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1791 Session Information

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  • Start Date: Oct 17 1791
  • End Date: Dec 20 1791
  • Notes: Session: October 17 to December 20, 1791
  • Speaker: Thomas Mathews
  • Clerk: Charles Hay
  • Special Sessions:
John Allen Surry Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
William Allen Buckingham Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Robert Andrews Williamsburg Courts of Justice (Chair)
Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
James Armstrong Henry Propositions and Grievances
James Ball Jr. Lancaster
James Wallace Ball Lancaster Religion
Thomas Barbour Orange Claims
Propositions and Grievances
George Baxter Rockingham Claims
Thomas Baytop Gloucester Claims
Propositions and Grievances
David Bell Buckingham Claims
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
William Bentley Powhatan Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Benjamin Biggs Ohio
Richard Scott Blackburn Prince William Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
James Blair Washington Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Richard Bland Prince George Claims
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Cornelius Bogard Randolph Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Robert Bolling Dinwiddie Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
George Booker Elizabeth City
Daniel Boone Kanawha Propositions and Grievances
Caleb Bouche Princess Anne Propositions and Grievances
John Bowyer Rockbridge
Francis Boykin Isle of Wight Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
James A. Bradby Surry Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Carter Braxton King William Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Robert Brooke Spotsylvania Claims
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Burke Caroline Propositions and Grievances
Samuel Jordan Cabell Amherst
John Caldwell Nelson Claims
Propositions and Grievances
William Overton Callis Louisa Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
John Campbell Jefferson Claims
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Hugh Caperton Greenbrier Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Carter Russell Propositions and Grievances
William Hunter Cavendish Greenbrier Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Joshua Chaffin Amelia Propositions and Grievances
William Chamberlayne New Kent Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Matthew Cheatham Chesterfield Privileges and Elections
William Dandridge Claiborne King William Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
David Clark Halifax Claims
Propositions and Grievances
John Clark "e" Campbell Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
William Clark "e" Albemarle Propositions and Grievances
Matthew Clay Pittsylvania Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Abraham Claypool Randolph Claims
Propositions and Grievances
George Clendinen Kanawha
John Clopton New Kent Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Simon Cockrell Russell Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Mordecai Cooke Gloucester Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Francis Corbin Middlesex Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Overton Cosby Middlesex Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
John Cowper Norfolk County Claims
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Benjamin Dabney King and Queen Claims
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Travers Daniel Jr. Stafford Claims
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
William Darke Berkeley
Isaac Davis Orange Claims
Propositions and Grievances
William Digges Warwick Claims
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
John Early Franklin Claims
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Elias Edmonds Fauquier
Thomas Edmunds Sussex
Joseph Eggleston Amelia Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Benjamin Eley Isle of Wight
John Evans Monongalia Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Francis Fitzgerald Nottoway Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Nicholas Fitzhugh Fairfax
William Randolph Fleming Goochland Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
William Foushee Richmond City Claims
Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
John Fowler Fayette Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Arthur Fox Mason Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Jacob Froman Mercer Propositions and Grievances
Kinchen Godwin Nansemond Privileges and Elections
Benjamin Goodrich Greensville Propositions and Grievances
Peterson Goodwyn Dinwiddie Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
John Gordon Northumberland
John Grant Woodford Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Edwin Gray Southampton
John Guerrant Jr. Goochland Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Henry Guy Northampton
Horatio Hall Bourbon
Stith Hardyman Charles City
Benjamin Harrison V Charles City
Edmund Harrison Prince George Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Robert Harvey Botetourt
John Haymond Harrison Propositions and Grievances
John Holcombe Cumberland Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
John Hoomes Caroline Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Samuel Hopkins Mecklenberg Clerk's Office (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Peter Hull Pendleton
John Hunter Campbell Claims
Propositions and Grievances
George Huston Rockingham Claims
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
William Irvin Madison Claims
Propositions and Grievances
George Jackson Harrison Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Achilles Jeffries Greensville Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Zachariah Johnston Augusta
Charles Binns Jones Brunswick Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Woffendall Kendall King George Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Kennedy Madison Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Joseph Kent Wythe Propositions and Grievances
John Sheppard Kerr Accomack
Miles King Elizabeth City Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Clerk's Office
Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Lawson Princess Anne
Henry Lee Jr. Westmoreland Propositions and Grievances (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Andrew Lewis Montgomery Propositions and Grievances
Joseph Lewis Nelson Claims
Propositions and Grievances
John Logan Lincoln Propositions and Grievances
William Madison Culpeper Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Joseph Martin Henry Claims
Propositions and Grievances
John Mason Sussex Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Mathews Norfolk Borough
Abraham Maury Lunenberg Propositions and Grievances
John Mayo Henrico Claims
Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Daniel McCarty Westmoreland Claims
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Martin McFerran Botetourt Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
William McKee Rockbridge Claims
Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
William McMahan Ohio
James McMillian Fayette Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Robert Mercer Stafford Courts of Justice
Samuel Meredith Amherst Claims
Privileges and Elections
Robert Mitchell Richmond County Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Ashford Napier Franklin Claims
Propositions and Grievances
William Nelms Northumberland
William Nelson York Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
William Norvell James City County
Alexander Dalrymple Orr Mason Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
John Overton Louisa Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Matthew Page Frederick Courts of Justice
Isaac Parsons Hampshire Propositions and Grievances
Jonathan Parsons Hardy Propositions and Grievances
David Patteson Chesterfield Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
William Patton Pendleton Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
William Pickett Fauquier
John Pierce James City
Thomas Pindell Monongalia Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Elias Poston Hampshire
Levin Powell Loudoun Claims
Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
John Preston Montgomery
John Purnal Prince Edward Propositions and Grievances
Edward Ragsdale Lunenberg Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Peter Randolph Nottoway Claims
Willis Riddick Nansemond
William Ronald Powhatan
Albert Russell Loudoun Propositions and Grievances
Hinde Russell Warwick Religion (Chair)
Privileges and Elections
Robert Russell Shenandoah Claims
Propositions and Grievances
William Russell Fayette Claims
Propositions and Grievances
David Saunders Bedford Propositions and Grievances
Robert Sawyers Wythe
John Walker Semple King and Queen Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Robert Shield York Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
George William Smith Essex Claims
Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Henry Southall Charles City Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
John Stith Brunswick Claims
Propositions and Grievances
John Stringer Northampton
French Strother Culpeper Claims (Chair)
Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
George Stump Hardy Claims
Propositions and Grievances
John Taliaferro King George
John Tate Augusta Propositions and Grievances
William Tate Washington Propositions and Grievances
Samuel Taylor Mercer Claims
Propositions and Grievances
William Taylor Mecklenberg Propositions and Grievances
Willoughby Tebbs Prince William Claims
Propositions and Grievances
George Thompson Fluvanna Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Roger Thompson Fluvanna Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Francis Thornton Spotsylvania Courts of Justice
John Thruston Jefferson Courts of Justice
Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Tinsley Hanover Claims
Privileges and Elections
Bernard Todd Charlotte Claims
Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Todd Lincoln Propositions and Grievances
Walker Tomlin Richmond County
John Trigg Bedford Claims
Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Thomas Tunstall Pittsylvania Claims
Propositions and Grievances
James Upshaw Essex Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Andrew Waggoner Berkeley Propositions and Grievances
Francis Walker Albermarle Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
John Waller Bourbon Propositions and Grievances
Thomas Watkins Halifax Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
James Webb Norfolk County
Roger West Fairfax Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Robert White Frederick Clerk's Office
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
James Wilkinson Southampton Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
Nathaniel Wilkinson Henrico Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
John Winston Hanover Claims
Privileges and Elections
Propositions and Grievances
John Wise Accomack
John Woodson Cumberland Religion
Tarlton Woodson Prince Edward Claims
Clerk's Office
Privileges and Elections
Joseph Wyatt Charlotte Propositions and Grievances
Benjamin Wyche Sussex
Isaac Zane Shenandoah

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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