums and Prisons
Game and Inland Fisheries
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Privileges and Elections
Schools and Colleges
A. Owen King County of Halifax Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair)
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Baldwin Gerald Locher County of Rockbridge; City of Buena Vista Asylums and Prisons
Game and Inland Fisheries
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles C. Louderback Counties of Page and Warren Appropriations (Chair)
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Public Property
Charles Nicholas Loving Counties of Bath, Highland, and Rockbridge; City of Buena Vista Counties Cities and Towns
Game and Inland Fisheries
James Maynard Magruder County of Arlington Asylums and Prisons
Counties Cities and Towns
House Expenses
Insurance and Banking
Samuel Thomas Martin Sr. City of Lynchburg Appropriations
Currency and Commerce
General Laws
Militia and Police
George Alvin Massenburg County of Elizabeth City; City of Hampton Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Currency and Commerce
Moral and Social Welfare
George Edmond Massie Jr. City of Richmond Federal Relations and Resolutions
General Laws
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Robert John McCandlish Jr. County of Fairfax Courts of Justice
Enrolled Bills
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Edward O. McCue Jr. Counties of Albemarle and Greene; City of Charlottesville Courts of Justice (Chair)
Executive Expenditures
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Schools and Colleges
Burton DeBerry Melchor Jr. City of Norfolk Confirmation
Federal Relations and Resolutions
General Laws
Militia and Police
Frank Peyton Moncure Counties of Prince William and Stafford Auditing
Game and Inland Fisheries
General Laws
Retrenchment and Economy
Edgar Blackburn Moore Counties of Clarke and Frederick; City of Winchester Confirmation (Chair)
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Privileges and Elections
Retrenchment and Economy
Joseph Edwin Proffit Counties of Carroll and Floyd Executive Expenditures
Schools and Colleges
Special Private and Local Legislation
Ceylon Grey Quesenbery County of Augusta; City of Staunton General Laws (Chair)
Enrolled Bills
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Allen Killmon Randolph Counties of Albemarle and Greene; City of Charlottesville Agriculture
Enrolled Bills
General Laws
Elijah Jeff Robertson City of Norfolk Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Counties Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Samuel Dagnell Rodgers City of Petersburg Finance, Auditing (Chair)
Asylums and Prisons
Moral and Social Welfare
Howard Cochran Rogers County of Loudoun Agriculture
Moral and Social Welfare
Roads and Internal Navigation
Marvin Pretlow Sebrell County of Southampton Appropriations
Asylums and Prisons
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Schools and Colleges
William Robert Shaffer County of Shenandoah Claims
Executive Expenditures
Insurance and Banking
Militia and Police
Almer Reen Singleton Counties of Dickenson and Buchanan Labor
Mining and Mineral Resources
Moral and Social Welfare
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Harold Brown Singleton County of Amherst; City of Lynchburg Asylums and Prisons
Courts of Justice
Insurance and Banking
Public Property
Daniel French Slaughter Counties of Culpeper and Rappahannock Agriculture
Currency and Commerce
Public Property
Vernon Corbett Smith County of Buchanan Mining and Mineral Resources (Chair)
Insurance and Banking
Moral and Social Welfare
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
John Benjamin Spiers County of Montgomery; City of Radford Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Beecher Ernest Stallard City of Richmond Counties Cities and Towns
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Thomas Bahnson Stanley County of Henry; City of Martinsville Rules (Chair)
Richard Cralle Stokes County of Alleghany; City of Clifton Forge Executive Expenditures
Game and Inland Fisheries
General Laws
Interstate Cooperation
Samuel Waverly Swanson County of Pittsylvania Counties Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Insurance and Banking
Public Property
Vernoy Brownie Tate County of Wise Appropriations
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Mining and Mineral Resources
Special Private and Local Legislation
L. Lake Triplett County of Fauquier Retrenchment and Economy (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
James Hoge Tyler III City of Norfolk Federal Relations and Resolutions
Privileges and Elections
Charles Francis Unruh Counties of King George, Northumberland, and Westmoreland Asylums and Prisons
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Retrenchment and Economy
Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles Montgomery Waldrop Counties of Amelia and Nottoway Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Militia and Police
Roads and Internal Navigation
Claiborne H. Walton City of Portsmouth Labor (Chair)
Counties Cities and Towns
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Special Private and Local Legislation
Theodore Garnett Walton County of Norfolk; City of South Norfolk Agriculture
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Currency and Commerce
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
George Marvin Warren County of Washington; City of Bristol Interstate Cooperation (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Game and Inland Fisheries
Mining and Mineral Resources
Wilson Selden Washington City of Alexandria Counties Cities and Towns
Currency and Commerce
Executive Expenditures
Insurance and Banking
Russell Mauzy Weaver County of Rockingham; City of Harrisonburg General Laws
Schools and Colleges
Robert Whitehead Counties of Amherst and Nelson Agriculture
Executive Expenditures
Furman Black Whitescarver County of Roanoke Appropriations
Enrolled Bills
Militia and Police
Privileges and Elections
Ernest Howard Williams Jr. County of Isle of Wight and Nansemond; City of Suffolk Finance
Interstate Cooperation
Moral and Social Welfare
Schools and Colleges
Joseph J. Williams Jr. County of Henrico Printing (Chair)
Asylums and Prisons
Counties Cities and Towns
Courts of Justice
Jack Walter Witten County of Tazewell Asylums and Prisons
Counties Cities and Towns
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Mining and Mineral Resources
Walter White Wood City of Roanoke Finance
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Roads and Internal Navigation
Landon Russell Wyatt City of Danville Appropriations
Counties Cities and Towns
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Public Property
Elwood Floyd Yates Counties of Chesterfield and Powhatan Counties Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Game and Inland Fisheries
Retrenchment and Economy
Schools and Colleges

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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