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1642 Session Information

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  • Start Date: Jan 12 1642
  • End Date: Jul 1 1642
  • Notes: This Assembly met on January 12, 1642, during Governor Wyatt's term. It adjourned to April 18 to await the arrival of Governor Berkeley. In accord with the terms of that adjournment, Berkeley reassembled the members on April 1, 1642 to perfect the Declaration against the Company, the terms of which provided for another adjournment until June 2. The Assembly reconvened from June 2 to July 1, 1642. Historical records of this Assembly are incomplete.
  • Speaker:
  • Clerk:
  • Special Sessions:
Name Locality Committees
Walter Aston Charles City
Thomas Barnett Warwick River
John Baugh Henrico
John Branch Elizabeth City
William Butler James City
John Carter Upper Norfolk
Walter Chiles Charles City
Jeremie Clement James City
Daniell Coogan Upper Norfolk
Thomas Dew/Dewe Upper Norfolk
Thomas Follis James City
Francis Fowler James City
Fardinand Franklin James City
Francis Fulford Henrico
Mathew/Matthew Gogh/Gough Henrico
George Hardde/Hardy* Isle of Wight
Benjamin Harrison James City
Thomas Harwood Warwick River
Edward Hill Sr. Charles City
John Hill Lower Norfolk
Thomas Hill James City
Robert Hutchinson James City
Joseph Johnson Charles City
George Ludlowe Charles River
John Neale Accomack
William Parker Upper Norfolk
Flo. Payne Elizabeth City
Richard Richards James City
Obedience Robbins/Robins Accomack
Joseph Salmon Isle of Wight
John Shipsie/Sibsey/Sipsey Lower Norfolk
Richard Townsend Charles River
John Upton Isle of Wight
William Whitby Warwick River
John White James City
John Wilkins/Wilkinson Accomack
Edward Windham Lower Norfolk
George Worleigh Charles River

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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