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1871-1873 Session Information

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John B. Allen Botetourt Claims
Labor and the Poor
Matthew G. Anderson Louisa Counties, Cities and Towns
Propositions and Grievances
Edmund R. Bagwell Accomack Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
George E. Beaton Southampton Claims
Executive Expenditures
George T. Berger Pittsylvania Banks, Currency and Commerce
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Silas G. Bernard Franklin Agriculture and Mining
Public Property
E.S. Bishop Lee Agriculture and Mining
Asylums and Prisons
Stith Bolling Lunenberg Chesapeake and its Tributaries (1872-1873)
Immigration (1872-1873)
George W. Booker Henry Banks, Currency and Commerce (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Thomas R. Borland Norfolk City Courts of Justice
Retrenchment and the Economy
George Bouton Madison Finance
Retrenchment and the Economy
Henry Bowen Tazewell Militia and Police
Privileges and Elections
Public Property
Lemuel C. Bristow Middlesex Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Labor and the Poor
Privileges and Elections
James V. Brooke Fauquier Courts of Justice (Chair)
John G. Brown Charlotte Agriculture and Mining
Labor and the Poor
John Thompson Brown Richmond City Asylums and Prisons
Roads and Internal Navigation
Lewis H. Bryant Grayson Claims
Retrenchment and Economy
William A. Bryant Prince William Agriculture and Mining
Labor and the Poor
Retrenchment and the Economy
Robert C. Burkholder Campbell Public Property (Chair)
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
John D. Butler Caroline Asylums and Prisons
Retrenchment and the Economy
James L. Campbell Bedford Agriculture and Mining
Roads and Internal Navigation
Jack Carter Russell Counties, Cities and Towns
Public Property
Peter Jacob Carter Northampton Agriculture and Mining
Claims Committee (Dates Unknown)
Militia and Police Committee (Dates Unknown)
Retrenchment and Economy
Thomas J. Christian Mathews Counties, Cities and Towns
Roads and Internal Navigation
William I. Clopton Chesterfield Courts of Justice
Militia and Police
Robert A. Coghill Amherst and Nelson Counties, Cities and Towns (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Asa Coleman Halifax Asylums and Prisons
A.B. Cottrell Henrico Claims
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Henry Cox Powhatan Labor and the Poor Committee (Dates Unknown)
Militia and Police
Officers and Offices at the Capitol Committee (Dates Unknown)
James P. Critz Patrick Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair)
Executive Expenditures
A. C. Cummings Washington Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Martin Dalton Carroll Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Propositions and Grievances
R. T. Daniel Richmond City Finance (Chair)
McDowell Delaney Amelia Claims
Retrenchment and Economy
George E. Deneale Rockingham Roads and Internal Navigation
William A. Donald Rockbridge Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Retrenchment and the Economy
James H. Dooley Richmond City Courts of Justice
Militia and Police
W. W. Douglass Richmond County Enrolled Bills
Schools and Colleges
Jesse Dungey King William Agriculture and Mining
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
J. A. Early Albemarle Counties, Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Wyatt M. Moseley Elliott Appomattox Militia and Police (Chair)
Counties, Cities and Towns
Joseph P. Evans Petersburg Counties, Cities and Towns
Privileges and Elections
G. B. Fitzgerald Roanoke Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Schools and Colleges
Spencer D. Fletcher Accomack Agriculture and Mining
Labor and the Poor
John Freeman Halifax Public Property
Abram Fulkerson Washington Asylums and Prisions (1872-1873)
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Schools and Colleges
Reuben E. Gardner Hanover Retrenchment and the Economy
Schools and Colleges
James S. Gilliam Northumberland Public Property
Retrenchment and the Economy
William Gilliam Prince George Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
William S. Gilman Richmond City Library
Schools and Colleges
Joseph J. Graham Wythe Agriculture and Mining
Propositions and Grievances
William F. Graves Bedford Counties, Cities and Towns
Alphonse A. Gray Fluvanna Courts of Justice
John N. Gresham King and Queen Claims
Enrolled Bills
Frederick Griffith Westmoreland Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
Ross Hamilton Mecklenburg Executive Expenditures
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
James Marshall Hanger Augusta Rules (Chair)
William G. Hardesty Clarke Privileges and Elections
George R. Head Loudoun Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Roads and Internal Navigation
J. C. Hill Albemarle Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Edward Irvine Campbell Labor and the Poor
Edward James Princess Anne Banks, Currency and Commerce
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Labor and the Poor
Peter K. Jones Greensville Officers & Offices at the Capitol Committee (Dates Unknown)
Privileges and Elections
Rufus Sibb Jones Elizabeth City and Warwick Schools and Colleges
Warner T. Jones Gloucester House Expenses (Chair)
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Courts of Justice
Militia and Police
Joseph Jorgenson Prince Edward Immigration
Retrenchment and the Economy
Schools and Colleges
James H. Kelly Spotsylvania Printing (Chair)
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Roads and Internal Navigation
Henry M. Keyser Page Asylums and Prisons
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
E. D. Kincheloe Fauquier Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
C. W. Lassiter Nansemond Claims
John W. Lawson Isle of Wight Asylums and Prisons (Chair)
Propositions and Grievances
B. F. Lewis Prince William Asylums and Prisons
Counties, Cities and Towns
Alexander B. Lightner Augusta Agriculture and Mining
Asylums and Prisons
Paul Lightner Bath and Highland Executive Expenditures
Propositions and Grievances
James F. Lipscomb Cumberland Executive Expenditures
William Lovenstein Henrico and Richmond City Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Banks, Currency and Commerce
William Matthew Loudoun Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair)
John Walter Boyd Matthews Petersburg Claims
Francis M. McMullan Greene Banks, Currency and Commerce
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Executive Expenditures
William G. Miller Rappahannock Enrolled Bills
Public Property
G.G. Minor Henrico Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Public Property
Thomas J. Munsey Bland Enrolled Bills
Labor and the Poor
S. Chapman Neale Alexandria Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Armistead S. Nickens Lancaster Agriculture and Mining Committee (Dates Unknown)
Militia and Police
James H. Noble Buckingham Enrolled Bills
Labor and the Poor
Propositions and Grievances
Robert Norton York and James City Asylums and Prisons
Labor and Poor
William S. Nowlin Campbell Banks, Currency and Commerce
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
C. T. O'Ferrall Rockingham Courts of Justice
Militia and Police
Richard Gault Leslie Paige Norfolk County Propositions and Grievances
Marshall Parks Norfolk City Immigration (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
William H. Patterson Charles City Public Property
John B. Payne Floyd Executive Expenditures
Public Property
Allen Pearce Alexandria Banks, Currency and Commerce
Executive Expenditures
William T. Perkins Dinwiddie Banks, Currency and Commerce
William Thomas Poague Rockbridge Library (Chair)
House Expenses
Schools and Colleges
William Powell Franklin Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Roads and Internal Navigation
William P. Queen Scott Executive Expenditures
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Munford W. Radford Bedford Militia and Police
Privileges and Elections
C. P. Ramsdell Surry Resolutions
Roads and Internal Navigation
Meshack Ratliff Buchanan and Wise Agriculture and Mining
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
H. H. Riddlebarger Shenandoah Printing
Privileges and Elections
Retrenchment and the Economy
H. H. Robertson Alleghany and Craig Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Thacker Rogers King George Executive Expenditures
Labor and the Poor
Charles S. Roler Augusta Enrolled Bills
Schools and Colleges
Joseph C. Russell Brunswick Counties, Cities and Towns
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
James Sangster Fairfax Finance
Labor and the Poor
Public Property
Langhorne Scruggs Pittsylvania Privileges and Elections
Schools and Colleges
C. T. Smith Nelson Banks, Currency and Commerce
James W. Smoot Shenandoah Banks, Currency and Commerce
John C. Snidow Giles Finance
House Expenses
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
George H. Southall Nottoway Finance
Militia and Police
G. B. Stephens Albemarle Agriculture and Mining
Asylums and Prisons
N. C. St. John Smyth Courts of Justice
J. B. Stovall Jr. Halifax Banks, Currency and Commerce
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
John R. Strother Culpeper Claims (Chair)
Courts of Justice
W. T. Sutherlin Pittsylvania Agriculture and Mining (Chair)
J. B. T. Suttle Stafford Counties, Cities and Towns
Courts of Justice
Samuel A. Swann Caroline Banks, Currency and Commerce
Propositions and Grievances
William R. Taliaferro Orange Library
Privileges and Elections
Samuel W. Thomas Warren Resolutions (Chair)
House Expenses
C.E. Thompson Hanover Labor and the Poor (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
E. M. Tidball Frederick Retrenchment and the Economy (Chair)
Counties, Cities and Towns
Henry Turpin Goochland Counties, Cities and Towns
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
James H. Van Auken Sussex Asylums and Prisons
Executive Expenditures
John W. Walke Chesterfield Asylums and Prisons
Privileges and Elections
James A. Alexander Walker Pulaski Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
John F. Wall Frederick Chesapeake and its Tributaries (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Thomas S. Watson Louisa Agriculture and Mining
House Expenses
Samuel Watts Portsmouth Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
Watson R. Wentworth Essex Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Militia and Police
Public Property
Gabriel C. Wharton Montgomery Roads and Internal Navigation
Hazael Williams Amherst Claims
Public Property
George W. Young Mecklenberg Banks, Currency and Commerce
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Propositions and Grievances

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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