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1850-1851 Session Information

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Edmund R. Allen Accomack Clerk's Office (Chair)
James Arnold King George Register's Office
Treasurer's Accounts
Thomas P. August Richmond City Banks
John S. Barbour Jr. Culpeper Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Courts of Justice
William R. Baskerville Mecklenberg Schools and Colleges
Christopher J. Beirne Monroe Penitentiary (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
P. F. Boisseau Amelia Agriculture and Manufactures
Executive Expenditures
Phillip A. Bolling Cumberland Courts of Justice
John J. Bowcock Albemarle Privileges and Elections
Public Libraries
Thomas J. Boyd Wythe Finance
Eugenius L. Boydston Marion Penitentiary
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Francis M. Boykin Isle of Wight Lunatic Asylums
Militia Laws
Propositions and Grievances
Andrew Brooks Franklin Banks
William A. Buckner Caroline First Auditor's Office (Chair)
William M. Burwell Bedford Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Thomas Buswell Page Enrolled Bills
Militia Laws
Thomas B. Butt Norfolk County Register's Office (Chair)
William Cackley Pocahontas Second Auditor's Committee
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Elisha Callison Greenbrier Agriculture and Manufactures
Second Auditor's Committee
John S. Calvert Shenandoah Bonds of Public Officers
John M. Campbell Smyth Schools and Colleges
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Thomas H. Campbell Nottoway Courts of Justice
Public Libraries
Edward C. Carrington Botetourt Executive Expenditures
Isaac C. Carrington Charlotte Enrolled Bills
First Auditor's Office
Luther G. Carrington Loudoun First Auditor's Office
John Carroll Carroll Propositions and Grievances
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Charles Carter Albemarle Schools and Colleges
Treasurer's Accounts
Bowling Clarke Campbell Agriculture and Manufactures
Executive Expenditures
Richard I. Cocke Fluvanna Courts of Justice
Joseph E. Cox Petersburg Rules (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Robert Craig Roanoke Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
Oscar Minor Crutchfield Spotyslvania
Andrew Damron Alleghany Armory
Propositions and Grievances
Hiram W. Dawson Nelson Penitentiary
Harvey Deskins Floyd Trade and the Mechanic Arts (Chair)
Richmond F. Dillard Sussex Armory
William Dillard Amherst Claims
Public Libraries
Thomas R. Ditty Westmoreland Clerk's Office
James B. Dorman Rockbridge Militia Laws (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Talbot S. Duke Jefferson
Robert Dunlap Fayette and Nicholas Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
James P. Edmundson Montgomery and Pulaski Bonds of Public Officers
Propositions and Grievances
Thomas W. Edwards Loudoun Claims
William H. Edwards Franklin Finance
Lunatic Asylums
Buckner Fairfax Preston Agriculture and Manufactures
Militia Laws
James H. Ferguson Logan and Boone Courts of Justice (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Louis C. H. Finney Accomack Bonds of Public Officers (Chair)
Beverley R. Fleming Halifax Banks
Propositions and Grievances
William C. Flournoy Prince Edward Banks
Roads and Internal Navigation
William W. Forbes Buckingham Armory (Chair)
James S. Garrison Princess Anne Public Libraries
Register's Office
Edward A. Goodwyn Dinwiddie First Auditor's Office
Privileges and Elections
Lewis Grantham Berkeley Public Libraries (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
James W. Gresham Lancaster and Richmond County Claims
Peter Guerrant Goochland Banks (Chair)
Richard N. Hall Henrico Penitentiary
Schools and Colleges
Allen C. Hammond Berkeley Claims
Enrolled Bills
Benoni E. Harrison Prince William Treasurer's Accounts (Chair)
Robert T. Harvey Mason, Putnam, Wirt, and Jackson Militia Laws
Propositions and Grievances
Samuel L. Hays Braxton, Lewis, and Gilmer Claims (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Robert Henderson Northumberland Armory
Register's Office
George Washington Hopkins Russell County, and Washington County
John W. Horner Tyler, Doddridge, and Wetzel Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
James R. Houser King and Queen Claims
Register's Office
William M. Hume Fauquier Armory
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
John D. Imboden Augusta Lunatic Asylums
Privileges and Elections
William L. Lowther Jackson Wood, Wirt, Ritchie, and Doddridge Courts of Justice
Wellington Jenney Marshall Armory
Treasurer's Accounts
John M. Jewett Jefferson Second Auditor's Committee
Mortimer H. Johnson Taylor Banks
Alexander Jones Chesterfield Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
James B. Kee Pendleton and Highland Armory
Edward D. Kernan Russell Agriculture and Manufactures
John R. Kilby Nansemond Public Libraries
Schools and Colleges
Burdett A. Lewis Brunswick Courts of Justice
Charles S. Lewis Harrison and Doddridge Privileges and Elections
Schools and Colleges
Hiram Martz Rockingham County Second Auditor's Committee (Chair)
Edmund W. Massey Warren and Clarke Armory
Enrolled Bills
William D. Massey Alexandria Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Alexander H. McClintic Bath and Highland Claims
Lunatic Asylums
John Marshall McCue Augusta Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
Samuel D. McDearmon Appomattox Privileges and Elections
Alexander Monroe Hampshire Public Libraries
Register's Office
Robert L. Montague Mathews and Middlesex Bonds of Public Officers
Privileges and Elections
Schools and Colleges
Theodorick Morris Henry Enrolled Bills
Richard J. Muse Essex Enrolled Bills
First Auditor's Office
Griffith D. Neal Pittsylvania Propositions and Grievances
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
William J. Neblett Lunenberg Armory
Morris D. Newman Madison Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
George A. W. Newsom Southampton Militia Laws
Nelson Page Cumberland Agriculture and Manufactures
Executive Expenditures
Spicer Patrick Kanawha and Putnam Lunatic Asylums
Andrew Patterson Rockbridge Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
George W Pearis Giles and Mercer First Auditor's Office
Joseph K. Pendleton Louisa Claims
Privileges and Elections
Philip Pittman Shenandoah Claims
Enrolled Bills
William B. Power Brunswick Bonds of Public Officers
Executive Expenditures
Robert G. Rives Prince George Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
William J. Robertson Patrick Penitentiary
Charles W. Russell Ohio Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Robert E. Scott Fauquier Courts of Justice
William C. Scott Powhatan Register's Office
Treasurer's Accounts
Joseph Segar Elizabeth City and Warwick Roads and Internal Navigation
Sebastian S. Slemp Lee Agriculture and Manufactures
George W. Southall James City, York, and Williamsburg Courts of Justice
Lunatic Asylums
John M. Speed Campbell Banks
Courts of Justice
Robert Speer Scott Agriculture and Manufactures
John B. Stovall Halifax Finance (Chair)
James French Strother Rappahannock Courts of Justice
Sholto T. Stuart Fairfax Bonds of Public Officers
Simon S. Stubbs Norfolk City Banks
William P. Stump Hampshire Claims
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Henry Sturm Randolph and Barbour Agriculture and Manufactures
Charles F. Suttle Stafford Clerk's Office
First Auditor's Office
Richard M. Sydnor Frederick Agriculture and Manufactures
Bonds of Public Officers
William Booth Taliaferro Gloucester Courts of Justice
Harrison B. Tomlin King William Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Daniel Tompkins Bedford Propositions and Grievances
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Lemuel Vanorsdall Morgan Clerk's Office
John F. Wall Frederick Banks
Militia Laws
Francis Warman Monongalia Finance
Jeremiah Wellman Cabell, Putnam, and Wayne Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Treasurer's Accounts
Nathaniel Wells Brooke and Hancock Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Felix B. Welton Hardy Claims
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
James W. Wheadon Surry Clerk's Office
Second Auditor's Committee
Simeon Wheeler Norfolk County Courts of Justice
Lunatic Asylums
Chastain White Hanover Schools and Colleges
Second Auditor's Committee
Thomas H. Wilcox Charles City and New Kent Armory
Privileges and Elections
Treasurer's Accounts
Edwin A. Williams Mecklenberg Propositions and Grievances
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
John Willis Orange and Greene Lunatic Asylums
Roads and Internal Navigation
Baxter R. Wilson Greensville Clerk's Office
Lunatic Asylums
Vincent Witcher Pittsylvania Executive Expenditures
Roads and Internal Navigation
James W. M. Witten Tazewell Agriculture and Manufactures
Privileges and Elections
Robert L. Wright Loudoun Agriculture and Manufactures
Second Auditor's Committee
William B. Yancey Rockingham Armory
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
George T. Yerby Northampton Lunatic Asylums (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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