1811-1812 Session Information
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- Start Date: Dec 2 1811
- End Date: Feb 21 1812
- Notes: Session: December 2, 1811 to February 21, 1812
- Journal Link:
- Speaker:
James Barbour
Andrew Stevenson
- Clerk:
William Munford
James Pleasants Jr.
Special Sessions:
Name |
Locality |
Committees |
Daniel A. Allen | Cumberland | Propositions and Grievances |
Andrew Anderson | Augusta | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Patrick Anderson | Hanover | Courts of Justice |
William Armistead | Amherst | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures |
Philip Aylett | King William | Clerk's Office |
Stephen Bailey/Bayley | Westmoreland | Propositions and Grievances |
Jerman Baker | Patrick | Propositions and Grievances |
Joseph B. Baker | Nansemond | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Leonard Baker | Northampton | Claims |
William Lee Ball | Lancaster | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
James Barbour | Orange | |
Jacob Beeson | Wood | |
Allen Bernard | Fluvanna | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
John Berry | Bath | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Richard Billups | Mathews | Claims Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
Samuel Blackwell | Northumberland | Claims |
John Blair | Grayson | Propositions and Grievances |
Benjamin Blunt Jr. | Southampton | |
Isaac Booth | Randolph | Propositions and Grievances |
John Bowyer | Rockbridge | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
Reuben Bradley | Washington | Propositions and Grievances |
Nimrod Bramham | Albemarle | Finance |
Thomas Branch | Chesterfield | Propositions and Grievances |
Moore Fauntleroy Brockenbrough | Richmond County | |
William Bryan | Rockingham | |
Thornton Buckner | Fauquier | Privileges and Elections |
John Campbell Jr | Washington | Courts of Justice |
John Cantrill | Mason | |
Hugh Caperton Jr | Giles | Courts of Justice |
Nathaniel Cargill | Sussex | Propositions and Grievances |
William Carson | Shenandoah | Claims |
John Cecil | Tazewell | Propositions and Grievances |
Isaac Chapman | Giles | Claims |
James Charlton | Montgomery | Propositions and Grievances |
John Hunt Christian | New Kent | Propositions and Grievances |
Robert Christian | New Kent | Propositions and Grievances |
Nathaniel H. Claiborne | Franklin | Courts of Justice Finance |
James P. Cocke | Amelia | Propositions and Grievances |
John C. Cohoon Jr. | Nansemond | |
Daniel Coleman | Caroline | Privileges and Elections |
Daniel Coleman | Pittsylvania | Armory Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Richard Coleman | Fairfax | Armory |
Isaac Coplin | Harrison | Clerk's Office |
Gawin L. Corbin | York | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
John Cornick | Princess Anne | |
George Craig | Lunenburg | Claims |
Isaac Curd | Goochland | Propositions and Grievances |
George Currin | Grayson | Claims |
Cadwallader J. Dade | King George | |
Lawrence T. Dade | Orange | Courts of Justice |
Peter M. Daniel | Louisa | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
William Daniel | Cumberland | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
Fisher Dashiell | Nansemond | |
Archibald Davis | Surry | Propositions and Grievances |
Isaac Davis Jr. | Orange | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Philip D. Dawe | Prince William | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
William Dunton | Northampton | Clerk's Office |
Paschal Earley | Madison | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
James Edmunds | Brunswick | Propositions and Grievances |
Cornelius Egmon | Charles City | Finance |
Richard Epes | Nottoway | Propositions and Grievances |
Dudley Evans | Monongalia | Privileges and Elections |
Hume R. Field | Mecklenburg | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
William H. Fitzhugh | Stafford | Propositions and Grievances |
Robert P. Flannagan | Pendleton | Claims |
Patrick H. Fontaine | Henry | |
Zachariah Fugate | Russell | Claims |
Andrew Fulton | Augusta | Propositions and Grievances |
Silas Garrett | Franklin | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
William Garrow | Warwick | Propositions and Grievances |
Elijah Garth | Albemarle | Propositions and Grievances |
Charles Gee | Prince George | Armory |
John Gibson Jr. | Prince William | |
Robert Given | Bath | Claims Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
John C. Goode | Mecklenburg | Courts of Justice Finance |
John Goodson | Isle of Wight | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
John Gray | Monroe | Propositions and Grievances |
Richard C. Gregory | Lunenburg | Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas Griggs Jr. | Jefferson | Claims |
Reuben Grigsby | Rockbridge | Propositions and Grievances |
George Hairston Jr | Henry | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
John Haller Jr. | Wythe | Claims |
Archer Hankins | James City | Claims |
John Hansford | Kanawha | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
John Henderson | Mason | Propositions and Grievances |
John Hill | King William | Propositions and Grievances |
John Hodges | Norfolk County | Claims |
William C. Holt | Norfolk County | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
William Hooe | King George | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
William Hopkins | Bedford | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Samuel Hughes | Patrick | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Peter Hull Jr. | Pendleton | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
William Irwin | Ohio | Claims |
John G. Jackson | Harrison | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
John Jesse | Middlesex | Clerk's Office Courts of Justice |
James Johnson | Isle of Wight | Privileges and Elections (Chair) |
John Jones | Essex | Armory |
William Jones | Caroline | Executive Expenditures |
Thomas R. Joynes | Accomack | Propositions and Grievances |
Charles Julian | Stafford | Propositions and Grievances |
Joseph Kent | Wythe | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Alexander King | Hampshire | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
Maurice Langhorne | Warwick | Claims |
Josiah Leake | Goochland | Executive Expenditures |
Henry Lee Jr | Westmoreland | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Richard H. Henry Lee | Norfolk Borough | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
Benjamin W. Leigh | Dinwiddie | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Andrew Lewis Jr. | Botetourt | Claims |
John Lewis | Gloucester | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
Anselm Lynch | Campbell | Executive Expenditures |
James Machir | Hardy | Courts of Justice Finance |
William W. Macklin | Greensville | Propositions and Grievances |
Daniel Madeira | Shenandoah | Clerk's Office |
Archibald Magill | Frederick | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
William Marteney | Randolph | Propositions and Grievances |
John Martin | Lee | Claims |
Elisha McComas | Cabell | Propositions and Grievances |
Edmund McGinnis | Cabell | |
Andrew McMillan | Lee | Claims |
Charles Fenton Mercer | Loudoun | Courts of Justice Finance |
Thomas Moore | Amherst | Propositions and Grievances |
John Morgan | Ohio | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Rawley Morgan | Jefferson | |
William Morgan | Madison | Propositions and Grievances |
William Morrow | Greenbrier | Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
John Nicklin | Monongalia | Propositions and Grievances |
William Noland | Loudoun | Propositions and Grievances (Chair) Propositions and Grievances |
Isaac Otey | Bedford | Claims (Chair) |
William Parham | Sussex | Claims |
Severn E. Parker | Accomack | Claims Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
Barrett G. Payne | Fluvanna | Executive Expenditures |
Robert Pegram | Dinwiddie | Claims Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
William K. Perrin | Gloucester | Clerk's Office |
William Pope | Powhatan | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
James P. Preston | Montgomery | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
William Price | Halifax | Propositions and Grievances |
Brazure Williams Pryor | Elizabeth City | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
John Purnall | Prince Edward | Clerk's Office (Chair) Propositions and Grievances |
John Quarles | Spotsylvania | Propositions and Grievances |
William Ragland | Louisa | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
Peter Randolph Jr. | Nottoway | Finance (Chair) |
George Reveley | Campbell | Propositions and Grievances |
Peter C. Rice | Northumberland | Propositions and Grievances |
John P. Richardson | Charlotte | Propositions and Grievances |
Archibald Ritchie | Essex | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
James Robertson Jr. | Amelia | Courts of Justice Finance |
Thomas Rudd | Charlotte | Claims |
David Ruffner | Kanawha | Armory Propositions and Grievances |
Archibald Rutherford | Rockingham | Armory |
Joseph Sandford | Halifax | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
James Sargeant | Russell | Claims |
William Scammell | Surry | |
Alexander Scott | Fauquier | Executive Expenditures |
Richard M. Scott | Fairfax | Finance Propositions and Grievances |
John B. Seawell | Williamsburg | Claims Courts of Justice Finance Propositions and Grievances |
Joseph Selden | Henrico | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
Nathaniel Selden | Henrico | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas Shearer | Berkeley | Claims |
Samuel M. Shearman | Lancaster | |
Samuel Shield | York | |
Christian Simon/Simons | Hardy | Claims Executive Expenditures Propositions and Grievances |
Ballard Smith | Greenbrier | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Perrin Smith | Mathews | Propositions and Grievances |
Christian Snidow | Giles | |
Christian Snyder | Giles | Claims (1812) |
Thomas Spencer | Greensville | Propositions and Grievances |
Beverley C. Stanard | Chesterfield | Privileges and Elections |
Robert Stanard | Spotsylvania | Courts of Justice (Chair) |
Andrew Stevenson | Richmond City | Courts of Justice
Finance |
Griffin Stith | Southampton | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
John Strode | Culpeper | Armory Finance |
Thomas Tavenner | Wood | |
Allen Taylor | Botetourt | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Littleton Tazewell | James City | |
Foushee Gower Tebbs | Richmond County | Claims Courts of Justice |
Allen Temple | Prince George | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
James Thompson | Tazewell | Courts of Justice |
John Thruston | Middlesex | Propositions and Grievances |
John Tucker | Brunswick | Armory |
Zephaniah Turner | Culpeper | Propositions and Grievances |
John Tyler Jr. | Charles City | Courts of Justice |
Edwin Upshaw | King and Queen | Executive Expenditures |
George W. Varnum | Nelson | Propositions and Grievances |
George Vashon | Princess Anne | Clerk's Office Propositions and Grievances |
Andrew Waggoner Jr. | Berkeley | Propositions and Grievances |
Humphrey Walker | King and Queen | Privileges and Elections |
James Walker | Buckingham | Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas Ward | Cabell | Claims Propositions and Grievances |
Henry W. Watkins | Powhatan | Propositions and Grievances |
Samuel Watts | Elizabeth City | Propositions and Grievances |
Francis White | Hampshire | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
Gerard Williams | Frederick | Propositions and Grievances |
James Wilson | Brooke | Armory |
Horatio Gates Winston | Hanover | Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
Thomas H. Wooding | Pittsylvania | Armory (Chair) Finance |
James Woods | Nelson | Armory |
Charles Woodson | Prince Edward | Claims |
Charles Yancey | Buckingham | Privileges and Elections |
John Goodman Young | Brooke | Finance |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.