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1832-1833 Session Information

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  • Start Date: Dec 3 1832
  • End Date: Mar 9 1833
  • Notes: Session: December 3, 1832 to March 9, 1833
  • Speaker: Linn Banks
  • Clerk: George Wythe Munford
  • Special Sessions:
Isaac Adams Patrick Propositions and Grievances
Joseph Alderson Greenbrier Claims
Enrolled Bills
Henry Alexander Monroe Roads and Internal Navigation
Hezekiah R. Anderson Nottoway Executive Expenditures
Linn Banks Madison
Samuel Bare Shenandoah Claims
Richard Walker Barton Frederick Agriculture and Manufactures
Roads and Internal Navigation
Lewis Beard Loudoun Roads and Internal Navigation
Henry Berry Jefferson Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
Richard Booker Amelia Schools and Colleges
Isaac Booth Randolph
William H. Brodnax Dinwiddie Courts of Justice (Chair)
Public Libraries
John T. Brown Petersburg Finance (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
William G. Brown Preston Privileges and Elections
James C. Bruce Halifax Finance
Schools and Colleges
Joseph C. Cabell Nelson Public Libraries (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
William Cackley Pocahontas Penitentiary
Robert Camm Amherst
John C. Campbell Brooke Second Auditor's Office (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Charles S. Carter Prince William Bonds of Public Officers (Chair)
Public Libraries
Schools and Colleges
Robert W. Carter Lancaster and Richmond County Banks (Chair)
William B. Charlton Montgomery Privileges and Elections
Zaccheus E. Cheatham Campbell Penitentiary
Register's Office
Joseph Cline Rockingham Agriculture and Manufactures
Thomas A. Coleburn Accomack Privileges and Elections
William Collins Norfolk County Penitentiary
Propositions and Grievances
Walker P. Conway Stafford Agriculture and Manufactures
John Crafford Crump Surry Claims
Benjamin F. Dabney King William Finance
Lawrence T. Dade Orange Militia (Chair)
William S. Daniel Fairfax Treasurer's Accounts
John Dearing Campbell Bonds of Public Officers
Second Auditor's Office
John Dickerson Caroline Privileges and Elections
William Dunton Northampton Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
John B. Earle Frederick Claims
Morton P. Emmons Bonds of Public Officers
Enrolled Bills
Charles James Faulkner Berkeley Courts of Justice
Public Libraries
James H. Fry Kanawha Register's Office
John S. Gallaher Jefferson Penitentiary (Chair)
David S. Garland Amherst Finance
Hervey George Tazewell Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
James H. Gholson Brunswick Courts of Justice
Thomas Walker Gilmer Albemarle Courts of Justice
Waldo P. Goff Harrison First Auditor's Office
Propositions and Grievances
William Osborne Goode Mecklenburg Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Peyton Gravely Henry Propositions and Grievances
John M. Gregory James City, York, and Williamsburg Armory
Bonds of Public Officers
Benjamin Griffin Southampton Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Samuel Hale Franklin Agriculture and Manufactures
Clerk's Office
John M. Harrison Loudoun Bonds of Public Officers
Privileges and Elections
Thomas H. Harvey Northumberland Claims
Archibald R. Harwood King and Queen Militia
Samuel L. Hays Lewis Roads and Internal Navigation
William Heiskill Lee First Auditor's Office
Treasurer's Accounts
Jacob Helms Floyd Propositions and Grievances
William G. Henry Monongalia Clerk's Office
Second Auditor's Office
Levi Henshaw Berkeley Agriculture and Manufactures
First Auditor's Office
Harman Hiner Pendleton Armory
Joel Holleman Isle of Wight Banks
John Hooe King George Executive Expenditures
Treasurer's Accounts
Alexander W. Jones Elizabeth City and Warwick Roads and Internal Navigation
Daniel Kincheloe Harrison Register's Office
Schools and Colleges
Miles King Jr. Norfolk Borough Armory (Chair)
Alexander G. Knox Mecklenburg Courts of Justice
Anthony Lawson Logan First Auditor's Office
Isaac Leffler Ohio Schools and Colleges
John Lewis Princess Anne Armory
James M. Macfarlane Russell Register's Office
Thomas Marshall Fauquier Privileges and Elections (Chair)
John P. Mayberry Wood Armory
Robert A. Mayo Henrico
George Mayse Bath Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
Samuel McCamant Grayson Claims
Enrolled Bills
Elisha McComas Cabell Register's Office
John McCoy Tyler Register's Office (Chair)
John McCue Augusta Roads and Internal Navigation
Thomas McCulloch Washington Privileges and Elections
James McDowell Jr Rockbridge Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
Public Libraries
William McMahon Rockingham Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
Fayette McMullen Scott Armory
Enrolled Bills
Fleming B. Miller Botetourt Courts of Justice
Samuel McD. Moore Rockbridge Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
John Mullen Hardy
John W. Murdaugh Norfolk County Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
John W. White Nash Powhatan Finance
John Newman Shenandoah Claims
Enrolled Bills
John Parriott Ohio Agriculture and Manufactures
Edmund Pate Bedford Executive Expenditures
William A. Patteson Chesterfield Penitentiary
Register's Office
William N. Patteson Buckingham Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
Barrett G. Payne Fluvanna Agriculture and Manufactures
Propositions and Grievances
William H. Pegram Sussex Schools and Colleges
Treasurer's Accounts
John S. Pendleton Culpeper Privileges and Elections
John Persinger Alleghany Roads and Internal Navigation
Nicholas J. Poindexter Louisa Clerk's Office (Chair)
Thomas Preston Bedford
Thomas J. Randolph Albemarle Public Libraries
Schools and Colleges
John D. Richardson Charlotte Claims
John F. Riley Accomack Armory
Archibald Ritchie Essex Militia
James E. Roane Charles City and New Kent Clerk's Office
William H. Roane Hanover Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Register's Office
William M. Robertson Page First Auditor's Office
William H. Roy Mathews and Middlesex Second Auditor's Office
John Rutherfoord Richmond City Banks
Treasurer's Accounts
William Shands Prince George Second Auditor's Office
John E. Shell Brunswick Schools and Colleges
John Sherrard Morgan First Auditor's Office (Chair)
William D. Sims Halifax Militia
Treasurer's Accounts
Thomas Sloan Hampshire Armory
Enrolled Bills
John B. D. Smith Frederick Banks
Nehemiah Smith Mason and Jackson Armory
Thomas Smith Gloucester Public Libraries
Second Auditor's Office
John Stanger Wythe Propositions and Grievances
John G. Stephenson Fayette and Nicholas Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
Carter Littlepage Stevenson Spotsylvania Banks
Courts of Justice
Richard Stewart Greensville Claims
John T. Street Lunenburg Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Thomas Jefferson Stuart Augusta Finance
William Y. Sturman Westmoreland Second Auditor's Office
William Swanson Pittsylvania Roads and Internal Navigation
Timothy Taylor Loudoun Armory
Henry B. Thompson Smyth Enrolled Bills
Philip Thornton Culpeper Roads and Internal Navigation
William Vance Hampshire Claims
John Robert Wallace Fauquier Courts of Justice
Henry E. Watkins Prince Edward Schools and Colleges
Joseph S. Watkins Goochland Roads and Internal Navigation
Richard D. Webb Nansemond Executive Expenditures
William J. Willey Monongalia Propositions and Grievances
John G. Williams Henrico Courts of Justice
Allen Wilson Cumberland Privileges and Elections
George W. Wilson Botetourt Courts of Justice
Vincent Witcher Pittsylvania Claims (Chair)
Wyley P. Woods Franklin First Auditor's Office
Charles Yancey Buckingham Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair)
Treasurer's Accounts (Chair)

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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