1756-1758 Session Information
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- Start Date: Mar 24 1756
- End Date: Apr 12 1758
- Notes: This Assembly met from March 24 to May 5, 1756, and was progrogued. It next met from September 20 to 28, 1756, and was prorogued; from April 14 to June 8, 1757, when prorogued; from March 30 to April 12, 1758, when prorogued, then dissolved.
- Speaker:
John Robinson Jr.
- Clerk:
John Randolph
Special Sessions:
Name | Locality | Committees |
Richard Adams/Adam | New Kent | Trade |
Edmund Allen | Accomack | |
Charles Anderson | Prince Edward | Courts of Justice |
Robert Anderson | Louisa | Public Claims |
Spencer Ball | Northumberland | Public Claims |
William Ball | Lancaster | Courts of Justice |
Charles Barret | Louisa | Public Claims |
John Bates | Halifax | |
John Baylor | Caroline | Propositions and Grievances |
John Bell | Prince William | Courts of Justice |
Richard Bland | Prince George | Public Claims (Chair) Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances Trade |
Alexander Bolling | Prince George | Propositions and Grievances Public Claims |
John Bolling | Chesterfield | Propositions and Grievances |
Robert Bolling | Dinwiddie | Propositions and Grievances |
Richard Booker | Amelia | Public Claims |
Joseph Bridger | Isle of Wight | Trade |
Gray Briggs | Sussex | Courts of Justice |
Robert Burwell | Isle of Wight | Privileges and Elections |
William Cabell | Albemarle | Courts of Justice |
William Callaway | Bedford | |
George Carrington | Cumberland | Courts of Justice |
Charles Carter Jr. | King George | Propositions and Grievances |
Charles Carter Sr. | King George | Propositions and Grievances (Chair) Privileges and Elections |
Landon Carter | Richmond County | Courts of Justice (Chair) Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances Trade |
Archibald Cary | Chesterfield | Propositions and Grievances |
Benjamin Cave | Orange | Public Claims |
John Chiswell | Williamsburg | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
William Clinch | Surry | Trade |
Bowler Cocke | Henrico | Propositions and Grievances |
Joshua Corprew | Norfolk County | Courts of Justice |
Rice Curtis | Spotsylvania | |
Nathaniel West Dandridge | Hanover | Propositions and Grievances |
William Dangerfield | Essex | Public Claims |
Dudley Digges | York | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
William Digges | Warwick | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
John Edmunds | Sussex | Courts of Justice |
William Embry | Lunenberg | Trade |
Richard Eppes | Chesterfield | |
Littleton Eyre | Northampton | Public Claims
Trade |
George William Fairfax | Fairfax | Propositions and Grievances |
Henry Field | Culpeper | Public Claims |
William Fitzhugh | Stafford | Propositions and Grievances |
John Fleming Jr. | Cumberland | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
Edward Goodrich | Brunswick | |
Joseph Gray | Southampton | Public Claims |
William Samuel Harris | Halifax | Courts of Justice |
Benjamin Harrison Jr. | Surry | Trade (Chair) Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Benjamin Harrison V | Charles City | Privileges and Elections |
William Harwood | Warwick | Public Claims |
Peter Hedgman | Stafford | Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances |
John Hutchings Jr. | Norfolk Borough | Trade |
Philip Johnson | King and Queen | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Gabriel Jones | Augusta | Courts of Justice
Public Claims |
John Jones | Dinwiddie | Public Claims |
Ralph Justice | Accomack | Courts of Justice |
William Keeling | Princess Anne | Trade |
John Kendall | Northampton | Public Claims |
Henry Lee | Prince William | |
Philip Ludwell Lee | Westmoreland | |
Richard Henry Lee | Westmoreland | |
William Lightfoot | Charles City | Privileges and Elections |
John Martin | King William | Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas Bryan Martin | Hampshire | Privileges and Elections |
Bernard Moore | King William | Propositions and Grievances |
Joseph Morton | James City County | Courts of Justice |
John Nash | Prince Edward | Courts of Justice |
Thomas Nash | Lunenberg | Courts of Justice |
John Nicholas | Albemarle | |
Robert Carter Nicholas | York | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
John Page | Gloucester | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
John Payne | Goochland | Public Claims |
Edmund Pendleton | Caroline | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Henry Peyton | Prince William | Courts of Justice |
James Power | New Kent | Privileges and Elections |
Peyton Randolph | College of William and Mary | Privileges and Elections (Chair) |
William Randolph III | Henrico | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Lemuel Riddick | Nansemond | Privileges and Elections |
Willis Riddick | Nansemond | Courts of Justice |
Christopher Robinson | Middlesex | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
John Robinson Jr. | King and Queen | |
Richard Selden | Lancaster | Trade |
Thomas Slaughter | Culpeper | Courts of Justice |
Francis Smith | Essex | Public Claims |
John Smith | Goochland | Public Claims |
John Spotswood | Spotsylvania | Propositions and Grievances |
___________ Stith | Bedford | Courts of Justice |
Thomas Swearingen | Frederick | |
John Syme/Syne | Hanover | Propositions and Grievances |
John Tabb | Elizabeth City | Courts of Justice |
Thomas Tabb | Amelia | Public Claims Trade |
George Taylor | Orange | Public Claims |
William Taylor | Southampton | Courts of Justice |
Presley Thornton | Northumberland | Propositions and Grievances |
William Thornton | Brunswick | Public Claims |
Edward Champion Travis | Jamestown | Propositions and Grievances |
George Veale | Norfolk County | Courts of Justice |
Anthony Walke Jr. | Princess Anne | |
Thomas Walke | Princess Anne | |
Thomas Walker | Hampshire | Public Claims |
William Waller | Spotsylvania | |
Augustine Washington | Westmoreland | Propositions and Grievances |
Francis West | King William | Courts of Justice |
Hugh West | Frederick | Courts of Justice |
John West | Fairfax | Public Claims |
William Westwood | Elizabeth City | Public Claims Trade |
Thomas Whiting | Gloucester | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances Trade |
John Wilson | Augusta | Public Claims |
John Woodbridge | Richmond County | Privileges and Elections |
Ralph Wormeley IV | Middlesex | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.