Burgesses and Delegates
The following is a comprehensive record of individual House members who have represented districts or localities throughout Virginia since 1619*.
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House Members
First / Middle Name | Last Name / Suffix | Member From | Member To | Locality | Committees |
George Edward | Allen Jr. | 1954 | 1981 Sp. | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Claims (Chair) Auditing Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections |
Claude Wood | Anderson | 1968 | 1985 | Counties of Appomattox, Buckingham, and Nelson | Finance Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Militia and Police Mining and Mineral Resources |
George Banister | Anderson | 1968 | 1971 | County of Pittsylvania; City of Danville | Finance Game and Inland Fisheries House Expenses Public Property Retrenchment and Economy |
Howard Palmer | Anderson | 1958 | 1971 | County of Halifax; City of South Boston | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Agriculture Counties Cities and Towns Courts of Justice |
Matthew Garland | Anderson | Ex. 1959 | Sp. 1971 | Counties of Fluvanna, Goochland, Louisa, and Powhatan | Agriculture Appropriations Claims Roads and Internal Navigation |
Willis M. | Anderson | 1964 | Sp. 1971 | City of Roanoke | Counties Cities and Towns Finance Mining and Mineral Resources Roads and Internal Navigation |
Edgar | Bacon | 1966 | Sp. 1971 | Counties of Lee and Wise; City of Norton | Agriculture Claims Federal Relations Game and Inland Fisheries Welfare |
Richard Marshall | Bagley | 1966 | 1985 | City of Hampton | Appropriations Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Enrolled Bills Printing |
Junie L. | Bradshaw | 1962 | Sp. 1971 | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Appropriations Enrolled Bills Officers and Offices at the Capitol Roads and Internal Navigation |
Stanley Gatewood | Bryan | 1966 | 1975 | City of Chesapeake | Immigration (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Counties Cities and Towns Militia and Police Public Property |
Thomas P. | Bryan | 1968 | 1969 | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Counties Cities and Towns Executive Expenditures Immigration Militia and Police |
Manley Caldwell | Butler | 1962 | Sp. 1971 | City of Roanoke | Currency and Commerce Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Privileges and Elections Public Property |
Vincent Francis | Callahan Jr. | 1968 | 2007 | County of Fairfax (part); Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church | Claims Currency and Commerce Enrolled Bills Federal Relations |
Archibald Algernon | Campbell | 1966 | 1982 | Counties of Bland, Craig, Giles, Pulaski and Wythe | Finance Game and Inland Fisheries Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Orby Lee | Cantrell | 1952 | April 29, 1982 | Counties of Lee and Wise; City of Norton | Public Property (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Mining and Mineral Resources Roads and Internal Navigation |
Russell Morris | Carneal | 1954 | 1973 | Counties of James City and York; City of Williamsburg | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Courts of Justice Public Institutions Welfare |
Charles William | Cleaton | 1948 | June 3, 1972 | County of Mecklenburg | Finance (Chair) Claims Insurance and Banking Labor |
John Warren | Cooke | 1942 | 1979 | Counties of Gloucester, Mathews, New Kent, Charles City and Middlesex | Rules (Chair) |
Grady William | Dalton | 1958 | 1971 | County of Tazewell | Mining and Mineral Resources (Chair) Appropriations Education Public Institutions |
John N. | Dalton | 1966 | October 19, 1972 | County of Montgomery; City of Radford | Courts of Justice Labor Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Mining and Mineral Resources |
John Hanah | Daniel | 1944 | Ex. 1969 | Counties of Charlotte, Cumberland and Prince Edward | Appropriations (Chair) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and Economy Rules |
Russell Lewis | Davis | 1966 | Sp. 1971 | Counties of Franklin and Floyd | Education Labor Mining and Mineral Resources Public Institutions |
Garry Glenn | DeBruhl | 1968 | 1977 | Counties of Henry and Patrick; City of Martinsville | Education Militia and Police Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Property Roads and Internal Navigation |
Alan Arnold | Diamonstein | 1968 | 2001 | City of Newport News | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Executive Expenditures General Laws Public Property |
Wallace G. | Dickson | 1966 | Ex. 1969 | County of Arlington | Executive Expenditures Immigration Labor Roads and Internal Navigation |
William M. | Dudley | 1966 | 1973 | City of Lynchburg | Education Executive Expenditures Finance Retrenchment and Economy |
William R. | Durland | 1966 | Ex. 1969 | County of Fairfax; Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church | Claims Counties Cities and Towns Interstate Cooperation Militia and Police Welfare |
Clive Livingston | DuVal II | 1966 | Sp. 1971 | County of Fairfax; Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church | Executive Expenditures General Laws Public Institutions Retrenchment and Economy |
Donald Eugene | Earman | 1966 | Sp. 1971 | Counties of Page, Rockingham, and Shenandoah; City of Harrisonburg | Agriculture Enrolled Bills Executive Expenditures Retrenchment and Economy |
Ernst Watson | Farley Jr. | 1968 | Sp. 1971 | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Finance Labor Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and Economy |
Guy O. | Farley Jr. | 1964 | Ex. 1969 | County of Fairfax; Cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, and Falls Church | Courts of Justice General Laws Labor Retrenchment and Economy |
Walther Balderson | Fidler | 1960 | 1973 | Counties of Northumberland, Westmoreland, Lancaster, and Richmond | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries General Laws Privileges and Elections |
Calvin W. | Fowler | Ex. 1969 | 1981 Sp. | City of Danville | Federal Relations Finance Militia and Police |
Thomas Newton | Frost | 1952 | Ex. 1969 | Counties of Fauquier, Warren, and Rappahannock | Agriculture (Chair) Appropriations Interstate Cooperation Roads and Internal Navigation Rules |
James B. | Fugate | 1960 | Ex. 1969 | Counties of Washington and Scott; City of Bristol | Retrenchment and Economy (Chair) Agriculture Counties Cities and Towns General Laws |
Donald Kagey | Funkhouser | 1966 | Sp. 1971 | Counties of Page, Rockingham, and Shenandoah; City of Harrisonburg | Currency and Commerce Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Property Welfare |
Marion Gibbs | Galland | 1964 | Ex. 1969 | City of Alexandria | Interstate Cooperation (Chair) Education General Laws Library |
Ray Lucian | Garland | 1968 | 1979 | County of Roanoke; City of Roanoke | Claims Executive Expenditures Federal Relations Retrenchment and Economy |
Jerry H. | Geisler | 1966 | 1981 Sp. | Counties of Carroll and Grayson; City of Galax | General Laws Militia and Police Mining and Mineral Resources Retrenchment and Economy |
Robert Edward | Gibson | 1962 | 1973 | City of Chesapeake | Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair) Currency and Commerce Finance Insurance and Banking Welfare |
Arthur Rossa | Giesen Jr. | 1976 | 1995 | Counties of Augusta and Highland; Cities of Staunton and Waynesboro | General Laws Immigration Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and Economy |
Frederick Thomas | Gray | 1966 | Sp. 1971 | County of Chesterfield; City of Colonial Heights | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Claims Courts of Justice Insurance and Banking Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
John David | Gray | 1966 | Sp. 1981 | City of Hampton | Currency and Commerce (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Privileges and Elections Welfare |
Charles W. | Gunn Jr. | 1964 | 1978 | Counties of Rockbridge and Bath; Cities of Buena Vista and Lexington | Public Institutions (Chair) Appropriations Game and Inland Fisheries Roads and Internal Navigation |
Robert R. | Gwathmey III | 1958 | 1977 | Counties of Hanover and King William | Welfare (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Game and Inland Fisheries Insurance and Banking |
John William | Hagen | 1964 | Sp. 1971 | County of Roanoke | Enrolled Bills Game and Inland Fisheries Immigration Mining and Mineral Resources Retrenchment and Economy |
Lyman Christian | Harrell Jr. | 1958 | Ex. 1969 | Counties of Greensville, Surry, and Sussex; City of Emporia | Courts of Justice General Laws Nominations and Confirmations Privileges and Elections |
Joseph P. | Johnson Jr. | 1990 | January 8, 2014 | Counties of Washington and Scott; City of Bristol | Insurance and Banking Militia and Police Mining and Mineral Resources Roads and Internal Navigation |
George Wilson | Jones | February 26, 1969 | 1983 | County of Chesterfield; City of Colonial Heights | Game and Inland Fisheries Labor Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Institutions |
George James | Kostel | Ex. 1963 | Sp. 1971 | Counties of Alleghany and Botetourt; Cities of Covington and Clifton Forge | Sp. 1971 (Chair) Education Insurance and Banking Mining and Mineral Resources Privileges and Elections |
Edward Emerson | Lane | 1954 | 1977 | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Insurance and Banking (Chair) Appropriations Executive Expenditures Welfare |
Flournoy L. | Largent Jr. | 1968 | Sp. 1971 | Counties of Clarke and Frederick; City of Winchester | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures Militia and Police Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Willard Lincoln | Lemmon | 1968 | Sp. 1981 | County of Smyth | Currency and Commerce Education Labor Mining and Mineral Resources |
Bernard | Levin | 1962 | Ex. 1969 | City of Norfolk | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair) Appropriations Courts of Justice Immigration |
William M. | Lightsey | 1966 | Ex. 1969 | County of Arlington | Currency and Commerce Federal Relations Game and Inland Fisheries Welfare |
Robert A. | Maloney | 1968 | March 20, 1969 Ex. | County of Fairfax; Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church | Insurance and Banking Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Institutions Public Property |
Charles Harrison | Mann Jr. | 1954 | Ex. 1969 | County of Arlington | Game and Inland Fisheries (Chair) Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Immigration Insurance and Banking |
L. Cleaves | Manning | 1968 | 1985 | City of Portsmouth | Counties Cities and Towns Currency and Commerce Library Retrenchment and Economy |
Charles Hardaway | Marks | 1962 | September 30, 1991 | County of Prince George; City of Hopewell | House Expenses (Chair) Claims Courts of Justice Insurance and Banking |
Mary Aydelotte | Marshall | 1972 | 1991 | County of Arlington | Agriculture Education House Expenses Library Public Institutions |
Julien Jacquelin | Mason | 1966 | Sp. 1971 | Counties of Caroline, King George, Essex, and King and Queen | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Counties Cities and Towns Education House Expenses Nominations and Confirmations |
Rufus V. | McCoy Sr. | 1966 | Ex. 1969 | Counties of Russell and Dickenson | Agriculture Executive Expenditures Labor Mining and Mineral Resources |
Dorothy Shoemaker | McDiarmid | 1960 | 1989 | County of Fairfax; Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church | Counties Cities and Towns Education Enrolled Bills Library Welfare |
Donald Allen | McGlothlin Sr. | 1968 | 1989 | County of Buchanan | Enrolled Bills General Laws Printing Public Property |
George N. | McMath | Ex. 1963 | 1977 | Counties of Accomack and Northampton | Agriculture Executive Expenditures General Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
Lewis Archer | McMurran Jr. | 1948 | 1977 | City of Newport News | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Appropriations Privileges and Elections Rules |
Thomas Randolph | McNamara | 1968 | Sp. 1971 | City of Norfolk | Counties Cities and Towns Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Property |
Beverly Randolph | Middleton | 1968 | 1973 | City of Virginia Beach | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Education Immigration Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Garnett St. Clair | Moore | 1954 | Sp. 1971 | Counties of Bland, Craig, Giles, Pulaski and Wythe | Courts of Justice (Chair) Claims Mining and Mineral Resources Privileges and Elections |
Theodore V. | Morrison Jr. | 1968 | 1987 | City of Newport News | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Finance Interstate Cooperation Militia and Police |
Thomas Warren | Moss Jr. | 1966 | January 1, 2002 | City of Norfolk | Federal Relations General Laws Immigration Militia and Police Public Property |
Stanley Albert | Owens | 1960 | 1975 | Counties of Loudoun and Prince William | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures Finance Nominations and Confirmations |
Charles Armonde | Paxson | 1962 | 1970 | City of Charlottesville | Library (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Finance Welfare |
Donald G. | Pendleton | 1966 | 1977 | County of Amherst; City of Lynchburg | Claims Counties Cities and Towns Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
Eugene Barbour | Pendleton Jr. | 1966 | Ex. 1969 | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Auditing Federal Relations Finance General Laws Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
Lucas Dallam | Phillips | 1954 | 1972 | Counties of Loudoun and Prince William | Federal Relations (Chair) Agriculture Finance General Laws Public Property |
Albert Lee | Philpott | 1958 | September 28, 1991 | Counties of Henry and Patrick: City of Martinsville | Courts of Justice Federal Relations Game and Inland Fisheries Insurance and Banking Privileges and Elections |
Samuel Eliba | Pope | February 15, 1946 | 1973 | Counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton; City of Franklin | Education (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Interstate Cooperation Nominations and Confirmations |
Lacey E. | Putney | 1962 | 2013 | County of Bedford | Agriculture Appropriations Printing Privileges and Elections |
George Chancellor | Rawlings Jr. | 1964 | Ex. 1969 | Counties of Spotsylvania and Stafford; City of Fredericksburg | Claims Enrolled Bills Game and Inland Fisheries Public Institutions Welfare |
John Lewis | Rawls Jr. | 1962 | Ex. 1969 | County of Nansemond; City of Suffolk | Agriculture Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills |
William Ferguson | Reid | 1968 | 1973 | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | General Laws Immigration Labor Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Randall Oscar | Reynolds | 1968 | 1975 | County of Pittsylvania | Agriculture General Laws Immigration Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Arthur Harrison | Richardson | 1946 | Sp. 1971 | Counties of Brunswick and Dinwiddie | General Laws (Chair) Game and Inland Fisheries Roads and Internal Navigation Rules |
Otho Beverley | Roller | 1966 | July 6, 1972 | Counties of Augusta and Highland; Cities of Staunton and Waynesboro | Agriculture Currency and Commerce Federal Relations Militia and Police Welfare |
Stanley E. | Sacks | 1966 | Ex. 1969 | City of Norfolk | Immigration Insurance and Banking Labor Militia and Police |
Lester Eugene | Schlitz | 1968 | 1975 | City of Portsmouth | Finance Library Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Institutions |
John Raymond | Sears Jr. | 1966 | Sp. 1971 | City of Norfolk | Currency and Commerce Federal Relations Insurance and Banking Roads and Internal Navigation |
Eleanor Parker | Sheppard | 1968 | 1977 | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Currency and Commerce Education Enrolled Bills Immigration Public Institutions |
Daniel French | Slaughter Jr. | 1958 | 1977 | Counties of Madison, Culpeper, and Orange | Nominations and Confirmations (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Education Privileges and Elections |
Richard Maclin | Smith | 1954 | 1971 | Counties of Amelia, Lunenburg, and Nottoway | Counties Cities and Towns (Chair) Agriculture Game and Inland Fisheries House Expenses |
William Roy | Smith | 1952 | 1973 | City of Petersburg | Auditing (Chair) Appropriations Education |
Lawrence R. | Thompson | November 30, 1955 | Ex. 1969 | County of Campbell | Labor (Chair) Appropriations Game and Inland Fisheries Roads and Internal Navigation |
James McIlhany | Thomson | 1956 | 1977 | City of Alexandria | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Appropriations |
Daniel Good | Van Clief | 1968 | 1973 | Counties of Albemarle and Greene | Currency and Commerce Federal Relations Officers and Offices at the Capitol Roads and Internal Navigation |
Stanley Clay | Walker | 1964 | Sp. 1971 | City of Norfolk | Printing (Chair) Appropriations Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Education |
Joshua Warren | White Jr. | 1962 | 1979 | City of Norfolk | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Finance Privileges and Elections Public Property |
Kenneth N. | Whitehurst Jr. | 1968 | Ex. 1969 | City of Virginia Beach | Courts of Justice Currency and Commerce Enrolled Bills Labor |
Carrington | Williams | 1972 | 1977 | County of Fairfax and Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church | Courts of Justice Finance Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Institutions |
Glenn | Yates Jr. | 1966 | Sp. 1971 | City of Portsmouth | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Claims Education Federal Relations Roads and Internal Navigation |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.