1830-1831 Session Information
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- Start Date: Dec 6 1830
- End Date: Apr 19 1831
- Notes: Session: December 6, 1830 to April 19, 1831
- Journal Link:
- Speaker:
Linn Banks
- Clerk:
George Wythe Munford
Special Sessions:
Name |
Locality |
Committees |
Isaac Adams | Patrick | Enrolled Bills Penitentiary |
David B. Alexander | Russell | Penitentiary Register's Office |
Hezekiah R. Anderson | Nottoway | Register's Office |
John T. Anderson | Botetourt | Courts of Justice Revolutionary Claims Roads and Internal Navigation |
Archibald Atkinson | Isle of Wight | Courts of Justice Revolutionary Claims |
Linn Banks | Madison | |
James Barbour | Orange | Courts of Justice Public Libraries Schools and Colleges |
John Baxter | Pocahontas | Militia Laws Privileges and Elections |
Thomas M. Bayly | Accomack | Finance Privileges and Elections |
Francis Billingsly | Monongalia | Propositions and Grievances |
Samuel Blackwell | Northumberland | Register's Office Schools and Colleges Treasurer's Accounts |
Richard Booker | Amelia | Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Edmund Broadus | Culpeper | Agriculture and Manufactures Claims Finance First Auditor's Office |
William H. Brodnax | Dinwiddie | Militia Laws (Chair) Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges |
Archibald Bryce Jr | Goochland | Finance (Chair) Public Libraries (Chair) Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thomas E. Burfoot | Chesterfield | Courts of Justice Revolutionary Claims |
Samuel B. T. Caldwell | Loudoun | Agriculture and Manufactures Roads and Internal Navigation |
John C. Campbell | Brooke | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Robert Campbell | Bedford | Claims Militia Laws Revolutionary Claims Treasurer's Accounts |
Thomas Carskaddon | Hampshire | Agriculture and Manufactures Armory Finance Second Auditor's Office |
William Castleman Jr | Frederick | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Penitentiary Roads and Internal Navigation |
George Chichester | Fairfax | Armory Clerk's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Samuel P. Christian | Brunswick | Courts of Justice Militia Laws |
Augustine Claiborne | Greensville | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
Oden G. Clay | Campbell | Claims Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation Second Auditor's Office |
John C. Cohoon | Nansemond | Finance First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation Treasurer's Accounts |
Charles L. Crockett | Wythe | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances Register's Office Second Auditor's Office |
John Crafford Crump | Surry | First Auditor's Office (Chair) Claims Finance Revolutionary Claims |
Thomas Davis | Orange | |
Thomas Davis | Berkeley | Propositions and Grievances |
George J. Davisson | Harrison | Militia Laws Propositions and Grievances |
John P. Drummond | Accomack | Agriculture and Manufactures Clerk's Office Register's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Ephraim Dunn | Hampshire | Claims Second Auditor's Office |
David Dyer | Henry | Armory Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas Easley | Halifax | Penitentiary |
Richard Eppes | Sussex | Propositions and Grievances (Chair) Courts of Justice Militia Laws |
Henry Erskine | Greenbrier | Claims Executive Expenditures Roads and Internal Navigation |
Patrick Ewing | Lee | Enrolled Bills Propositions and Grievances |
Richard J. Gaines | Charlotte | Executive Expenditures Schools and Colleges Treasurer's Accounts |
John S. Gallaher | Jefferson | Propositions and Grievances Roads and Internal Navigation |
James Garland | Nelson | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Samuel M. Garland | Amherst | Claims Courts of Justice Finance First Auditor's Office Penitentiary Revolutionary Claims Roads and Internal Navigation |
Wright Gatewood | Shenandoah | Militia Laws Propositions and Grievances |
James H. Gholson | Brunswick | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
Jonathan C. Gibson | Culpeper | |
Robert Gillespie | Tazewell | Penitentiary Register's Office Second Auditor's Office |
Thomas Walker Gilmer | Albemarle | Revolutionary Claims (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance Public Libraries Schools and Colleges |
William Osborne Goode | Mecklenburg | Schools and Colleges (Chair) Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
William B. Goodwyn | Southampton | Finance Schools and Colleges |
Thomas J. Green | Halifax | Executive Expenditures Revolutionary Claims Treasurer's Accounts |
Lewis Hail | Grayson | Armory Claims Enrolled Bills Executive Expenditures |
James D. Halyburton | Charles City and New Kent | Courts of Justice First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
George Hamilton | Spotslyvania | Agriculture and Manufactures Banks Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Joseph S. Hansbrough | Culpepper | Armory Roads and Internal Navigation |
William A. Harris | Shenandoah | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
Joseph Hart | Randolph | Bonds of Public Officers Enrolled Bills Penitentiary Register's Office |
Samuel L. Hays | Lewis | Propositions and Grievances |
Jacob Helms | Montgomery | Propositions and Grievances |
Levi Henshaw | Berkeley | Agriculture and Manufactures First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Harman Hiner | Pendleton | Enrolled Bills Penitentiary |
John M. Holland | Franklin | Agriculture and Manufactures Propositions and Grievances |
John Hooe | King George | Bonds of Public Officers Claims Schools and Colleges |
Houlder Hudgins | Mathews and Middlesex | First Auditor's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
John J. Jackson | Wood | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation Treasurer's Accounts |
Zachariah Jacobs | Ohio | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
Aldridge James | Fauquier | |
Alexander W. Jones | Elizabeth City and Warwick | Claims Treasurer's Accounts |
John Keller | Washington | Bonds of Public Officers Register's Office Roads and Internal Navigation |
Hiram Kilgore | Scott | Agriculture and Manufactures Penitentiary Propositions and Grievances |
Charles King | Giles | Propositions and Grievances |
Chesley Kinney | Augusta | Courts of Justice |
Alexander G. Knox | Mecklenburg | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures Finance |
Anthony Lawson | Logan | Propositions and Grievances |
John O. Leftwich | Bedford | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Benjamin W. Leigh | Henrico | Courts of Justice (Chair) Privileges and Elections |
Charles H. Leland | Lancaster and Richmond County | Executive Expenditures Schools and Colleges |
Samuel H. Lewis | Rockingham | Bonds of Public Officers (Chair) Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
Edward Lucas Jr. | Jefferson | Armory (Chair) Militia Laws Privileges and Elections |
Thomas Marshall | Fauquier | Privileges and Elections |
Jason M. Mason | Frederick | Banks (Chair) Privileges and Elections Public Libraries |
William T. T. Mason | Loudoun | Agriculture and Manufactures Finance |
William Maxwell | Norfolk Borough | Banks Courts of Justice Public Libraries Schools and Colleges |
George Mayse | Bath | Claims Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
John McCoy | Tyler | Agriculture and Manufactures Penitentiary Roads and Internal Navigation |
John McCue | Augusta | Penitentiary Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thomas McCulloch | Washington | Privileges and Elections |
James McDowell Jr | Rockbridge | Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
William H. McFarland | Petersburg | Banks Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
Addison McLaughlin | Nicholas | Armory
First Auditor's Office Penitentiary |
William McMahon | Rockingham | Militia Laws Propositions and Grievances Roads and Internal Navigation |
Fleming B. Miller | Botetourt | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
Thomas Miller | Powhatan | Treasurer's Accounts (Chair) Finance Schools and Colleges |
Thomas G. Moncure | Stafford | Banks Bonds of Public Officers Executive Expenditures Penitentiary Roads and Internal Navigation |
Samuel McD. Moore | Rockbridge | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges |
Richard Morris Jr. | Hanover | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Courts of Justice |
John W. Murdaugh | Norfolk County | Revolutionary Claims Schools and Colleges |
Isaac Newman | Mason | Finance Revolutionary Claims Roads and Internal Navigation |
Willoughby Newton | Westmoreland | Courts of Justice Revolutionary Claims |
John O'Ferrall | Morgan | Propositions and Grievances |
John Parriott | Ohio | Propositions and Grievances |
Barrett G. Payne | Fluvanna | Armory Propositions and Grievances Schools and Colleges |
William K. Perrin | Gloucester | Finance Privileges and Elections |
Nicholas J. Poindexter | Louisa | Clerk's Office (Chair) Claims Finance Penitentiary |
Benjamin Pollard | King and Queen | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
John Camm Pollard | King William | Courts of Justice |
Charles Powell | Franklin | Privileges and Elections |
Humphrey B. Powell | Loudoun | Revolutionary Claims Roads and Internal Navigation |
William B. Preston | Montgomery | Claims Courts of Justice Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
Francis E. Rives | Prince George | Second Auditor's Office (Chair) Executive Expenditures Privileges and Elections |
William M. Rives | Campbell | Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair) Banks Courts of Justice |
John Rutherfoord | Richmond City | Penitentiary (Chair) Banks Finance Militia Laws Public Libraries |
James Semple Jr | James City, York, and Williamsburg | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges |
William Seymour | Hardy | Courts of Justice |
Charles H. Sheild | Princess Anne | Agriculture and Manufactures Bonds of Public Officers Clerk's Office |
John E. Shell | Brunswick | Clerk's Office Courts of Justice |
William Spurlock | Cabell | Claims Militia Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
John T. Street | Lunenburg | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Archibald Stuart | Patrick | |
George W. Summers | Kanawha | Armory Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Swanson | Pittsylvania | Clerk's Office Enrolled Bills Roads and Internal Navigation Second Auditor's Office |
William P. Taylor | Caroline | Treasurer's Accounts |
William H. Terrill | Alleghany | Courts of Justice Schools and Colleges Treasurer's Accounts |
John Thompson | Norfolk County | Agriculture and Manufactures Finance Register's Office Second Auditor's Office |
John W. Webb Tyler | Prince William | Courts of Justice |
Littleton Upshur Jr. | Northampton | Clerk's Office Privileges and Elections |
John H. Vawter | Monroe | First Auditor's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Richard N. Venable | Prince Edward | Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
William M. Watkins | Charlotte | Claims Finance Privileges and Elections |
Richard Watts | Monongalia | Militia Laws Propositions and Grievances Treasurer's Accounts |
George J. Williams | Harrison | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation |
Philip Williams Jr | Shenandoah | Courts of Justice |
John P. Wilson | Cumberland | Claims Executive Expenditures Revolutionary Claims |
Vincent Witcher | Pittsylvania | Register's Office (Chair) Finance Privileges and Elections |
Rice W. Wood | Albemarle | Courts of Justice Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges |
William Wood | Frederick | Claims |
George Wright | Essex | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances Register's Office |
Charles Yancey | Buckingham | Claims (Chair) Banks Finance Privileges and Elections Revolutionary Claims |
William B. Zinn | Preston | Bonds of Public Officers Penitentiary Register's Office |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.