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1661-1676 Session Information

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  • Start Date: Mar 23 1661
  • End Date: May 10 1676
  • Notes: This Assembly met in seventeen sessions: March 23, 1661 to ?, adjourned; March 23, 1662 to ?, adjourned; December 2, 1662 to ?, adjourned; September 10 to 24, 1663, adjourned; September 20, 1664, to ?, prorogued; October 10, 1665 to ?, adjourned; June 5, 1666, to ?, adjourned; October 23 to November 9, 1666, adjourned; September 20 to October 3, 1667, prorogued; September 17, 1668, to ?, adjourned; October 20, 1669, to ?, prorogued; October 3, 1670, to ?, prorogued; September 20, 1671, to ?, adjourned. September 24 to 28, 1672, adjourned; October 20 to 31, 1673, prorogued; September 21 to October 8, 1674, adjourned; March 7, 1676, to ?, adjourned, then dissolved on May 10, 1676, by Governor Berkeley's proclamation. Historical records of this Assembly are incomplete.
  • Speaker: Henry Soane/Soanes
    Augustine Warner II
    Robert Wynne
  • Clerk: James Minge
    Henry Randolph
  • Special Sessions:
Name Locality Committees
Robert Abrahall/Abrell New Kent
Isaac Allerton/Alerton Westmoreland, Northumberland Private Causes
William Andrews Northampton
John Appleton Westmoreland
Lawrence Baker Surry Private Causes
Robert Baldry York
William Ball Sr. Lancaster
Thomas Ballard James City County
William Barbar York Propositions
William Blacke/Blacky New Kent Private Causes
(John?) Blake Nansemond
Theodorick Bland Henrico Grievances
John Bond Isle of Wight
Robert Bray Lower Norfolk
Joseph Bridger Isle of Wight Grievances (Chair)
William Brown/Browne Surry
Devereaux Browne Accomack
John Burnham Middlesex
David Cant Gloucester
William Carver Lower Norfolk Propositions
Miles Cary Warwick
George Catchmaid/Catchmaie Nansemond
William Cawfield Surry
Walter Chiles James City
William Claiborne New Kent Propositions (Chair)
William Cockerham Surry
Edward Dale Lancaster
William Denson Nansemond
William Digges York
Robert Ellison/Ellyson James City County
Francis Eppes Henrico
William Farrar/Ferrar Henrico Private Causes
Moore Fauntleroy Rappahannock
Henry Filmer Warwick Grievances
Thomas Foulke Westmoreland
Gerard Fowke Westmoreland
Francis Gray Charles City
Edward Griffith Warwick
George Gwillen Nansemond
Stephen Hamelyn/Hamlin Charles City
Thomas Haynes Lancaster
Edward Hill Jr. Charles City
Nicholas Hill Isle of Wight Propositions
Richard Hill Isle of Wight Grievances
Robert Holt James City County Private Causes (Chair)
Theophilus Hone James City
Peter Jenings Gloucester
George Jordan Surry
William Kendal/Kendall Northampton Grievances
Peter Knight Gloucester
John Knowles Lower Norfolk
Richard Lawrence Lower Norfolk
John Lear/Leare Nansemond Grievances
John Lee Westmoreland
Richard Lee II Westmoreland
Southey Littleton Accomack
Thomas Lucar/Lucas Rappahannock Private Causes
Lyonell/Lemuel/Lemuell Mason/Masonn Lower Norfolk
Henry Meese Stafford Grievances
William Moseley Rappahannock
William Mosley Lower Norfolk
John Page York
Daniel Parke York
Valentine Peyton Westmoreland
Robert Pitt Isle of Wight
John Porter Lower Norfolk
John Powel/Powell Elizabeth City Private Causes
William Presley/Presly Northumberland Grievances
Peter Presley/Pressley Northumberland
Edward Ramsey James City County Private Causes
John Savage Northampton Grievances
Edmund Scarborough/Scarbrough Northampton/Accomack Propositions
Nicholas Smith Isle of Wight
Henry Soane/Soanes James City County
Thomas Southcot Charles City Propositions
Nicholas Spencer Westmoreland Grievances (Chair)
John Stringer Northampton
Adam Thoroughgood Lower Norfolk
Malachi Thruston Lower Norfolk
Raleigh Travers Lancaster Grievances
Thomas Walker Gloucester Grievances
George Wallings Nansemond
Augustine Warner II Gloucester
John Warren Lower Norfolk
Thomas Warren Surry Grievances
John Washington Westmoreland Grievances
William Waters Northampton
Giles Webb Nansemond
John Weir/Weye/Weyre Rappahannock Grievances
John West Accomack
Walter Whitaker Middlesex
Daniel Wild York
Robert Williamson Isle of Wight
Francis Willis Gloucester
William Wooldridge/Worleich/Worlich Elizabeth City
Ralph Wormeley Middlesex
Nicholas Wyatt Charles City
Robert Wynne Charles City
Hugh Yeo Accomack Grievances
Leonard Yeo Elizabeth City Propositions

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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