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1861-1863 Session Information

 Please turn your device to landscape view for wide tables like those below.

William Ambers Chesterfield
Francis T. Anderson Rockbridge Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
John T. Anderson Botetourt Military Affairs (Chair)
M. L. Anderson Albemarle Executive Expenditures
Lunatic Ayslums
Propositions and Grievances
S.P. Bailey Fauquier
Richard H. Baker Jr. Norfolk City Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
James Barbour Culpeper Finance (Chair)
Bonds of Public Officers
William R. Baskerville Mecklenberg Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Colin Bass Roanoke Claims (Chair)
Treasurer's Accounts
James Bayse Lee, Scott, and Wise Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
Second Auditor's Office
Thomas B. Bigger Richmond City
Charles Blue Hampshire Armory (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Second Auditor's Office
James Boggs Pendleton Agriculture and Manufactures
Clerk's Office
John R. Booten Page Enrolled Bills
Schools and Colleges
Wood Bouldin Charlotte Courts of Justice
William A. Bradford Clarke Lunatic Ayslums
Military Affairs
Andrew Brooks Franklin Register's Office (Chair)
A. S. Buford Pittsylvania Banks
Roads and Internal Navigation
Edward C. Burks Bedford Bonds of Public Officers (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Samuel Carpenter Alleghany and Bath Clerk's Office
Executive Expenditures
Roads and Internal Navigation
Addison L. Carter Lancaster and Northumberland Privileges and Elections
R. H. Carter Albemarle
William G. Cazenove Alexandria Banks
Treasurer's Accounts
John G. Cecil Pulaski Armory
Enrolled Bills
David B. Clarke Washington Lunatic Ayslums
Second Auditor's Office
S. A. Coffman Rockingham
H. N. Coleman Jr. Nelson Propositions and Grievances
Second Auditor's Office
John J. Coleman Fayette and Raleigh Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
Charles F. Collier Petersburg Courts of Justice
Robert E. Cowan Preston
Robert Crockett Wythe Library
Lunatic Ayslums
Schools and Colleges
James W. Custis Elizabeth City, Warwick, York, and Williamsburg Lunatic Ayslums
Schools and Colleges
Treasurer's Accounts
Robert Dabney Cumberland and Powhatan Library
J. H. Daniel King George and Stafford Agriculture and Manufactures
Executive Expenditures
Schools and Colleges
John Dudley Davis Amherst Claims
Military Affairs
Robert J. Davis Campbell Banks
R. B. Dice Pendleton
David C. Dunn Washington Banks
John R. Edmunds Halifax Library (Chair)
William Eggleston Giles Military Affairs
Privileges and Elections
Andrew B. Evans Mathews and Middlesex Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Joshua Ewing Lee and Wise Armory
Treasurer's Accounts
William W. Fleming Highland Penitentiary
Propositions and Grievances
John G. Fletcher Rappahannock Armory
Enrolled Bills
Thomas H. Flood Appomattox Finance
First Auditor's Office
Roads and Internal Navigation
J. M. Forbes Fauquier Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
James Franklin Scott and Wise First Auditor's Office
Charles T. Friend Chesterfield Military Affairs
Privileges and Elections
William O. Fry Madison
G. T. Garrison Accomack Library
Propositions and Grievances
Register's Office
John Gatewood Shenandoah Bonds of Public Officers
Hervey George Tazewell Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Propositions and Grievances
Thomas H. Gillespie Tazewell Claims
Enrolled Bills
Executive Expenditures
John Gilmer Pittsylvania Courts of Justice
Douglas H. Gordon Spotsylvania Finance
Charles Grattan Rockingham Banks
Clerk's Office
Thomas C. Green Jefferson
Mathew Harrison Loudoun Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
Henry Laurens Hopkins Petersburg
John H. Hopkins Rockingham Lunatic Ayslums
Propositions and Grievances
Register's Office
Andrew Hunter Jefferson Courts of Justice
Military Affairs
O. W. Huntt Fairfax Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Richard Irby Amelia and Nottoway Agriculture and Manufactures
Propositions and Grievances
Register's Office
Green James Botetourt Banks
William Johnson Barbour First Auditor's Office (Chair)
Agriculture and Manufactures
Warner T. Jones Gloucester Courts of Justice
Military Affairs
Alexander Jordan Bedford Penitentiary
Privileges and Elections
Register's Office
M. R. Kaufman Frederick Claims
Propositions and Grievances
James Lawson Kemper Madison
William Kyle Carroll Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
Albert Laidley Cabell Schools and Colleges
Second Auditor's Office
Wilson Lively Monroe Agriculture and Manufactures
Register's Office
Second Auditor's Office
James T. Lockridge Pocahontas Agriculture and Manufactures
Lunatic Ayslums
William T. Lundy Greensville and Sussex Banks
Military Affairs
Seymour Lynn Prince William Agriculture and Manufactures
Clerk's Office
B.H. Magruder Albemarle
R. M. Mallory Brunswick Library
Military Affairs
Second Auditor's Office
John L. Lawrence Marye Jr. Spotsylvania
Mason Mathews Greenbrier Treasurer's Accounts (Chair)
Register's Office
R. A. Mayo Henrico
Samuel McCamant Grayson Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
A. W. McDonald Jr. Hampshire Banks
Military Affairs
Treasurer's Accounts
Isaac E. McDonald Logan, Boone, and Wyoming Agriculture and Manufactures
Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
Z. S. McGruder Henrico Lunatic Ayslums
Military Affairs
Treasurer's Accounts
Phillip W. McKinney Buckingham Courts of Justice
First Auditor's Office
Duncan McLaughlin Braxton, Nicholas, and Clay Armory
First Auditor's Office
Frank Minor Albemarle Finance
Schools and Colleges
Rice D. Montague Montgomery Penitentiary (Chair)
C. W. Murdaugh Norfolk County Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
Robert E. Nelson Fluvanna Agriculture and Manufactures
Clerk's Office
Lunatic Ayslums
William G. T. Nelson Louisa Claims
Enrolled Bills
Willoughby Newton Richmond County and Westmoreland Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Burr P. Noland Loudoun Finance
Schools and Colleges
Treasurer's Accounts
John Orgain Jr. Lunenberg Agriculture and Manufactures (Chair)
Richards Payne Fauquier Agriculture and Manufactures
Executive Expenditures
Philip Pittman Shenandoah Claims
Military Affairs
Joseph H. Prince Southampton Agriculture and Manufactures
Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Grievances
Samuel McD. Reid Rockbridge Clerk's Office (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
Robert A. Richardson Mercer Executive Expenditures
Military Affairs
Nathaniel Riddick Nansemond Agriculture and Manufactures
Propositions and Grievances
Schools and Colleges
George E. Rives Prince George and Surry Lunatic Ayslums (Chair)
Wyndham Robertson Richmond City Banks (Chair)
Military Affairs
Israel Robinson Berkeley
John M. Rowan Monroe Enrolled Bills
Roads and Internal Navigation
John C. Rutherfoord Goochland Courts of Justice (Chair)
Bonds of Public Officers
Peter Saunders Jr. Franklin Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
Robert C. Saunders Campbell Roads and Internal Navigation
Charles J. Shannon Smyth Second Auditor's Office (Chair)
Propositions and Grievances
Hugh White Sheffey Augusta Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
George W. Sherrard Montgomery
Adam Small Berkeley
Edgar J. Spady Northampton Bonds of Public Officers
First Auditor's Office
Schools and Colleges
John Staples Patrick Penitentiary
Roads and Internal Navigation
John O. Steger Richmond City Bonds of Public Officers
Courts of Justice
William M. Tate Augusta First Auditor's Office
Lunatic Ayslums
Schools and Colleges
Francis G. Taylor Hanover Armory
Enrolled Bills
Richard F. Taylor Amelia and Nottoway
Samuel W. Thomas Warren Clerk's Office
Valentine Thrash Floyd Armory
Executive Expenditures
Harrison B. Tomlin King William Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Thomas T. Tredway Prince Edward Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
George Tyler Caroline Agriculture and Manufactures
Propositions and Grievances
V. Vaden Charles City, James City, and New Kent Lunatic Ayslums
Second Auditor's Office
Isaac Vermillion Russell Lunatic Ayslums
James Walker Augusta Banks
Treasurer's Accounts
George W. Ward Frederick Banks
Roads and Internal Navigation
Second Auditor's Office
Isaiah A. Welch Kanawha
George H. West Halifax Armory
Propositions and Grievances
Charles Williams Hardy First Auditor's Office
Register's Office
James L. Wilson Isle of Wight First Auditor's Office
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Samuel M. Wilson Norfolk County Banks
H. B. Woodhouse Princess Anne Claims
Second Auditor's Office
John C. Woodson Rockingham First Auditor's Office
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
John L. Woolfolk Greene and Orange Agriculture and Manufactures
Enrolled Bills
Lunatic Ayslums
John F. Wootten Henry Enrolled Bills
First Auditor's Office
Henry C. Worsham Dinwiddie Enrolled Bills
Lunatic Ayslums
George T. Wright Essex and King & Queen Armory
Register's Office
Schools and Colleges
Thomas H. Wynne Richmond City Finance
Roads and Internal Navigation

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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