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1844-1845 Session Information

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Samuel C. Anderson Prince Edward Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
Robert A. Banks Madison Trade and the Mechanic Arts (Chair)
Militia Laws
Propositions and Grievances
Aaron Barnes Roanoke Penitentiary
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
William R. Baskerville Mecklenburg Schools and Colleges
Benjamin Bassel Harrison First Auditor's Office
Register's Office
William C. Batte Greensville Clerk's Office
Frederick G.L. Beuhring Cabell and Wayne First Auditor's Office
John R. Billups Mathews and Middlesex Agriculture and Manufactures
Robert Blackwell Lunenberg Clerk's Office
Elijah H. H. Blick Brunswick Armory
Enrolled Bills
Charles Blue Hampshire Banks
Militia Laws
Robert B. Bolling Petersburg Public Libraries (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Lemuel J. Bowden James City, York and Williamsburg Lunatic Asylums (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
Andrew S. Broaddus Caroline Schools and Colleges
Treasurer's Accounts
Edmund Broadus Culpeper Finance (Chair)
Andrew Brooks Franklin Armory
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Bazeleel Brown Albemarle Claims
Frederick M. Cabell Nelson Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair)
Andrew W. Cameron Bath
Robert Campbell Bedford Clerk's Office (Chair)
James H. Carson Frederick Banks
Militia Laws
Chastain Cocke Powhatan Agriculture and Manufactures
Propositions and Grievances
Samuel Cootes Rockingham Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
George Cowan Russell Claims
Roads and Internal Navigation
Raleigh T. Daniel Richmond City Banks (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Thomas H. Daniel Prince George Banks
Bonds of Public Officers
Privileges and Elections
Thomas Davis Orange and Greene Finance
Privileges and Elections
William B. Davis King and Queen Claims
Clerk's Office
Robert M. Denison Shenandoah Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
John H. Dey Princess Anne Claims
William Dillard Surry First Auditor's Office
Daniel M. Edgington Ohio Banks
Privileges and Election
Roads and Internal Navigation
Elias Edmunds Fauquier Claims
John R. Edmunds Halifax Finance
Schools and Colleges
Henry Farley Logan Penitentiary
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Elkanah Flanary Lee Armory
Thomas H. Flood Buckingham Claims
Treasurer's Accounts
Thomas Fox Campbell Penitentiary
Propositions and Grievances
Henry Frantz Roanoke
William Frazier Augusta Courts of Justice
John B. Freeman Sussex Armory
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
William H. French Giles and Mercer Agriculture and Manufactures
Propositions and Grievances
Andrew S. Fulton Wythe and Pulaski Claims (Chair)
Register's Office
John G. Fulton Augusta Lunatic Asylums
David Funsten Warren and Clarke Courts of Justice
Muscoe Garnett Essex Courts of Justice
Public Libraries
John Gay Pocahontas Executive Expenditures
Shimuel Godwin Isle of Wight Executive Expenditures
Samuel E. Goodson Washington Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
James L. Gordon Louisa Courts of Justice
Schools and Colleges
Alexander S. Grigsby Fairfax Lunatic Asylums
John Grubb Loudoun Trade and the Mechanic Arts
John Hall Mason and Jackson Executive Expenditures
Samuel Hamilton Monroe Trade and the Mechanic Arts
William Hamilton Preston Executive Expenditures
Treasurer's Accounts
George D. Happer Norfolk County Armory
Enrolled Bills
James J. Harrison Brunswick Second Auditor's Office
Lewis E. Harvie Amelia Banks
Public Libraries
Aylett Hawes King William Lunatic Asylums
Propositions and Grievances
Samuel L. Hays Braxton and Lewis Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Agriculture and Manufactures
Treasurer's Accounts
John G. Hedgman Stafford Armory
Executive Expenditures
John W. Helms Floyd Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Benjamin Hiner Pendleton Clerk's Office
James Hobson Cumberland Bonds of Public Officers
Treasurer's Accounts
John J. Jackson Wood and Ritchie Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
James Kane Scott Roads and Internal Navigation
Zedekiah Kidwell Marion Public Libraries
Thomas J. Kilby Nansemond Enrolled Bills
Second Auditor's Office
Richmond T. Lacy Charles City and New Kent First Auditor's Office (Chair)
Courts of Justice
James Lanier Pittsylvania Banks
Bonds of Public Officers
Propositions and Grievances
Douglass B. Layne Alleghany Claims
Walter D. Leake Goochland Banks
Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
Charles Carter Lee Hardy Schools and Colleges
Jonathan Lovett Frederick Agriculture and Manufactures
Second Auditor's Office
James W. F. Macrae Prince William Public Library
John Marshall Fauquier Public Libraries
John H. Marshall Charlotte Agriculture and Manufactures
Hiram Martz Rockingham County Armory
John Mayo Lancaster and Richmond County Lunatic Asylums
Joel McPherson Greenbrier Militia Laws
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
John McPherson Page Claims
Register's Office
Sherwin McRae Henrico Armory
Privileges and Elections
Public Libraries
Roads and Internal Navigation
William Middleton Northumberland Propositions and Grievances
John Miller Brooke Register's Office
Hubbard T. Minor Spotsylvania Executive Expenditures
Lunatic Asylums
David E. Moore Rockbridge Armory (Chair)
Courts of Justice
William M. Moseley Buckingham Banks
First Auditor's Office
Jacob Myers Berkeley Armory
Charles W. Newlon Taylor Banks
Schools and Colleges
John O'Ferrall Morgan Second Auditor's Office
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
Asa Oliver Nottoway Agriculture and Manufactures
William C. Parks Grayson Executive Expenditures
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
John Parriott Marshall Second Auditor's Office (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Barrett G. Payne Fluvanna Agriculture and Manufactures
Executive Expenditures
Harvey G. Peery Tazewell Armory
Edmund Pendleton Berkeley Courts of Justice
Edward P. Pitts Accomack Courts of Justice
Public Libraries
Stephen P. Pool Mecklenburg Clerk's Office
Robert J. Poulson Accomack Bonds of Public Officers
Paulus Powell Amherst Claims
William B. Preston Montgomery and Pulaski Courts of Justice (Chair)
Sanford J. Ramey Loudoun Armory
Propositions and Grievances
John T. Rice Westmoreland Enrolled Bills
Second Auditor's Office
Augustine W. Robins Gloucester Agriculture and Manufactures
Lunatic Asylums
Reaves S. Scruggs Bedford Register's Office
Nicholas M. Sebrell Southampton Lunatic Asylums
Daniel Smith Kanawha Register's Office
Roads and Internal Navigation
Valentine Wood Southall Albemarle
James M. Stephenson Tyler Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Daniel Stickley Shenandoah First Auditor's Office
Trade and the Mechanic Arts
John B. Stovall Halifax Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
William A. Street Franklin Armory
James French Strother Rappahannock Bonds of Public Officers (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Henry Sturm Randolph and Barbour Propositions and Grievances
Thomas M. Tate Smyth Lunatic Asylums
Schools and Colleges
Robert E. Taylor Norfolk Borough Banks
Courts of Justice
Timothy Taylor Loudoun Militia Laws
John W. Thompson Botetourt Agriculture and Manufactures
Roads and Internal Navigation
William F. Thompson Dinwiddie Treasurer's Accounts (Chair)
Lunatic Asylums
Richard H. Toler Campbell Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
Benjamin T. Towner Jefferson Enrolled Bills
Second Auditor's Office
Crawford Turner Patrick Clerk's Office
William F. Turner Jefferson Schools and Colleges
Francis Tyree Fayette and Nicholas Enrolled Bills
Henry Van Buren Bath Agriculture and Manufactures
Alexander Wade Monongalia Treasurer's Accounts
Robert Wallace King George First Auditor's Office
Militia Laws
John Ward Hampshire First Auditor's Office
Samuel Watts Norfolk County Militia Laws (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Robert White Rockbridge Register's Office (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
William P. Winfree Chesterfield Penitentiary
William D. Winston Hanover Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Agriculture and Manufactures
Vincent Witcher Pittsylvania Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Samuel W. Wood Elizabeth City and Warwick Trade and the Mechanic Arts
John T. Wootton Henrico Bonds of Public Officers
Propositions and Grievances
George T. Yerby Northampton Penitentiary (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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