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Thomas Mathews
Member From: 1781 - 1800

- Birth Date: 1742 Birth Place:St. Christopher's Island, B.W.I.
- Death Date: February 20, 1812
- Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
- Spouse: Molly Miller
- Children:
- Religion:
- Education:
- Military Service:
- Occupation/Profession:
- Bio: Born on St. Christopher's Island, B. W. I., 1742. Died in Norfolk Borough, February 20, 1812. Buried in St. Paul”s Churchyard, Norfolk, Thomas Mathews of Norfolk Borough, after whom the county of Mathews was named when separated from Gloucester in 1791, was the son of Samuel Mathews. He was born on the island of St. Christopher, a British possession in the Lesser Antilles. He emigrated to Virginia in 1764. He was lieutenant of militia for Norfolk County in 1775, commissioned captain in 1776, and was in command of Fort Nelson, which was built to protect Portsmouth and especially the marine yard at Gosport alter the departure of the Earl of Dunmore in 1776. He was assigned as major in the artillery regiment of Colonel Thomas Marshall in 1777, and in command when the British General, Edward Mathew, landed at Glebe (Port Norfolk) in 1779, He was advanced to lieutenant colonel on November 8, 1779, and later General of Brigade, participating in the siege of York(town). He was a member of the 1-louse of Delegates, representing Norfolk County, 1781-83, Norfolk Borough, 1784-94, Norfolk County, 1797-98, 1799-1800, and the first to serve as Speaker in the present Capitol at Richmond. He was an eminent member of the Norfolk Bar and of the Constitutional Convention of 1788, which ratified the Federal Constitution, He also served as Brigadier General of Militia with headquarters in Norfolk. He was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, A. F. & A. M., 1790-93, and was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati. He married, 1773, Molly Miller, daughter of Captain Matthias and Ann (Eady) Miller of Norfolk County.
While he was Speaker of the House, the Clerks were JOHN JAMES BECKLEY and CHARLES HAY. - Other Notable Service and/or Elected Offices: Speaker of the House - 1788 - 1793
Session | District | District Number | Party | Leadership | Committees |
1781-1782 | Norfolk County | Trade | |||
1782 | Norfolk County | Courts of Justice Religion Trade |
1784-1785 | Norfolk Borough | Commerce (Nov. 1784) (Chair) Claims Commerce Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances Religion |
1785-1786 | Norfolk Borough | Commerce Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Propositions and Greivances |
1786-1787 | Norfolk Borough | Commerce
(Chair) Privileges and Elections (Chair) Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances |
1787-1788 | Norfolk Borough | Commerce (Chair) Courts of Justice Privileges & Elections Propositions and Grievances |
1788 | Norfolk Borough | Speaker of the House | |||
1789 | Norfolk Borough | Speaker of the House | |||
1790 | Norfolk Borough | Speaker of the House | |||
1791 | Norfolk Borough | Speaker of the House | |||
1792 | Norfolk Borough | Speaker of the House | |||
1793 | Norfolk Borough | Speaker of the House | |||
1797-1798 | Norfolk County | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Claims Courts of Justice Propositions and Grievances Religion |
1799-1800 | Norfolk County | Claims (Chair) Courts of Justice Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at