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1906 Session Information

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W. W. Baker Chesterfield Library (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Sidney Baxter Barham Jr. Surry and Prince George Asylums and Prisons
Enrolled Bills
Federal Relations
Militia and Police
J. M. Barker Jr. Henry Agriculture and Mining
Federal Relations
Militia and Police
William Carey Barker Botetourt Asylums and Prisons
Executive Expenditures
James W. Barnard Patrick Executive Expenditures
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Militia and Police
William E. Barrett Newport News Counties, Cities and Towns
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Public Property
Charles T. Bland Portsmouth General Laws
Roads and Internal Navigation
Marshall B. Booker Halifax Claims
Federal Relations
General Laws
A. M. Bowman Craig, Roanoke City and Roanoke County Finance (Chair)
Agriculture and Mining
Executive Expenditures
Burder B. Bowman Shenandoah Agriculture and Mining
Militia and Police
Privileges and Elections
W. N. Brown Pittsylvania and Danville Banks, Currency and Commerce
Counties, Cities and Towns
Privileges and Elections
Richard Evelyn Byrd Frederick and Winchester Courts of Justice (Chair)
William Duval Cardwell Hanover Rules (Chair)
James R. Caton Alexandria County and Alexandria City Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Courts of Justice
House Expenses
John W. Churchman Augusta and Staunton Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
Retrenchment and Economy
Thomas E. Clarke Dinwiddie Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair)
Printing (Chair)
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Roads and Internal Navigation
S. Fletcher Clement Pittsylvania and Danville General Laws
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
John Henry Cochran Fauquier and Loudoun Asylums and Prisons
Public Property
Aylett Breckenridge Coleman Roanoke City and Roanoke County Courts of Justice
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Schools and Colleges
Lewis King Cornett Grayson Asylums and Prisons
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Retrenchment and Economy
Edwin P. Cox Richmond City General Laws (Chair)
Retrenchment and Economy
John Curlett Lancaster and Richmond County Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Enrolled Bills
Schools and Colleges
Thomas M. Dunn Albemarle and Charlottesville Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Nathaniel B. Early Greene and Madison Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
George N. Earman Rockingham
D. L. Eller Floyd Claims
Counties, Cities and Towns
Labor and the Poor
Elijah William Gaines Norfolk City Enrolled Bills
Labor and the Poor
Robert E. Gill Petersburg Asylums and Prisons
Executive Expenditures
Militia and Police
Harry C. Glenn Richmond City General Laws
Privileges and Elections
Special, Private and Local Legislation
James A. Glenn Halifax Agriculture and Mining
Executive Expenditures
Labor and the Poor
Public Property
Peter Ben F. Good Rockingham Claims
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Schools and Colleges
Boylan Green Charlotte Banks, Currency and Commerce
Courts of Justice
Federal Relations
M. M. Green Fauquier Public Property (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
R. T. Gregory New Kent, Charles City, James City, York, Warwick, and Williamsburg Courts of Justice
Enrolled Bills
Retrenchment and Economy
John R. Guerrant Franklin Agriculture and Mining
Enrolled Bills
Owen Overton Gwathmey King William and Hanover Counties, Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Special, Private and Local Legislation
Littleberry James Haley Louisa Banks, Currency and Commerce
Retrenchment and Economy
Schools and Colleges
W. E. Hillenburg Wythe Labor and the Poor
Retrenchment and Economy
Roads and Internal Navigation
Harry Rutherford Houston Elizabeth City, Accomac, and Hampton Claims
Militia and Police
William E. Howle Isle of Wight Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Militia and Police
Public Property
Tipton D. Jennings Lynchburg Counties, Cities and Towns (Chair)
Executive Expenditures
M. M. Johnson Clarke and Warren Agriculture and Mining
Federal Relations
Schools and Colleges
Charles A. Johnston Montgomery and Radford Federal Relations
Public Property
G. E. T. Lane Mathews and Middlesex Chesapeake and its Tributaries
R.E. Lee Jr. Fairfax Militia and Police (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
James M. Lewis King and Queen & Essex Immigration (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Special, Private and Local Legislation
J. L. C. Lindsey Carroll Claims
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Thomas Harlan Lion Prince William Claims (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
David Solon Louderback Page and Rappahannock Counties, Cities and Towns
Labor and the Poor
Privileges and Elections
Fenton M. Love Loudoun Banks, Currency and Commerce
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Executive Expenditures
Retrenchment and Economy
Henry Clay Lowry Bedford Special, Private and Local Legislation (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
George Mason Northumberland and Westmoreland Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Courts of Justice
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Eugene C. Massie Richmond City Courts of Justice
Federal Relations
Public Property
Paul McRae Buckingham and Cumberland House Expenses
Labor and the Poor
Privileges and Elections
John H. Meade Russell Enrolled Bills
Public Property
R. G. Mitchell Rockbridge and Buena Vista Executive Expenditures
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Richard Cassius Lee Moncure Stafford and King George General Laws
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
William W. Old Jr. Norfolk City Executive Expenditures
Schools and Colleges
Special, Private and Local Legislation
Eugene Ould Campbell Asylums and Prisons
Schools and Colleges
John J. Owen Prince Edward Agriculture and Mining (Chair)
Labor and the Poor
Edwin W. Owens Norfolk County Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair)
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Militia and Police
William George Parker Norfolk County Counties, Cities and Towns
Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles Sumner Pendleton Scott Banks, Currency and Commerce
Enrolled Bills
House Expenses
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Junius Eppes Person Sussex and Greensville Claims
Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
Pembroke Pettit Fluvanna and Goochland Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Courts of Justice
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Robert E. Peyton Richmond City Finance
Militia and Police
Retrenchment and Economy
D. H. Pitts Albemarle and Charlottesville Finance
Militia and Police
Public Property
R. S. Powell Brunswick Banks, Currency and Commerce (Chair)
Asylums and Prisons
Federal Relations
David Breonard Powers Jr. Caroline Banks, Currency and Commerce
General Laws
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Joseph C. Prince Southampton Executive Expenditures
Retrenchment and Economy
Special, Local and Private Legislation
Ordway Puller Richmond City Counties, Cities and Towns
General Laws
Labor and the Poor
Willis C. Pulliam Chesterfield, Powhatan, and Manchester Asylums and Prisons
Courts of Justice
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
S. P. Read Mecklenburg Federal Relations and Resolutions (Chair)
Counties, Cities and Towns
Schools and Colleges
John R. Rew Accomack Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair)
Labor and the Poor
Wade Hampton Roberts Dickenson and Wise Agriculture and Mining
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Roads and Internal Navigation
Harry Miller Rogers Rockingham Agriculture and Mining
Asylums and Prisons
Banks, Currency and Commerce
J. Powell Royall Tazewell and Buchanan Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Schools and Colleges
Special, Private and Local Legislation
Hugh Donald Scott Amherst Asylums and Prisons
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Public Property
Daniel A. Slaughter Culpeper Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Agriculture and Mining
Counties, Cities and Towns
George Tabscott Snead Princess Anne Asylums and Prisons (Chair)
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Counties, Cities and Towns
Public Property
Nathaniel Eakin Spessard Alleghany & Craig Retrenchment and the Economy (Chair)
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
John Calhoun Stanfield Washington and Bristol Immigration
Labor and the Poor
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Samuel Wilson Sterrett Bath, Highland, Buena Vista, and Rockbridge Finance
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Retrenchment and Economy
Granville R. Swift Spotslyvania and Fredericksburg Enrolled Bills
General Laws
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
J. A. Sydnor Amelia and Nottoway Counties, Cities and Towns
Labor and the Poor
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Charles C. Taliaferro Orange Agriculture and Mining
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Roads and Internal Navigation
James L. Taliaferro Gloucester Chesapeake and its Tributaries
General Laws
Militia and Police
John E. Taylor Pittsylvania and Danville
A. B. Thornhill Appomattox House Expenses (Chair)
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Enrolled Bills
Roads and Internal Navigation
C. W. Throckmorton Henrico General Laws
Roads and Internal Navigation
James T. Trolinger Pulaski Agriculture and Mining
Retrenchment and Economy
Silas H. Walker Augusta and Staunton Labor and the Poor (Chair)
Public Property
Emmett Phillip Wallace Lunenburg Enrolled Bills
Militia and Police
Privileges and Elections
Thomas S. West Bedford Agriculture and Mining
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Labor and the Poor
George W. Whitehead Nelson Banks, Currency and Commerce
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Militia and Police
John T. Wilkins III Northampton and Accomack Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Counties, Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
J. D. Williams Washington and Bristol Asylums and Prisons
Executive Expenditures
Officers and Offices and the Capitol
Martin Williams Giles and Bland General Laws
House Expenses
Retrenchment and Economy
Schools and Elections
Samuel H. Wilson Pittsylvania and Danville Federal Relations and Resolutions
Jacob Hosteller Wissler Smyth Asylums and Prisons
Federal Relations
Robert W. Withers Nansemond Enrolled Bills (Chair)
General Laws
Roads and Internal Navigation Privileges and Elections
Harvey Young Lee Federal Relations
Public Property

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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