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1812-1813 Session Information

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Andrew Anderson Augusta Claims
Patrick Anderson Hanover Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
William Segar Archer Amelia Courts of Justice
William Armistead Amherst Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
William Armistead Elizabeth City Claims
John Avery Greensville Propositions and Grievances
Tyree G. Bacon Nottoway Claims
Stephen Bailey/Bayley Westmoreland Propositions and Grievances
Jerman Baker Patrick Propositions and Grievances
Joseph B. Baker Nansemond Propositions and Grievances
Linn Banks Madison Propositions and Grievances
Phillip Pendleton Barbour Orange Courts of Justice
William E. Barrett James City Propositions and Grievances
Treasure's Accounts
Samuel Blackburn Bath Courts of Justice
Samuel Blackwell Northumberland Claims
Propositions and Grievances
John Blair Grayson Propositions and Grievances
Benjamin Blunt Jr. Southampton Executive Expenditures
Manoah Bostick Cabell Propositions and Grievances
John Bowyer Rockbridge Courts of Justice
Francis M. Boykin Isle of Wight Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
Reuben Bradley Washington Propositions and Grievances
Nimrod Bramham Albemarle Privileges and Elections
Daniel Carroll Brent Stafford Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Moore Fauntleroy Brockenbrough Richmond County Propositions and Grievances
William Bryan Rockingham Armory
Thornton Buckner Fauquier Privileges and Elections
John Cantrill Mason Propositions and Grievances
Hugh Caperton Monroe Claims
Nathaniel Cargill Sussex Claims
William Carson Shenandoah Executive Expenditures
Propositions and Grievances
William Champe Carter Culpeper Privileges and Elections
David Cartmill Kanawha Propositions and Grievances
Robert Chapell Lunenburg Propositions and Grievances
Branch Cheatham Chesterfield Propositions and Grievances
John Hunt Christian New Kent Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Herbert Augustine Claiborne King William Courts of Justice
Jeremiah Cobb Southampton Propositions and Grievances
John C. Cohoon Jr. Nansemond Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Daniel Coleman Caroline Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Edward Colston Berkeley Courts of Justice
Isaac Coplin Harrison Executive Expenditures
Propositions and Grievances
Henry Cornick Sr Princess Anne Propositions and Grievances
John Cornick Princess Anne Executive Expenditures
James Craig Montgomery Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Crewes Amherst Propositions and Grievances
Isaac Curd Goochland Propositions and Grievances
Ellyson/Ellison Currie Lancaster Courts of Justice
George Currin Grayson Propositions and Grievances
James Currin Fluvanna Propositions and Grievances
William P. Custis Accomack Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Cadwallader J. Dade King George Propositions and Grievances
Lawrence T. Dade Orange Armory
Privileges and Elections
Peter M. Daniel Louisa Executive Expenditures
Propositions and Grievances
William Daniel Cumberland Courts of Justice
Archibald Davis Surry Executive Expenditures
Philip D. Dawe Prince William Propositions and Grievances
John Dillard Jr. Henry Propositions and Grievances
Robert Doake Augusta Propositions and Grievances
Edwin S. Duncan Randolph Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
John Edie Brooke Propositions and Grievances
James Edmunds Brunswick Propositions and Grievances
Cornelius Egmon Charles City Armory
Propositions and Grievances
Dudley Evans Monongalia Claims
John Evans Shenandoah Armory
Propositions and Grievances
John Smith Ewing Bath Propositions and Grievances
Adam Faris Ohio Clerk's Office
William H. Fitzhugh Stafford Courts of Justice
Robert P. Flannagan Pendleton Claims
Jackson Frazer Henrico
John Fulkerson/Faulkerson Lee Claims
Silas Garrett Franklin Armory
Propositions and Grievances
William Garrow Warwick Propositions and Grievances
Elijah Garth Albemarle Propositions and Grievances
John C. Goode Mecklenburg Courts of Justice
Richard Graves New Kent Propositions and Grievances
John Gray Monroe Armory
Reuben Grigsby Rockbridge Claims
Privileges and Elections
George Hairston Jr Henry Privileges and Elections
John Haller Jr. Wythe Claims
Archer Hankins James City Propositions and Grievances
John Hansford Kanawha Propositions and Grievances
George Harris Louisa Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
John Henderson Mason Propositions and Grievances
Fayette Henry Campbell Propositions and Grievances
John Hill King William Privileges and Elections
John Hill Halifax Propositions and Grievances
John Hodges Norfolk County Claims
Propositions and Grievances
William Holmes Caroline Propositions and Grievances
William C. Holt Norfolk County Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
William Hooe King George Claims
Propositions and Grievances
William Hopkins Bedford Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Hudgins Mathews Propositions and Grievances
Samuel Hughes Patrick Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Peter Hull Jr. Pendleton Claims
John C. Hunter Fairfax Propositions and Grievances
Robert Innes Franklin Claims
Executive Expenditures
William Irwin Ohio Claims
Propositions and Grievances
John Jesse Middlesex Clerk's Office
David Johnson Giles Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Propositions and Grievances
James Johnson Isle of Wight Privileges and Elections
John Jones Warwick Propositions and Grievances
John Jones Essex Armory
Privileges and Elections
Richard Jones Gloucester Propositions and Grievances
Thomas R. Joynes Accomack Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
George T. Kendall Northampton Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
Alexander King Hampshire Armory
Propositions and Grievances
Henry Lee Jr Westmoreland Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Richard H. Henry Lee Norfolk Borough Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Benjamin W. Leigh Dinwiddie Finance (Chair)
Courts of Justice
John Lewis Gloucester Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
John Linton Prince William Propositions and Grievances
Robert Lively Elizabeth City Propositions and Grievances
Anselm Lynch Campbell Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
James Machir Hardy Courts of Justice
William W. Maclin Greensville Propositions and Grievances
Archibald Magill Frederick Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Nathaniel Marks Prince George
William Marteney Randolph Propositions and Grievances
Washington McClanahan Botetourt Propositions and Grievances
Elisha McComas Cabell Claims
James McFarlane Russell Armory
Thomas McHenry Montgomery Clerk's Office
Joseph McLaurin Cumberland Propositions and Grievances
Samuel McMachen Hardy Courts of Justice
Andrew McMillan Lee Propositions and Grievances
Charles Fenton Mercer Loudoun Courts of Justice
Rawley Morgan Jefferson Claims
Propositions and Grievances
William Morgan Madison Armory
William Morrow Greenbrier Propositions and Grievances
Lawrence Muse Essex Claims
William Newland Harrison Propositions and Grievances
Sterling Niblett Lunenburg Claims
Propositions and Grievances
William Noland Loudoun Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
John P. Nye Wythe Propositions and Grievances
Isaac Otey Bedford Claims (Chair)
William Parham Sussex Propositions and Grievances
David R. Patterson Nelson Propositions and Grievances
Barrett G. Payne Fluvanna Propositions and Grievances
Robert Pegram Dinwiddie Privileges and Elections
Robert Pescud York Propositions and Grievances
William Pope Powhatan Courts of Justice
George Porterfield Berkeley Privileges and Elections
Francis B. Povall Powhatan Propositions and Grievances
Francis Preston Washington Courts of Justice
Williamson Price Halifax Armory
Thomas H. Prosser Henrico Armory
John Purnall Prince Edward Clerk's Office (Chair)
John Quarles Spotsylvania Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
Peter C. Rice Northumberland Propositions and Grievances
John P. Richardson Charlotte Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
William H. Roane King and Queen Privileges and Elections
James Robertson Jr. Amelia Courts of Justice
John D. Royall Nottoway Privileges and Elections
Francis Ruffin Surry Executive Expenditures
Archibald Rutherford Rockingham Armory (Chair)
James Sargeant Russell Propositions and Grievances
Alexander Scott Fauquier Claims
Privileges and Elections
Felix Scott Monongalia Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
John B. Seawell Williamsburg Courts of Justice
Miles Selden Jr. Prince George Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Vincent Shackleford Richmond County Claims
Martin Shearman Lancaster Claims
Joseph Shelton Nelson Propositions and Grievances
Samuel Shield York Privileges and Elections
Ballard Smith Greenbrier Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Christian Snyder Giles Claims
Beverley C. Stanard Chesterfield Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Robert Stanard Spotsylvania Courts of Justice (Chair)
Andrew Stevenson Richmond City
John Stokely Wood Propositions and Grievances
William Tate Jefferson Courts of Justice
Allen Taylor Botetourt Courts of Justice
John Taylor Lunenburg Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Taylor Mecklenburg Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
James Thompson Tazewell Courts of Justice
John Thruston Middlesex Claims
Joseph Tomlinson Wood Propositions and Grievances
Christopher Tompkins Mathews Propositions and Grievances
John Tucker Brunswick Propositions and Grievances
Zephaniah Turner Culpeper Claims
Propositions and Grievances
John Tyler Jr. Charles City Courts of Justice
John Underwood Goochland Claims
Abel P. Upshur Northampton Courts of Justice
Humphrey Walker King and Queen Privileges and Elections
James Walker Buckingham Privileges and Elections
William Walton Pittsylvania Propositions and Grievances
John Ward Tazewell Propositions and Grievances
Henry E. Watkins Prince Edward Courts of Justice
William M. Watkins Charlotte Courts of Justice
Alexander Waugh Fairfax Propositions and Grievances
Francis White Hampshire Armory
Privileges and Elections
Rawley White Pittsylvania Executive Expenditures
Propositions and Grievances
Jared Williams Frederick Armory
Privileges and Elections
Richard Williams (Jr.) Prince George Clerk's Office
James Wilson Brooke Propositions and Grievances
Horatio Gates Winston Hanover Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Charles Yancey Buckingham Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Courts of Justice

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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