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1849-1850 Session Information

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Edmund R. Allen Accomack Clerk's Office (Chair)
Charles B. Ball Loudoun Register's Office
John S. Barbour Jr. Culpeper Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Christopher J. Beirne Monroe Penitentiary (Chair)
James Bennett Braxton, Lewis, and Gilmer Register's Office
Thomas J. Boyd Wythe and Pulaski Roads and Internal Navigation
Francis M. Boykin Isle of Wight First Auditor's Office
Lunatic Asylums
James Brown Bath and Highland Executive Expenditures
Thomas Brown Westmoreland Treasurer's Accounts
William A. Buckner Caroline First Auditor's Office
William M. Burwell Bedford Banks
Schools and Colleges
Thomas Buswell Page Militia Laws
Thomas B. Butt Norfolk County Register's Office (Chair)
William Cackley Pocahontas Second Auditor's Committee
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
John M. Campbell Smyth Bonds of Public Officers
Clerk's Office
Thomas H. Campbell Nottoway Courts of Justice
Public Libraries
Wyatt Cardwell Charlotte Agriculture and Manufactures
Second Auditor's Committee
John Carroll Grayson and Carroll . Propositions and Grievances
Charles Carter Albemarle Schools and Colleges
Nathaniel C. Claiborne Franklin Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Bowling Clarke Campbell Executive Expenditures
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Thomas N. Clarke Essex Penitentiary
Thomas C. Clopton Gloucester Clerk's Office
Lunatic Asylums
Henry E. Coleman Mecklenberg Banks
Schools and Colleges
Eustace Conway Spotsylvania Courts of Justice
James Cook Wood, Wirt, Ritchie, and Doddridge Claims
James W. Cook Greensville Penitentiary
Treasurer's Accounts
William M. Cook Roanoke Finance
Roads and Internal Navigation
James B. Dorman Rockbridge Militia Laws (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
Joseph L. or S. Duckwall Morgan Armory
Bonds of Public Officers
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Talbot S. Duke Jefferson Privileges and Elections
Isaac B. Dunn Washington Finance
William H. Edwards Franklin Executive Expenditures
James H. Ferguson Logan and Boone Courts of Justice (Chair)
Louis C. H. Finney Accomack Bonds of Public Officers (Chair)
Beverley R. Fleming Halifax Agriculture and Manufactures
Propositions and Grievances
Henry D. Flood Appomattox Privileges and Elections
William W. Forbes Buckingham Militia Laws
James S. Garrison Princess Anne Public Libraries
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Hervey George Tazewell Trade and the Mechanic Arts (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Samuel C. Gibson Amherst Banks
Madison Gilmore Botetourt Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
Lewis Grantham Berkeley Clerk's Office
Public Libraries
James W. Gresham Lancaster and Richmond County Claims
Robert G. Griffin Southampton First Auditor's Office
Peter Guerrant Floyd Armory
John Haas Shenandoah Penitentiary
Charles S. Hall Randolph and Barbour Courts of Justice
Allen C. Hammond Berkeley Claims
George D. Happer Norfolk County Armory
David Hargrave Surry Enrolled Bills
Joseph W. Harper Dinwiddie Militia Laws
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
William O. Harris Louisa Agriculture and Manufactures
Benoni E. Harrison Prince William Treasurer's Accounts
Lewis E. Harvie Amelia Banks (Chair)
Agriculture and Manufactures
Robert Henderson Northumberland Armory
William Hicks Mason, Putnam, Wirt, and Jackson Propositions and Grievances
Hiram Hill Fayette and Nicholas Propositions and Grievances
Second Auditor's Committee
Benjamin Hiner Pendleton and Highland Armory
Propositions and Grievances
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Henry Laurens Hopkins Powhatan
James R. Houser King and Queen Claims
Register's Office
William M. Hume Fauquier Armory
Edward B. Jacobs Warren and Clarke Armory
Enrolled Bills
Mortimer H. Johnson Taylor Banks
Alexander Jones Chesterfield Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
Garrison Jones Marshall Register's Office
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Edward D. Kernan Russell Privileges and Elections
Zedekiah Kidwell Marion Roads and Internal Navigation
John R. Kilby Nansemond Armory
Courts of Justice
Public Libraries
Richmond T. Lacy Charles City and New Kent First Auditor's Office (Chair)
Courts of Justice
John A. Lancaster Henrico Enrolled Bills
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Douglass B. Layne Alleghany Claims (Chair)
Burdett A. Lewis Brunswick Courts of Justice
Charles S. Lewis Harrison and Doddridge Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Hiram Martz Rockingham County Second Auditor's Committee (Chair)
Charles Massie Goochland Armory
Clerk's Office
Joseph Mayo Richmond City Banks
Courts of Justice
John Marshall McCue Augusta Agriculture and Manufactures
Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
William P. Minter Lee Second Auditor's Committee
Robert C. Mitchell Bedford Propositions and Grievances
John Morris Cabell, Putnam, and Wayne Treasurer's Accounts
Theodorick Morris Henry Penitentiary
Griffith D. Neal Pittsylvania Propositions and Grievances
Morris D. Newman Madison Banks
Schools and Colleges
Treasurer's Accounts
John E. Nicholson Sussex Lunatic Asylums
Second Auditor's Committee
Nelson Page Cumberland Agriculture and Manufactures
Clerk's Office
George Pannill Jr. Orange and Greene
Spicer Patrick Kanawha and Putnam
Andrew Patterson Rockbridge Treasurer's Accounts
Albert G. Pendleton Giles and Mercer Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
Charles Perrow Nelson Propositions and Grievances
Philip Pittman Shenandoah Agriculture and Manufactures
Enrolled Bills
Robert M. Powell Hampshire Militia Laws
William B. Power Brunswick Agriculture and Manufactures
Samuel Price Greenbrier Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles Quillen Scott Claims
Robert G. Rives Prince George Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair)
Public Libraries
Roads and Internal Navigation
William J. Robertson Patrick Executive Expenditures
Jonas P. Schooley Loudoun Claims
Joseph Segar Elizabeth City and Warwick Treasurer's Accounts (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Hugh White Sheffey Augusta Lunatic Asylums
Privileges and Elections
Alexander K. Shepard Mathews and Middlesex Armory (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Russell A. Smith Montgomery and Pulaski Bonds of Public Officers
Edgar Snowden Alexandria Finance
George W. Southall James City, York, and Williamsburg Courts of Justice
Lunatic Asylums
Schools and Colleges
George Stillman Fluvanna Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Clerk's Office
William H. Stokes Lunenberg Armory
John B. Stovall Halifax Finance (Chair)
James French Strother Rappahannock Courts of Justice
Simon S. Stubbs Norfolk City Banks
Executive Expenditures
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
William P. Stump Hampshire Claims
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Charles F. Suttle Stafford Agriculture and Manufactures
First Auditor's Office
John W. Syme Petersburg Banks
Roads and Internal Navigation
Samuel J. Tebbs Fauquier Roads and Internal Navigation
Harrison B. Tomlin King William Public Libraries (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
George Townes Pittsylvania Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
John F. Wall Frederick Agriculture and Manufactures
Register's Office
Robert Wallace King George Militia Laws
Second Auditor's Committee
Francis Warman Monongalia First Auditor's Office
Egbert R. Watson Albemarle Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Nathaniel Wells Brooke and Hancock Schools and Colleges
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Felix B. Welton Claims
James G. West Tyler, Doddridge, and Wetzel First Auditor's Office
James W. Wheadon Surry Enrolled Bills
James S. Wheate Ohio Banks
Bonds of Public Officers
Roads and Internal Navigation
Stephen B. Wheeler Preston Propositions and Grievances
Robert J. T. White Loudoun Agriculture and Manufactures
Militia Laws
Schools and Colleges
William C. Wickham Hanover Bonds of Public Officers
Roads and Internal Navigation
Edwin A. Williams Mecklenberg Propositions and Grievances
Register's Office
Ira Williams Fairfax Armory
Bonds of Public Officers
Lunatic Asylums
John Wills Campbell Banks
Roads and Internal Navigation
Algernon R. Wood Frederick Privileges and Elections (Chair)
William T. Wootton Prince Edward Agriculture and Manufactures
Schools and Colleges
William C. Worthington Jefferson Courts of Justice
William B. Yancey Rockingham Armory
Roads and Internal Navigation
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
George T. Yerby Northampton Lunatic Asylums (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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