2020 Session Information
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- Start Date: January 8, 2020
- End Date: March 2, 2020, Reconvened - April 22, 2020
- Notes: Special Session 1 - August 18, 2020 - December 16, 2020
- Speaker:
Eileen Filler-Corn
- Clerk:
Suzette Poupore Denslow
Special Sessions:
Name | Locality | Committees |
Dawn M. Adams | Counties of Chesterfield (part) and Henrico (part); City of Richmond (part) | General Laws Health, Welfare and Institutions Privileges and Elections |
Leslie R. Adams | Counties of Henry (part) and Pittsylvania (part); City of Martinsville | Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Transportation |
Lashrecse D. Aird | Counties of Chesterfield (part), Dinwiddie (part), and Prince George (part); Cities of Hopewell (part) and Petersburg | Appropriations General Laws Health, Welfare and Institutions |
Alex Q. Askew | City of Virginia Beach (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation Counties Cities and Towns Privileges and Elections |
Terry L. Austin | Counties of Alleghany, Bedford (part), and Botetourt (part); Cities of Bedford and Covington | Appropriations Rules Transportation |
G. John Avoli | Counties of Augusta (part), Highland, and Nelson (part); Cities of Staunton and Waynesboro | Education Health, Welfare and Institutions |
Hala S. Ayala | County of Prince William (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation (Vice Chair) Finance Labor and Commerce |
Lamont Bagby | Counties of Charles City and Henrico (part); City of Richmond (part) | Education Labor and Commerce Rules Transportation |
Amanda E. Batten | Counties of James City (part) and York (part) | Education Public Safety |
Robert B. Bell | Counties of Albemarle (part), Fluvanna (part), Greene, and Rockingham (part) | Courts of Justice Health, Welfare and Institutions Transportation |
Robert S. Bloxom Jr. | Counties of Accomack and Northampton; Cities of Norfolk (part) and Virginia Beach (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Appropriations Privileges and Elections |
Jeffrey M. Bourne | County of Henrico (part); City of Richmond (part) | Public Safety (Vice Chair) Courts of Justice Education Labor and Commerce |
Emily M. Brewer | Counties of Isle of Wight (part), Prince George (part), Southampton (part), Surry (part), and Sussex (part); Cities of Franklin (part) and Suffolk (part) | Appropriations Communications, Technology and Innovation General Laws |
David L. Bulova | County of Fairfax (part); City of Fairfax | General Laws (Chair) Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Appropriations Education |
Kathy J. Byron | Counties of Bedford (part), Campbell (part), and Franklin (part); City of Lynchburg (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation Finance Labor and Commerce |
Jeffrey L. Campbell | Counties of Carroll, Smyth (part), and Wythe | Communications, Technology and Innovation Counties Cities and Towns Courts of Justice |
Ronnie Ray Campbell | Counties of Amherst (part), Augusta (part), Bath, and Rockbridge; Cities of Buena Vista and Lexington | Courts of Justice Finance Public Safety |
Betsy B. Carr | County of Chesterfield (part); City of Richmond (part) | General Laws (Vice Chair) Appropriations Rules Transportation |
Jennifer D. Carroll Foy | Counties of Prince William (part) and Stafford (part) | Courts of Justice Militia, Police and Public Safety |
Lee J. Carter | County of Prince William (part); City of Manassas | Counties Cities and Towns Finance Transportation |
Joshua G. Cole | County of Stafford (part); City of Fredericksburg (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Education Public Safety |
Mark Lanze Cole | Counties of Fauquier (part), Spotsylvania (part), and Stafford (part); City of Fredericksburg (part) | Education General Laws Privileges and Elections |
Christopher E. Collins | Counties of Frederick (part) and Warren (part); City of Winchester | Courts of Justice Crime Commission Education Transportation |
Kelly K. Convirs-Fowler | Cities of Chesapeake (part) and Virginia Beach (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation General Laws Privileges and Elections |
Marvin Kirkland Cox | County of Chesterfield (part); City of Colonial Heights | Appropriations Rules |
Carrie E. Coyner | Counties of Chesterfield (part), Henrico (part), and Prince George (part); City of Hopewell (part) | Counties Cities and Towns Public Safety |
Glenn R. Davis Jr. | City of Virginia Beach (part) | Appropriations Education Public Safety |
Karrie K. Delaney | Counties of Fairfax (part) and Loudoun (part) | Courts of Justice Health, Welfare and Institutions Transportation |
James E. Edmunds II | Counties of Campbell (part), Charlotte, Halifax, and Prince Edward | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Communications, Technology and Innovation Health, Welfare and Institutions |
C. Matthew Fariss | Counties of Albemarle (part), Appomattox, Buckingham, Campbell (part), and Nelson (part) | Appropriations Public Safety |
Eileen Filler-Corn | County of Fairfax (part) | Rules (Chair) |
Hyland F. Fowler Jr. | Counties of Caroline (part), Hanover (part), and Spotsylvania (part) | Finance General Laws Health, Welfare and Institutions |
Nicholas J. Freitas | Counties of Culpeper (part), Madison, and Orange | Communications, Technology and Innovation Transportation |
C. Todd Gilbert | Counties of Page, Rockingham (part), Shenandoah, and Warren (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Finance Rules |
Gwendolyn W. Gooditis | Counties of Clarke (part), Frederick (part), and Loudoun (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources (Vice Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Labor and Commerce |
Nancy D. Guy | Cities of Norfolk (part) and Virginia Beach (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Counties Cities and Towns Education |
Elizabeth R. Guzman | Counties of Fauquier (part) and Prince William (part) | Education (Vice Chair) Health, Welfare and Institutions Labor and Commerce |
C. E. (Cliff) Hayes Jr. | Cities of Chesapeake (part) and Suffolk (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation (Chair) Appropriations Health, Welfare and Institutions |
Christopher T. Head | Counties of Botetourt (part) and Roanoke (part); City of Roanoke (part) | Health, Welfare and Institutions Labor and Commerce Privileges and Elections |
Dan Helmer | Counties of Fairfax (part) and Prince William (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Communications, Technology and Innovation Public Safety Transportation |
Stephen E. Heretick | Cities of Norfolk (part) and Portsmouth (part) | Counties Cities and Towns (Vice Chair) Courts of Justice Finance Labor and Commerce |
Charniele L. Herring | City of Alexandria (part) | Courts of Justice (Chair) Rules |
M. Keith Hodges | Counties of Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William (part), Mathews, and Middlesex | Communications, Technology and Innovation Counties Cities and Towns Health, Welfare and Institutions |
Patrick A. Hope | County of Arlington (part) | Public Safety (Chair) Courts of Justice Health, Welfare and Institutions |
Sally L. Hudson | County of Albemarle (part); City of Charlottesville | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Communications, Technology and Innovation Finance |
Chris L. Hurst | Counties of Giles, Montgomery (part), and Pulaski (part); City of Radford | Appropriations General Laws Transportation |
Clinton L. Jenkins | Cities of Chesapeake (part) and Suffolk (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation Counties Cities and Towns Public Safety |
Jerrauld C. Jones | City of Norfolk (part) | Appropriations Counties Cities and Towns Transportation |
Mark L. Keam | County of Fairfax (part) | Finance (Vice Chair) Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Education Labor and Commerce |
Terry G. Kilgore | Counties of Lee, Scott, and Wise (part); City of Norton | Courts of Justice Labor and Commerce Rules |
Barry D. Knight | Cities of Chesapeake (part) and Virginia Beach (part) | Appropriations General Laws Rules |
Kaye Kory | County of Fairfax (part) | Counties Cities and Towns (Chair) Finance Labor and Commerce Public Safety |
Paul E. Krizek | County of Fairfax (part) | Appropriations General Laws Privileges and Elections |
David A. LaRock | Counties of Clarke (part), Frederick (part), and Loudoun (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation Counties Cities and Towns Transportation |
James A. Leftwich Jr. | City of Chesapeake (part) | Counties Cities and Towns Courts of Justice General Laws |
Mark H. Levine | City of Alexandria (part); Counties of Arlington (part) and Fairfax (part) | Courts of Justice Health, Welfare and Institutions Privileges and Elections Public Safety |
Joseph Cornell Lindsey | Cities of Norfolk (part) and Virginia Beach (part) | Commerce and Labor Finance Labor and Commerce Privileges and Elections |
Alfonso H. Lopez | Counties of Arlington (part) and Fairfax (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Labor and Commerce Public Safety Rules |
Daniel W. Marshall III | Counties of Henry (part) and Pittsylvania (part); City of Danville | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Education Labor and Commerce |
John J. McGuire III | Counties of Goochland (part), Henrico (part), Louisa, and Spotsylvania (part) | Education Privileges and Elections |
Joseph P. McNamara | Counties of Craig, Montgomery (part), and Roanoke (part); City of Salem | Counties Cities and Towns Finance |
Delores L. McQuinn | Counties of Chesterfield (part) and Henrico (part); City of Richmond (part) | Transportation (Chair) Appropriations Education Rules |
Jason S. Miyares | City of Virginia Beach (part) | Courts of Justice General Laws Transportation |
James W. Morefield | Counties of Bland, Buchanan, Russell (part), and Tazewell | Appropriations Counties Cities and Towns General Laws |
Martha M. Mugler | County of York (part); Cities of Hampton (part) and Poquoson | Counties Cities and Towns Education Finance |
Michael P. Mullin | Counties of James City (part) and York (part); Cities of Newport News (part) and Williamsburg | Rules (Vice Chair) Courts of Justice Labor and Commerce |
Kathleen J. Murphy | Counties of Fairfax (part) and Loudoun (part) | Transportation (Vice Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Finance General Laws |
Israel D. O'Quinn | Counties of Grayson, Smyth (part), and Washington (part); Cities of Bristol and Galax | Labor and Commerce Privileges and Elections |
Robert D. Orrock Sr. | Counties of Caroline (part) and Spotsylvania (part) | Finance Health, Welfare and Institutions Privileges and Elections |
Kenneth R. Plum | County of Fairfax (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources (Chair) Appropriations Communications, Technology and Innovation Public Safety |
Charles Douglas Poindexter | Counties of Franklin (part), Henry (part), and Patrick | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Counties Cities and Towns Finance |
Marcia S. Price | Cities of Hampton (part) and Newport News (part) | Privileges and Elections (Vice Chair) General Laws Health, Welfare and Institutions Privileges and Elections Public Safety |
Margaret B. Ransone | Counties of Caroline (part), King George, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Courts of Justice Labor and Commerce |
Sam Rasoul | City of Roanoke (part) | Health, Welfare and Institutions (Vice Chair) Education Privileges and Elections Public Safety |
David A. Reid | County of Loudoun (part) | Appropriations Privileges and Elections Transportation |
Roxann L. Robinson | County of Chesterfield (part) | Education Health, Welfare and Institutions Public Safety |
Danica A. Roem | County of Prince William (part); City of Manassas Park | Communications, Technology and Innovation Counties Cities and Towns Transportation |
Chris Runion | Counties of Albemarle (part), Augusta (part), and Rockingham (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation Privileges and Elections |
L. Nick Rush | Counties of Floyd, Montgomery (part), and Pulaski (part) | Appropriations Privileges and Elections Public Safety |
Ibraheem S. Samirah | Counties of Fairfax (part) and Loudoun (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation Counties Cities and Towns Health, Welfare and Institutions |
Don Scott | Cities of Chesapeake (part), Norfolk (part), Portsmouth (part), and Suffolk (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation Courts of Justice Finance |
Mark D. Sickles | County of Fairfax (part) | Health, Welfare and Institutions (Chair) Appropriations (Vice Chair) Privileges and Elections Rules |
Marcus B. Simon | County of Fairfax (part); City of Falls Church | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Courts of Justice General Laws Rules |
Shelly A. Simonds | City of Newport News (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Privileges and Elections Public Safety |
Suhas Subramanyam | Counties of Loudoun (part) and Prince William (part) | Communications, Technology and Innovation Counties Cities and Towns Education |
Richard C. Sullivan Jr. | Counties of Arlington (part) and Fairfax (part) | Labor and Commerce (Vice Chair) Courts of Justice Finance Rules |
Luke E. Torian | County of Prince William (part) | Appropriations (Chair) General Laws Rules |
Kathy KL Tran | County of Fairfax (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources General Laws Health, Welfare and Institutions |
Roslyn C. Tyler | Counties of Brunswick, Dinwiddie (part), Greensville, Isle of Wight (part), Lunenburg (part), Southampton (part), Surry (part), and Sussex (part); Cities of Emporia and Franklin (part) | Education (Chair) Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Appropriations |
Schuyler T. VanValkenburg | County of Henrico (part) | Education General Laws Privileges and Elections |
Wendell S. Walker | Counties of Amherst (part) and Bedford (part); City of Lynchburg (part) | Health, Welfare and Institutions Transportation |
William C. Wampler III | Counties of Dickenson, Russell (part), Washington (part), and Wise (part) | Education General Laws |
Jeion A. Ward | City of Hampton (part) | Labor and Commerce (Chair) Communications, Technology and Innovation Rules Transportation |
R. Lee Ware | Counties of Chesterfield (part), Fluvanna (part), Goochland (part), and Powhatan | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Finance Labor and Commerce |
Vivian E. Watts | County of Fairfax (part) | Finance (Chair) Courts of Justice (Vice Chair) Rules Transportation |
Michael J. Webert | Counties of Culpeper (part), Fauquier (part), Rappahannock, and Warren (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Communications, Technology and Innovation Labor and Commerce |
William D. Wiley | Counties of Frederick (part) and Warren (part); City of Winchester | |
Rodney T. Willett | County of Henrico (part) | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Health, Welfare and Institutions |
Tony O. Wilt | County of Rockingham (part); City of Harrisonburg | Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Labor and Commerce Public Safety |
Thomas C. Wright Jr. | Counties of Amelia, Cumberland, Lunenburg (part), Mecklenburg, and Nottoway | Finance General Laws Public Safety |
Scott A. Wyatt | Counties of Hanover (part), King William (part), and New Kent | Counties Cities and Towns Transportation |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.