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William Duval Cardwell

Sessions Served: 1899 - 1906

Member image
  • Birth Date: April 12, 1868 Birth Place:near Madison, Rockingham County, N.C.
  • Death Date: June 27, 1954
  • Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
  • Spouse: Jane Price Gregory; Frances Omohundro
  • Children:
  • Religion:
  • Education:
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  • Occupation/Profession:
  • Bio: Born near Madison, Rockingham County, N. C., April 12, 1868. Died in Maitland, Florida, June 27, 1954. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va. William D. Cardwell of Hanover County was the son of former Speaker Richard H ,and Kate (Howard) Cardwell. He was brought to “Clay Springs”, Hanover County, in 1869. He attended Randolph- Macon College and the University of Virginia, LL. B. Having been admitted to the bar, he began his practice in Richmond. He was a World War I Veteran, and as lieutenant commanded Squadron No. 7, 5th Naval District, in 1917, honorably discharged August 8, 1919. He was a member of the House of Delegates, 1899-1908, and the first Speaker to preside over the House in the present hall. 1-lc was an excellent parliamentarian. He married firstly, April 10, 1890, Jane Price Gregory, daughter of Dr. Thomas Littlepage and Sarah Pendleton (Winston) Gregory of Hanover County, and secondly, September 8, 1943, Frances Omohundro (widow of E. J. Sullivan), daughter of Calvin and Emma (Hamner) Omohundro.

    While he was Speaker of the House, the Clerk was JOHN W. WILLIAMS.
  • Other Notable Service and/or Elected Offices: Speaker of the House - 1906
District Number
1899-1900 Hanover Democrat Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Courts of Justice
1901-1904 Hanover Democrat Immigration (Chair)
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Courts of Justice
1904 Hanover Democrat Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair)
Immigration (Chair)
Courts of Justice
1906 Hanover Democrat Speaker of the House Rules (Chair)

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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