1965 Session Information
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- Start Date:
- End Date:
- Notes:
- Speaker:
Edgar Blackburn Moore
- Clerk:
George Randolph Rich
Special Sessions:
Name | Locality | Committees |
Howard H. Adams | Counties of Accomack and Northampton | Appropriations (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Retrenchment and Economy Rules |
George Edward Allen Jr. | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Auditing (Chair) Claims Courts of Justice Education House Expenses |
D. Henry Almond | County of Roanoke | Currency and Commerce Federal Relations Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property |
Howard Palmer Anderson | County of Halifax; City of South Boston | Counties Cities and Towns Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures Labor |
Matthew Garland Anderson | Counties of Fluvanna, Goochland, and Louisa | Agriculture Claims Insurance and Banking Roads and Internal Navigation |
Willis M. Anderson | City of Roanoke | Counties Cities and Towns Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property Welfare |
Charles Burks Andrews | Counties of Bland and Giles | Library (Chair) Immigration Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation |
Thomas Coleman Andrews Jr. | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Finance Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Militia and Police Privileges and Elections |
Junie L. Bradshaw | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Enrolled Bills Insurance and Banking Officers and Offices at the Capitol Roads and Internal Navigation |
Earle Marshall Brown | County of Amherst; City of Lynchburg | Interstate Cooperation (Chair) Courts of Justice Finance Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
Manley Caldwell Butler | City of Roanoke | Currency and Commerce Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Printing Public Property |
Orby Lee Cantrell | Counties of Lee and Wise; City of Norton | Public Property (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Executive Expenditures Roads and Internal Navigation |
Russell Morris Carneal | Counties of Charles City, James City, New Kent, York; City of Williamsburg | Welfare (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Claims Courts of Justice Public Institutions |
Robert Lybrook Clark | Counties of Henry and Patrick; City of Martinsville | Finance Privileges and Elections Public Property Welfare |
Charles William Cleaton | County of Mecklenburg | Claims (Chair) Currency and Commerce Finance Insurance and Banking Labor |
George Moffett Cochran | Counties of Augusta and Highland; Cities of Staunton and Waynesboro | Courts of Justice (Chair) Education Insurance and Banking Nominations and Confirmations |
John Warren Cooke | Counties of Gloucester, Mathews, and Middlesex | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Finance Rules |
Virgil Jefferson Cox | County of Grayson; City of Galax | Counties Cities and Towns Game and Inland Fisheries Printing Public Institutions |
Grady William Dalton | County of Tazewell | Appropriations Education Mining and Mineral Resources Public Institutions |
John Hanah Daniel | Counties of Charlotte and Prince Edward | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) Agriculture Appropriations Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Public Institutions Rules |
Wilbur Clarence Daniel | City of Danville | Education Finance Militia and Police Privileges and Elections |
James Walter Davis | Counties of Nelson and Amherst | Agriculture Appropriations Education |
Harold H. Dervishian | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Counties Cities and Towns Courts of Justice Education Militia and Police |
Kenneth Irvin Devore | County of Montgomery: City of Radford | General Laws House Expenses Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Howard Ellifrits | County of Shenandoah | Agriculture
Claims Federal Relations Militia and Police |
Walter Carlton Elliott | Counties of Russell and Dickenson | Mining and Mineral Resources (Chair) Finance General Laws Labor |
Guy O. Farley Jr. | Counties of Fairfax; Cities of Farifax and Falls Church | General Laws Labor Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Retrenchment and Economy |
Walther Balderson Fidler | Counties of Northumberland, Westmoreland, Lancaster, and Richmond | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Enrolled Bills Game and Inland Fisheries General Laws |
Thomas Newton Frost | Counties of Fauquier and Rappahannock | Agriculture Appropriations Militia and Police Nominations and Confirmations Roads and Internal Navigation |
James B. Fugate | Counties of Washington and Scott; City of Bristol | Agriculture Federal Relations General Laws Retrenchment and Economy |
Marion Gibbs Galland | City of Alexandria | Interstate Cooperation Library Public Property Welfare |
Robert Edward Gibson | City of Chesapeake | Currency and Commerce Finance General Laws Immigration Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Arthur Rossa Giesen Jr. | Counties of Augusta and Highland; Cities of Staunton and Waynesboro | Immigration Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Mining and Mineral Resources Retrenchment and Economy |
Thomas Reakirt Glass | City of Lynchburg | Appropriations Federal Relations Immigration Roads and Internal Navigation |
Charles W. Gunn Jr. | Counties of Rockbridge and Bath; City of Buena Vista | Agriculture Game and Inland Fisheries Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Institutions |
Robert R. Gwathmey III | Counties of Hanover and King William | Counties Cities and Towns Game and Inland Fisheries Insurance and Banking Welfare |
Rush Crockett Gwyn Jr. | County of Smyth | Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Labor Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property |
John William Hagen | Counties of Botetourt, Craig, and Roanoke | Enrolled Bills Immigration Mining and Mineral Resources Retrenchment and Economy |
Lyman Christian Harrell Jr. | Counties of Greensville and Sussex | Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections Public Property |
Louis Shepard Herrink Jr. | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Executive Expenditures Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
George H. Hill | City of Newport News | Immigration (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Education Game and Inland Fisheries Insurance and Banking |
William Howard Hodges | City of Chesapeake | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Claims Counties Cities and Towns Federal Relations Privileges and Elections |
Shirley Thomas Holland | Counties of Isle of Wight and Nansemond; City of Suffolk | Insurance and Banking (Chair) Appropriations Officers and Offices at the Capitol Welfare |
Lawrence Harold Hoover | County of Rockingham; City of Harrisonburg | Counties Cities and Towns General Laws Privileges and Elections |
Henry Evans Howell Jr. | City of Norfolk | Immigration Labor Militia and Police Officers and Offices at the Capitol Printing |
Edward Morton Hudgins | County of Chesterfield; City of Colonial Heights | Federal Relations (Chair) Counties Cities and Towns Finance General Laws |
Charles K. Hutchens | City of Newport News | Finance (Chair) Labor Militia and Police Privileges and Elections Rules |
Nathan B. Hutcherson Jr. | County of Franklin | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair) Federal Relations Game and Inland Fisheries General Laws |
Llewellyn Hite Irby | Counties of Amelia, Powhatan, and Nottoway | Nominations and Confirmations (Chair) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Privileges and Elections Roads and Internal Navigation Welfare |
Edwin Ralph James | City of Hampton | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair) Currency and Commerce General Laws Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
William Page Kellam | City of Virginia Beach | Currency and Commerce Federal Relations Public Property Roads and Internal Navigation |
Rupert Neal Kincer | County of Wythe | Executive Expenditures Mining and Mineral Resources Public Institutions Retrenchment and Economy |
George James Kostel | County of Alleghany; Cities of Covington and Clifton Forge | Education Insurance and Banking Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Mining and Mineral Resources |
Edward Emerson Lane | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Appropriations Insurance and Banking Welfare |
Bernard Levin | City of Norfolk | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Courts of Justice Immigration Militia and Police |
Charles Harrison Mann Jr. | County of Arlington | Enrolled Bills (Chair) Courts of Justice Game and Inland Fisheries Immigration Insurance and Banking |
Paul Wilbur Manns | Counties of Caroline, King George, Essex, and King and Queen | Game and Inland Fisheries (Chair) Auditing Counties Cities and Towns Education |
Charles Hardaway Marks | Counties of Prince George and Surry; City of Hopewell | Claims Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills House Expenses |
Dorothy Shoemaker McDiarmid | County of Fairfax; Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church | Education Enrolled Bills House Expenses Library |
George N. McMath | County of Accomack | Education Executive Expenditures General Laws Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
Lewis Archer McMurran Jr. | City of Newport News | Counties Cities and Towns (Chair) Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Federal Relations Roads and Internal Navigation |
Richard Hoxie Middleton | Counties of Albemarle and Greene | Agriculture Education Interstate Cooperation Library |
Willard James Moody | City of Portsmouth | Currency and Commerce (Chair) Claims Counties Cities and Towns Enrolled Bills Labor |
Edgar Blackburn Moore | Counties of Clarke and Frederick; City of Winchester | Rules (Chair) |
Garnett St. Clair Moore | County of Pulaski | Retrenchment and Economy (Chair) Claims Courts of Justice Mining and Mineral Resources Officers and Offices at the Capitol |
James Russell Moore | Counties of Washington and Scott; City of Bristol | Immigration Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Mining and Mineral Resources Retrenchment and Economy |
Robert Simpson Orr | Counties of Lee and Wise; City of Norton | Agriculture Labor Public Institutions Retrenchment and Economy Welfare |
Stanley Albert Owens | County of Prince William | Courts of Justice Executive Expenditures Finance Nominations and Confirmations |
Charles Armonde Paxson | City of Charlottesville | Counties Cities and Towns Currency and Commerce Library Manufactures and Mechanic Arts |
William Alton Pennington | Counties of Buckingham, Appomattox, and Cumberland | Education Executive Expenditures Finance Public Property |
Lucas Dallam Phillips | County of Loudoun | Agriculture Federal Relations Finance General Laws Public Property |
Albert Lee Philpott | Counties of Henry and Patrick; City of Martinsville | Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures Federal Relations Insurance and Banking |
Theodore Clay Pilcher | City of Norfolk | Claims Education Insurance and Banking Welfare |
Joseph H. Poff | Counties of Carroll and Floyd | Currency and Commerce Insurance and Banking Militia and Police Mining and Mineral Resources |
Frederick Gresham Pollard | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair) Appropriations General Laws Militia and Police Retrenchment and Economy |
Samuel Eliba Pope | County of Southampton; City of Franklin | Education (Chair) Agriculture General Laws Interstate Cooperation Public Institutions |
Charles Daniel Price | Counties of Page and Warren | Agriculture (Chair) Appropriations Militia and Police Public Institutions Roads and Internal Navigation |
Lacey E. Putney | County of Bedford | Printing (Chair) Agriculture Finance Privileges and Elections |
George Chancellor Rawlings Jr. | Counties of Spotsylvania and Stafford; City of Fredericksburg | Claims Enrolled Bills Public Institutions Welfare |
John Lewis Rawls Jr. | County of Nansemond; City of Suffolk | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Immigration |
Randall Oscar Reynolds | County of Pittsylvania | Agriculture Appropriations Claims Game and Inland Fisheries |
Arthur Harrison Richardson | County of Dinwiddie; City of Petersburg | General Laws (Chair) Game and Inland Fisheries Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Roads and Internal Navigation |
James Walker Roberts | City of Norfolk | Militia and Police (Chair) Appropriations Immigration Roads and Internal Navigation |
Donald H. Sandie Sr. | City of Portsmouth | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Claims Currency and Commerce Interstate Cooperation |
John L. Scott | County of Fairfax; Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church | Counties Cities and Towns Currency and Commerce Enrolled Bills Executive Expenditures |
Daniel French Slaughter Jr. | Counties of Madison, Culpeper and Orange | Agriculture Appropriations Nominations and Confirmations Privileges and Elections |
Richard Maclin Smith | Counties of Brunswick and Lunenburg | House Expenses (Chair) Agriculture Counties Cities and Towns Game and Inland Fisheries Labor |
Sydney Strother Smith Jr. | County of Henrico; City of Richmond | Executive Expenditures Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Institutions Retrenchment and Economy |
William Roy Smith | County of Dinwiddie; City of Petersburg | Appropriations Auditing Education Federal Relations |
Keith Dempsey Speer | County of Buchanan | Enrolled Bills Executive Expenditures Game and Inland Fisheries Mining and Mineral Resources |
Kathryn Haesler Stone | County of Arlington | Public Institutions (Chair) General Laws Immigration Welfare |
T. Dix Sutton | County of Henrico | Counties Cities and Towns Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Institutions Welfare |
Lawrence R. Thompson | County of Campbell | Appropriations Game and Inland Fisheries Labor Roads and Internal Navigation |
William Carrington Thompson | County of Pittsylvania | Courts of Justice Education Federal Relations Roads and Internal Navigation |
James McIlhany Thomson | City of Alexandria | Appropriations Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Retrenchment and Economy |
Stanley Clay Walker | City of Norfolk | Currency and Commerce General Laws Printing Public Institutions |
Charles Weldon Wampler Jr. | County of Rockingham; City of Harrisonburg | Labor (Chair) Agriculture Finance Officers and Offices at the Capitol Public Property |
Joshua Warren White Jr. | City of Norfolk | Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Currency and Commerce Finance Public Property |
Pressley Byrnes White | City of Virginia Beach | Appropriations Chesapeake and Its Tributaries Executive Expenditures Labor Retrenchment and Economy |
William Littleton Winston | County of Arlington | Counties Cities and Towns Finance Militia and Police Roads and Internal Navigation |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.