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1803-1804 Session Information

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  • Start Date: Dec 5 1803
  • End Date: Feb 3 1804
  • Notes: Session: December 5, 1803 to February 3, 1804
  • Speaker: Hugh Holmes
  • Clerk: James Pleasants Jr.
  • Special Sessions:
Name Locality Committees
John Adams Richmond City Claims
Andrew Alexander Rockbridge Propositions and Greivances
William Allen Surry Propositions and Greivances
Andrew Anderson Augusta Propositions and Greivances
William Aylett King William Courts of Justice
Propositions and Greivances
Tyree G. Bacon Nottoway Propositions and Greivances
Stephen Bailey/Bayley Westmoreland Propositions and Greivances
Jerman Baker Cumberland Courts of Justice
Thomas Baytop Gloucester Privileges and Elections
John Berry Bath Propositions and Greivances
Henry Blow Southampton Propositions and Greivances
George Booker Elizabeth City Propositions and Greivances
John Booker Prince Edward Propositions and Greivances
Lewis Booker Essex Claims
William Boone King George Propositions and Greivances
Henry Bowen Tazewell Propositions and Greivances
Vincent Bramham Richmond County Propositions and Greivances
John Brown Bath Propositions and Greivances
Hezekiah Bukey/Budy Wood Propositions and Greivances
Thomas Burke Caroline Clerk's Office
Propositions and Greivances
William H. Cabell Amherst Courts of Justice
Propositions and Greivances
John Camm Amherst Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
James Campbell Berkeley Propositions and Greivances
John Campbell Westmoreland Courts of Justice
John Cargill Sussex Propositions and Greivances
Peter Carr Albemarle Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Clerk's Office
William Hunter Cavendish Greenbrier
Archibald Christian New Kent Courts of Justice
William Clarke Chesterfield Propositions and Greivances
William Clendinen/Clendenin Kanawha Claims
Daniel Coleman Caroline Propositions and Greivances
Daniel Coleman Pittsylvania Propositions and Greivances
Charles Cordle Brunswick Propositions and Greivances
Joseph Crockett Wythe Privileges and Elections
Ellyson/Ellison Currie Lancaster Courts of Justice
Peter M. Daniel Louisa Claims
Robert Beverley Daniel Middlesex
Matthew Dickey Grayson Propositions and Greivances
William Digges Jr. Warwick
Henry St. John Dixon Washington
Robert Doake Augusta Propositions and Greivances
Andrew Donnelly Kanawha Propositions and Grievances
Thomas D. Downing Northumberland Claims
William H. Dulaney Shenandoah Courts of Justice
Rickards Dunton Jr. Northampton Courts of Justice
Lewis Dupree Greensville Privileges and Elections
Richard Edwards Northumberland Claims
Propositions and Greivances
Robert Eley Isle of Wight Claims
Nathan Ellington Russell Propositions and Greivances
Thomas Ellis Orange Propositions and Greivances
Freeman Epes Nottoway Propositions and Greivances
Hancock Eustace Stafford Propositions and Greivances
Dudley Evans Monongalia Claims
Hume R. Field Mecklenburg Propositions and Greivances
John Finnie Accomack
Jacob Fisher Hardy Privileges and Elections
William R. Fleming Goochland Propositions and Greivances
Charles Foster Sr. Patrick Courts of Justice
Isaac Foster Prince William Courts of Justice
Nathaniel Fox Stafford Clerk's Office
Propositions and Greivances
Henry I. Gamble/Gambill Rockingham Courts of Justice
Edward Garland Albemarle Privileges and Elections
Henry Garrett Louisa V
James Gee Southampton Courts of Justice
Propositions and Greivances
Joseph Goodwyn Dinwiddie Privileges and Elections
David Graham Monroe
John Gray Monroe Claims
Moses Greer Franklin Propositions and Greivances
William Gregory King William Courts of Justice
John Grills Tazewell Propositions and Greivances
John Hadden Randolph Propositions and Greivances
Joseph Haden Fluvanna Propositions and Greivances
John Hancock Princess Anne
Edmund Harrison Amelia Propositions and Greivances (Chair)
Courts of Justice
William Harrison Prince George Courts of Justice
William Butler Harrison Loudoun Courts of Justice
James Harwell Mecklenburg Propositions and Greivances
John Hatcher Cumberland Privileges and Elections
Aylett Hawes Culpeper Privileges and Elections
John G. Henderson Wood Propositions and Greivances
Robert Hill Madison Claims
Hugh Holmes Frederick
James Holt Norfolk County Claims
Peter Hull Pendleton
Thomas Hunton Fauquier Propositions and Greivances
John Ingles Montgomery Claims
Robert Innes Franklin Propositions and Greivances
Edward Jackson Harrison Privileges and Elections
Joseph Jackson Grayson Privileges and Elections
Jacob Jenkins Hampshire Propositions and Greivances
Augustine Jennings Fauquier Privileges and Elections
James Johnson Isle of Wight Claims
Peter Johnston Jr. Prince Edward
Bathurst Jones Hanover Courts of Justice
Benjamin Jones Henry Propositions and Greivances
Edward Jones Buckingham Propositions and Greivances
David G. Kerr Spotslyvania Courts of Justice
Propositions and Greivances
Peter Lampkin Lunenburg Propositions and Greivances
Arthur Lee Norfolk County Courts of Justice
Daniel Lee Shenandoah Courts of Justice
Richard Evers Evers Lee Norfolk Borough Claims
Courts of Justice
Jabez Leftwich Bedford Propositions and Greivances
William Lightfoot James City Claims
Thomas Maclin Brunswick Propositions and Greivances
Brice Martin Jr. Henry Propositions and Greivances
John Martin Lee Propositions and Greivances
Edmund Mason Greensville Propositions and Greivances
John Mathews Greenbrier Privileges and Elections
Thomas S. McCleland Rockbridge Courts of Justice
Propositions and Greivances
William McCoy Pendleton Courts of Justice
James McFarlane Russell Propositions and Greivances
Martin McFerran Botetourt Privileges and Elections
Francis McGuire Brooke Privileges and Elections
Richard McIntosh Warwick Courts of Justice
William McKinley Ohio Propositions and Greivances
George Miller Buckingham Propositions and Greivances
Thomas Miller Powhatan Propositions and Greivances
Thomas Miller Jr. Goochland Privileges and Elections
John Milton Frederick Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
George W. Minge Charles City
Robert T. Moore Orange Propositions and Greivances
Abraham Morgan Jefferson Claims
John Morgan Ohio Propositions and Greivances
Littleberry Mosby Jr Powhatan Propositions and Greivances
Robert Moss Fairfax Propositions and Greivances
Elliott Muse Middlesex Courts of Justice
Propositions and Greivances
John Napier Fluvanna Propositions and Greivances
William Neill Lee Claims
Sterling Niblett Lunenburg Propositions and Greivances
Edwin Nichols Rockingham Propositions and Greivances
Isaac Otey Bedford Courts of Justice
William G. Payne Monongalia Courts of Justice
Benjamin Peete Sussex Propositions and Greivances
Greensville Penn Patrick Courts of Justice
Daniel B. Perrow Campbell Courts of Justice
Thomas Pescud York Claims
Jeremiah Plummer Princess Anne Propositions and Greivances
John Preston Montgomery Clerk's Office (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Greivances
Robert Price Charlotte Privileges and Elections
John Prunty Harrison Claims (Chair)
Thomas Randolph Amelia
Josiah Riddick Nansemond
Lemuel Riddick Nansemond Claims
Clerk's Office
John Roberts Culpeper Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Stephen Chilton Roszel Loudoun Claims
Elliott Rucker Madison Claims
George Ruffin Prince George Courts of Justice
Andrew Russell Washington Propositions and Greivances
Peter Rust Richmond County Propositions and Greivances
Isaac Salle Chesterfield Courts of Justice
Charles S. Satchell Northampton Propositions and Greivances
Anderson Scott King and Queen Propositions and Greivances
Nicholas Sebrell Surry Propositions and Greivances
Joseph Selden Henrico Propositions and Greivances
James Semple Williamsburg Courts of Justice
Lyne Shackleford Mathews Courts of Justice
Martin Shearman Lancaster Claims
Daniel Sheffey Wythe Courts of Justice
Christian Simon/Simons Hardy Propositions and Greivances
Thomas G. Smith King and Queen Claims
John Snyder Hampshire Privileges and Elections
Peyton Southall York Propositions and Greivances
James Spark Mathews Claims
Larkin Stanard Spotsylvania Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Greivances
Thomas Starke Hanover Privileges and Elections
Charles Stockley Accomack Propositions and Greivances
Gervas Storrs Henrico
John G. Stuart King George Claims
George Summers Fairfax Privileges and Elections
George Tate Jefferson Claims
Magnus Tate Jr. Berkeley Privileges and Elections
James Taylor New Kent Courts of Justice
William Terry Halifax Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Greivances
Morgan Tomkies Gloucester Propositions and Greivances
Champion Travis James City Claims
William Tyler Prince William Courts of Justice
Abraham B. Venable Prince Edward Courts of Justice (1803- Elected to US Senate) (Chair)
Edward Warren Charles City Courts of Justice
John Watkins Dinwiddie Privileges and Elections
Thomas Watkins Halifax Propositions and Greivances
John S. Westwood Elizabeth City Propositions and Greivances
Matthew Whitman Randolph Propositions and Greivances
Alexander Wilson Botetourt Propositions and Greivances
Thomas Wood Jr. Essex Propositions and Greivances
Thomas H. Wooding Pittsylvania Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Joseph Wyatt Charlotte Privileges and Elections
Joel Yancey Campbell Privileges and Elections
John Goodman Young Brooke Privileges and Elections

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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