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Rush Crockett "Croc" Gwyn Jr.
Member From: 1960 - 1967

- Birth Date: July 28, 1903 Birth Place:Chatham Hill, Smyth County, VA
- Death Date: Feburary 23, 1983
- Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
- Spouse: Laura Louise Lambert Gwyn (m. 1931)
- Children:
- Religion: Methodist
- Education: University of Virginia (B.A., LL.B.)
- Military Service:
- Occupation/Profession: Lawyer, farmer, and banker
- Memberships/Affiliations: Methodist Church Masons Shrine Benevolent Protective Order of Elks Phi Delta Phi Omicron Delta Kappa Virginia Bar Association American Bar Association Bank of Marion (vice president)
Session | District | District Number | Party | Leadership | Committees |
1960 | County of Smyth | Democrat | Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Labor Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property |
1962-1963 | County of Smyth | 68 | Democrat | Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Labor Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property |
1963 | County of Smyth | 68 | Democrat | Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Labor Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property |
1964-1965 | County of Smyth | 65 | Democrat | Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Labor Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property |
1965 | County of Smyth | 65 | Democrat | Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Labor Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property |
1966 | County of Smyth | 60 | Democrat | Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills Insurance and Banking Mining and Mineral Resources Public Property |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at