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1885-1887 Session Information

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John Acker Rockingham Claims
Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
Joseph J. Addington Scott Agriculture and Mining
Labor and Poor
Jacob W. Arnold Rockbridge Asylums and Prisons
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Militia and Police
James Bandy Tazewell Banks, Currency and Commerce
Federal Relations and Resolutions
James Barbour Culpeper
Harvey Black Montgomery Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Public Property
John C. Bohannan Mathews and Middlesex Asylums and Prisons
Public Property
David W. Bolen Carroll Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Samuel P. Bolling Cumberland and Buckingham Claims Committee
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts Committee
Retrenchment and Economy Committee
George L. Borum Nansemond Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Milita and Police
John Thompson Brown Nelson Courts of Justice
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Roads and Internal Navigation
John Alexander Buchanan Washington Asylums and Prisons
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Courts of Justice
William P. Burks Bedford Public Property (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Richard Henry Cardwell Hanover Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Public Property
Roads and Internal Navigation
Henry L. Carter Richmond City Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair)
Asylums and Prison
Labor and Poor
James F. Chalmers Isle of Wight Agriculture and Mining
Propositions and Grievances
John W. Cherry Norfolk City
D. M. Chichester Fairfax Agriculture and Mining
Enrolled Bills
Jesse J. Childress Buchanan, Wise, and Dickenson Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Propositions and Grievances
Fielding R. Cornett Grayson Enrolled Bills
Schools and Colleges
Horace F. Crismond Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg Asylums and Prisons
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Milita and Police
T. Spicer Curlett Lancaster and Richmond County Banks, Currency, and Commerce
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Privileges and Elections
Schools and Colleges
Walter J. Dabney Albemarle Executive Expenditures
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
James H. Darst Pulaski and Giles Federal Relations and Resolutions (Chair)
Executive Expenditures
Crispin Dickenson Pittsylvania and Danville Agriculture and Mining
Asylums and Prisons
Henry H. Downing Clarke and Warren Immigration (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
James N. Dunlop Richmond City Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Privileges and Elections
W. P. DuPuy Prince Edward Claims (Chair)
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Schools and Colleges ,
A.W. Eastwood King William Agriculture and Mining
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Militia and Police
Edward Echols Augusta Asylums and Prisons (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Labor and Poor
William Faulcon Prince George and Surry Executive Expendititures Committee
Immigration Committee
Public Property Committee
T. J. Fentress Princess Anne Cheapeake and Its Tributaries
Executive Expenditures
Retrenchment and Economy
James Henry Harrison Figgat Botetourt House Expenses (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Retrenchment and Economy
W. C. Franklin Appomattox Banks, Currency, and Commerce
Enrolled Bills
Roads and Internal Navigation
Abram Fulkerson Washington Privileges and Elections (Chair)
L. D. Fulkerson Lee Enrolled Bills
Federal Relations and Resolutions
House Expenses
Officers and Offices at the Capitol -
Schools and Colleges
J.M. Gills Nottoway and Amelia Labor and Poor
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Public Property
William A. Goad Bedford Counties, Cities and Towns
Labor and Poor
Public Property
Daniel A. Grimsley Culpeper Courts of Justice
Alfred W. Harris Dinwiddie Courts of Justice Committee (Dates Unknown)
Immigration Committee
Library Committee (Dates Unknown)
Manufactures and Mechanics Arts Committee (Dates Unknown)
Privileges and Elections Committee
Retrenchment and Economy Committee (Dates Unknown)
Schools and Colleges Committee
James Hay Greene and Madison Courts of Justice
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Militia and Police
Samuel H. Hoge Patrick Federal Relations and Resolutions
Privileges and Elections
Public Property
Schools and Colleges
Fred H. Holladay Louisa Agriculture and Mining
Labor and Poor
Privileges and Elections
Giles C. Huffman Craig, Roanoke City, and Roanoke County Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Silas B. Hurt Russell Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Propositions and Grievances
Retrenchment and Economy
Austin Hylton Floyd Banks, Currency, and Commerce
Propositions and Grievances
W. Y. Johnson Norfolk City Banks, Currency and Commerce (Chair)
Retrenchment and Economy
Roads and Internal Navigation
Joseph R. Jones Mecklenberg House Expenses
Labor and Poor
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Charles F. Jordan Rockbridge Labor and Poor
Offices and Officers at the Capitol
Retrenchment and Economy
Schools and Colleges
William H. Jordan Petersburg Executive Expenditures
Propositions and Grievances
William I. Jordan Halifax Banks, Currency, and Commerce
Counties, Cities and Towns
Propositions and Grievances
T. W. Keen Pittsylvania and Danville Executive Expenditures
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
James M. Lawson Campbell and Lynchburg Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Privileges and Elections
Joel B. Leftwich Campbell and Lynchburg Agriculture and Mining
Public Property
Alexander B. Lightner Augusta Agriculture and Mining
Banks, Currency, and Commerce
Counties, Cities and Towns
Edward F. Lockett Chesterfield and Powhatan Immigration
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Privileges and Elections
William G. Loving Amherst Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Roads and Internal Navigation
Schools and Colleges
R. M. Mallory Brunswick Executive Expenditures
Propositions and Grievances
George A. Martin Norfolk County Claims
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Roads and Internal Navigation
Thomas C. Matthews Lunenberg Agriculture and Mining
Enrolled Bills
Militia and Police
Robert G. Mauck Page Agriculture and Mining
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Counties, Cities and Towns
Robert M. Mayo Northumberland and Westmoreland Finance
Militia and Police
Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1885 - 1886
Robert McCandlish Jr. Petersburg Enrolled Bills
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Retrenchment and Economy
Archibald M. McClintic Alleghany, Bath and Highland Banks, Currency and Commerce
Counties, Cities and Towns
Thomas M. Miller Chesterfield and Powhatan Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Public Property
John R. Moss Buckingham Asylums and Prisons
Enrolled Bills
Executive Expenditures
B(everly) B. Munford Pittsylvania and Danville Courts of Justice (Chair)
Militia and Police
L M. Nance New Kent and Charles City Counties, Cities and Towns
Retrenchment and Economy
R.R. Noblin Halifax Labor and the Poor (Chair)
Executive Expenditures
P. Henry O'Bannon Rappahannock Banks, Currency and Commerce
Counties, Cities and Towns
Nicholas P. Oglesby Wythe Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair)
Propositions and Grievances
Roads and Internal Navigation
James D. Patton Richmond City Militia and Police (Chair)
Counties, Cities and Towns
Executive Expenditures
Alexander D. Payne Loudoun and Fauquier Courts of Justice
Militia and Police
Propositions and Grievances
Herbert G. Peters Henry Courts of Justice
Enrolled Bills
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Henry R. Pollard King and Queen Finance (Chair)
Retrenchment and Economy
John W. H. Porter Portsmouth Retrenchment and the Economy (Chair)
Enrolled Bills
John J.A. Powell Fluvanna Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Joseph B. Reid Prince William Enrolled Bills
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Francis E. Rice Shenandoah Asylums and Prisons
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Retrenchment and Economy
Edward Livingston Roberts Smyth and Bland Printing (Chair)
Asylums and Prisons
Enrolled Bills (Dates Unknown)
Labor and Poor
E. W. Row Orange Militia and Police
Schools and Colleges
Edward S. Ruggles Stafford and King George Finance
House Expenses
Schools and Colleges
John Franklin Ryan Loudoun Counties, Cities and Towns (Chair)
Agriculture and Mining
Privileges and Elections
Peter Saunders Jr. Franklin Agriculture and Mining
Asylums and Prisons
James E. Schoolfield Pittslyvania and Danville
W. J. Sebrell Southampton Immigration
Labor and Poor
Leroy H. Shields Norfolk City Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Cornelius T. Smith Caroline Claims
House Expenses
Roads and Internal Navigation
Harrison Southworth Essex Claims
Public Property
Ashton Starke Richmond City Executive Expenditures
Roads and Internal Navigation
Robert M. Stribling Fauquier Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
Charles Edward Stuart Alexandria City and Alexandria County
Thomas Seddon Taliaferro Gloucester Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair)
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
John W. Tavenner Frederick and Winchester Agriculture and Mining
Counties, Cities and Towns
Roads and Internal Navigation
Andrew J. Terry Charlotte Asylums and Prisons
Counties, Cities and Towns
Militia and Police
Jacob M. Thorne Fairfax
B. D. Tillar Greensville and Sussex Asylums and Prisons
Enrolled Bills
Public Property
R. N. Turner Goochland Federal Relations and Resolutions
Privileges and Elections
Retrenchment and Economy
M. L. Van Doran Albemarle Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Schools and Colleges
Edmund Waddill Jr. Henrico Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Labor and Poor
J. B. Webb Rockingham Counties, Cities and Towns
Federal Relations and Relations and Resolutions
Treackle T. Wescott Accomack Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Enrolled Bills
Retrenchment and Economy
Southey S. Wilkins Northampton and Accomack Immigration
Militia and Police
Propositions and Grievances
Richard Alsop Wise Elizabeth City, Warwick, James City and York Labor and Poor
Privileges and Elections

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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