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1817-1818 Session Information

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Mark Alexander Jr. Mecklenburg Courts of Justice
John Armistead Charles City Executive Expenditures
William Armistead Elizabeth City Claims
Propositions and Grievances
John W. Ashton Fairfax Privileges and Elections
Philip Aylett Jr. King William Armory
Robert Bailey Westmoreland Armory
George Banks Stafford Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Treasurer's Accounts
Linn Banks Madison
Hay Battaile Caroline Armory
Privileges and Elections
John Baxter Bath Claims
Roads and Internal Navigation
John F. Bayne Accomack Penitentiary
Jacob Beeson Wood Courts of Justice
John W. Belfield Richmond County Claims
Enrolled Bills
Samuel Blackburn Bath Claims (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
Robert Blakey Middlesex Propositions and Grievances
John Booker Amelia Propositions and Grievances
Isaac Booth Randolph Claims
Propositions and Grievances
William F.W. Boush Princess Anne Claims
John Bowyer Rockbridge Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
John Bozarth Lewis Propositions and Grievances
Robert Braden Loudoun Privileges and Elections
Richard H. Bradford Nansemond Propositions and Grievances
Schools and Colleges
Treasurer's Accounts
Dabney Brown James City Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
Register's Office
William Brown Brooke Propositions and Grievances
William Bryan Rockingham Armory
Thornton Buckner Fauquier Claims
Jesse Burton Campbell Claims
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Thomas Byrne Monongalia Propositions and Grievances
William Campbell Bedford Claims
Register's Office
John Cantrill Mason Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
Benjamin Carper Botetourt Claims
Register's Office
Joseph A. Carter Lancaster Claims
William Byrd Chamberlayne Henrico Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
Treasurer's Accounts
William B. Charlton Montgomery Courts of Justice
Gabriel Chrisman Lee Claims
John Hunt Christian New Kent Privileges and Elections
Howson Clark Halifax Armory
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Treasurer's Accounts
Colin Clarke Powhatan Courts of Justice
John Clarke Prince Edward Courts of Justice
Samuel Clarke Augusta Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Thomas H. Clarke Pittsylvania Armory
Privileges and Elections
William Clarke Campbell Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Arthur Clayton Louisa Propositions and Grievances
Walter Coles Pittsylvania Courts of Justice
Benjamin Cooke Franklin Privileges and Elections
Lemuel Cornick Princess Anne
Job Crabtree Lee Propositions and Grievances
Robert Craig Montgomery Privileges and Elections
Thomas G. Crittenden Middlesex Propositions and Grievances
George William Crump Cumberland Claims
Schools and Colleges
John Crafford Crump Surry Enrolled Bills
Stapleton Crutchfield Spotsylvania Armory
Isaac Curd Goochland Privileges and Elections
George Currin Grayson Propositions and Grievances
Treasurer's Accounts
Cadwallader J. Dade King George
Hector Davis Hanover Courts of Justice
John Davisson Harrison Propositions and Grievances
Joseph J. Degraffenreid Lunenburg Penitentiary
Privileges and Elections
Peter Demoville Charles City Propositions and Grievances
Francis Dyson Nottoway Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
John Edie Brooke Privileges and Elections
Register's Office
Exum Eley Isle of Wight Propositions and Grievances
Isaac Estill Monroe Privileges and Elections
Theophilus Feild Brunswick Privileges and Elections
Benjamin Ficklin Stafford Claims
Enrolled Bills
John J. Flournoy Prince Edward Claims
Charles Foster Sr. Patrick Propositions and Grievances
Colbird Fugate Russell Claims
Clerk's Office
James Fullen Scott Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Jesse Winston Garth Albemarle Courts of Justice
John B. George Tazewell Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
John Goodson Washington Propositions and Grievances
William Gordon Northumberland Claims
Privileges and Elections
James Graham Wythe Propositions and Grievances
Goodrich L. Grasty Orange Propositions and Grievances
Richard Graves New Kent Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Nicholas P. Hairston Henry Armory
Andrew Hamilton Botetourt Courts of Justice
John Hansford Kanawha Penitentiary
Propositions and Grievances
Benjamin Hardaway Dinwiddie Privileges and Elections
Philip Harrison Prince William Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Richard Harrison Amherst Claims
John Henderson Mason Propositions and Grievances
Lilburn L. Henderson Washington Courts of Justice
Jesse Henkle Pendleton Claims
Charles Hill King and Queen Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Robert Hill Madison Armory (Chair)
Thomas Hill King William Propositions and Grievances
John Hooe King George Claims
Clerk's Office
John Hopkins Pendleton Penitentiary
Propositions and Grievances
John Horsley Buckingham Claims
Courts of Justice
Register's Office
George W. Humphreys Jefferson Armory
Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Treasurer's Accounts
John W. Hungerford Westmoreland Courts of Justice
William Irwin Ohio Finance
Propositions and Grievances
Edward B. Jackson Harrison Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Aldridge James Fauquier Roads and Internal Navigation
Thomas James Jr. Mathews Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Archer Jesse Russell Propositions and Grievances
William Jett Northumberland Privileges and Elections
Benjamin W. Johnson Southampton Privileges and Elections
Minitree Jones Grayson Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Richard Jones Jr. Nottoway Courts of Justice
William Jones Gloucester Propositions and Grievances
Register's Office
William Jones Sr. Warwick
Benjamin S. King Henry Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
John W. King Dinwiddie Claims
John Kirk Sr. Giles
John Lane Amelia Register's Office (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Henry W. Latane Essex Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Treasurer's Accounts
John Lawrence Isle of Wight Claims
Isaac Leffler Ohio Claims
Privileges and Elections
Joseph Lewis Jr. Loudoun Claims
Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
John Linton Prince William Claims
George Loyall Norfolk Borough Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
Schools and Colleges
John D. Maclin Greensville Privileges and Elections
Archibald Magill Frederick Courts of Justice (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
Robert Mallory Orange Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
William Marteney Randolph Propositions and Grievances
John M. Martin Nelson Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
George Mason Brunswick Propositions and Grievances
John P. Mayberry Wood Courts of Justice
Edward McCarty Hampshire Claims
Thomas S. McCleland Nelson Executive Expenditures
Elisha McComas Cabell Propositions and Grievances
John McCoy Tyler Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
Edmund McGinnis Cabell Propositions and Grievances
James McLaughlin Greenbrier Privileges and Elections
John McWhorter Lewis Executive Expenditures
Jacob Miller Hardy Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Miller Powhatan Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Dabney Minor Albemarle Armory
Schools and Colleges
Garrett Minor Spotsylvania Finance
Roads and Internal Navigation
John G. Mosby Henrico Privileges and Elections
James Moss Scott Propositions and Grievances
Lawrence Muse Essex Clerk's Office (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Treasurer's Accounts
William Naylor Hampshire Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
John Nicholson Sussex Propositions and Grievances
Edmund Pate Bedford Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
William Paxton Rockbridge Armory
Register's Office
Barrett G. Payne Fluvanna Propositions and Grievances
Edmund Penn Amherst Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Samuel Perkins Prince George Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Pescud Warwick
Conrad Peters Monroe Propositions and Grievances
John Peters Jr. Giles Penitentiary
Isaac Pleasants Goochland Claims
Archibald S. Porterfield Berkeley Courts of Justice
John Quarles Spotsylvania Claims
Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
William H. Ransome Mathews Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Edward A. Revell Accomack Claims
Propositions and Grievances
George Reynolds Jefferson Claims
William Ricks Southampton Propositions and Grievances
Mills Riddick Nansemond Propositions and Grievances
Jacob Rinker Jr. Shenandoah Armory
Propositions and Grievances
William Cabell Rives Nelson Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
Register's Office
Roads and Internal Navigation
John Robertson Richmond City Finance (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
William Robertson Jr. Petersburg Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Israel Robinson Berkeley Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
John C. Robinson Elizabeth City Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Littleberry R. Robinson Greensville Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
James G. Row King and Queen Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Robert G. Scott York Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Overton Seawell Gloucester Privileges and Elections
Joseph Sexton Frederick Armory
Courts of Justice
Enrolled Bills
Register's Office
William Shands Jr. Sussex Claims
James Dabney Shelton Louisa Penitentiary
Privileges and Elections
Robert Shield York Armory
Clerk's Office
Christian Simon/Simons Hardy Propositions and Grievances
Treasurer's Accounts
James Smith Lunenburg Propositions and Grievances
Joseph Smith Augusta Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
Schools and Colleges
James Sneed Halifax Privileges and Elections
Abraham "Abram" Staples Patrick Armory
William Starke Hanover Executive Expenditures
Propositions and Grievances
William Steenbergen Shenandoah Armory
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Treasurer's Accounts
Richard Street Richmond County Propositions and Grievances
Lewis Summers Kanawha Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
James G. Taliaferro King George Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Edward Tarry Mecklenburg Privileges and Elections
Register's Office
Samuel Taylor Chesterfield Penitentiary (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
James J. Teackle Accomack Claims
Rees B. Thompson Tazewell Privileges and Elections
Robert T. Thompson Fairfax Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
Schools and Colleges
Archibald Thweatt Chesterfield Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Porteus Towles Lancaster Propositions and Grievances
Samuel Travis Williamsburg Armory
Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
Lewis Turnbull Franklin Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
John Turner Culpeper Penitentiary
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Lewis C. Tyler James City Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
John Velvin Surry Enrolled Bills
John Wagner Monongalia Privileges and Elections
James Ward Wythe Claims
William Ward Culpeper Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
William B. Watkins Charlotte Privileges and Elections
John C. Webb Norfolk County Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
William Wells Tyler Propositions and Grievances
Pere Berry B. Wethered Greenbrier Courts of Justice
John B. William Prince George Claims
Jacob D. Williamson Rockingham Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Horatio Wills Fluvanna Privileges and Elections
Allen Wilson Cumberland Penitentiary
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Edward H.C. Wilson Northampton Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Harold L. Wilson Northampton Courts of Justice
Robert B. Wilson Norfolk County Privileges and Elections
John T. Woodford Caroline Executive Expenditures
Jesse Woodson Powhatan
Joseph Wyatt Charlotte Treasurer's Accounts (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles Yancey Buckingham Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
Courts of Justice

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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