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1879-1880 Session Information

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Stephen Adams Campbell and Lynchburg Counties, Cities and Towns
Militia and Police
William T. Akers Patrick Printing (Chair)
Asylums and Prisons
Propositions and Greivances
David F. Bailey Washington Courts of Justice (Chair)
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Schools and Colleges
B. Johnson Barbour Orange Finance
Schools and Colleges
H.F. Bell Mathews and Middlesex Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Counties, Cities and Towns
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Edward David Bland Prince George and Surry Agriculture and Mining Committee (Dates Unknown)
Claims Committee (Dates Unknown)
Enrolled Bills Committee (Dates Unknown)
Executive Expenditures Committee
Officers and Offices at the Capitol Committee (Dates Unknown)
Propositions and Grievances Committee (Dates Unknown)
Retrenchment and Economy Committee (Dates Unknown)
Schools and Colleges Committee
John W. Bulman King and Queen Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Executive Expenditures
Federal Relations and Resolutions
S.B. Burgess Northumberland and Westmoreland Claims (Chair)
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
John Hampden Chamberlayne Richmond City Federal Relations and Resolutions
Propositions and Greivances
Public Property
S. B. Chapman Gloucester Chesapeake and Its Tributaries (Chair)
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Propositions and Greivances
Schools and Colleges
David M. Claytor Bedford Claims
Executive Expenditures
Retrenchment and the Economy
Robert A. Coghill Amherst Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
George William Cole Essex House Expenses
Labor and Poor Committee
Johnson Collins Brunswick Federal Relations and Resolutions Committee
Public Property Committee
Jasper S. Colly Buchanan and Wise Claims
House Expenses
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Thomas H. Cross Nansemond Propositions and Greivances (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Retrenchment and the Economy
Martin Dalton Carroll Enrolled Bills
Labor and the Poor
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
E. P. Dandridge Frederick and Winchester Counties, Cities and Towns
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Militia and Police
William J. Dickenson Russell Immigration (Chair)
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Courts of Justice
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Amos Dickerson Floyd Labor and the Poor (Chair)
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Thomas A. Downs Northampton and Accomack Agriculture and Mining
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Enrolled Bills
Roads and Internal Navigation
R.T.W. Duke Albemarle Executive Expenditures
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Shed Dungee Cumberland and Buckingham Officers and Offices at the Capitol Committee
Public Property Committee
John Echols Augusta and Staunton Asylums and Prisons
Banks, Currency and Commerce
John W. Edmonds Accomack Asylums and Prisons
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Griffin F. Edwards Portsmouth Public Property (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
William M. Ellis Montgomery House Expenses
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Schools and Colleges
William Dennis Evans Prince Edward Banks, Currency and Commerce
Enrolled Bills Committee (Dates Unknown)
Executive Expenditures Committee
Richard R. Farr Fairfax Counties, Cities and Towns (Chair)
Schools and Colleges
James B. Ficklin Buckingham Agriculture and Mining
Schools and Colleges
William A. J. Finney Pittsylvania and Danville Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Schools and Colleges
Alexander B. Fitzpatrick Nelson Claims
House Expenses
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Privileges and Elections
John D. Fray Greene and Madison Counties, Cities and Towns
Propositions and Greivances
James A. Frazier Rockbridge Privileges and Elections (Chair)
Executive Expenditures
J. C. Gibson Culpeper Counties, Cities and Towns
Public Property
H.M.L. Goode Charlotte Asylums and Prisons
Schools and Colleges
G.R. Gray Halifax Agriculture and Mining
Public Property
Duff Green Stafford and King George Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Enrolled Bills
Labor and the Poor
Roger Gregory King William Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Courts of Justice
Roads and Internal Navigation
William E. Haden Fluvanna Banks, Currency and Commerce
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
William H. Hall Norfolk City Enrolled Bills
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Roads and Internal Navigation
Ross Hamilton Mecklenburg Claims
Retrenchment and the Economy
James Marshall Hanger Augusta and Staunton Federal Relations and Resolutions (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
Privileges and Elections
Hezekiah Harmon Smyth and Bland Labor and the Poor
Reuben N. Harrison Rockingham Agriculture and Mining
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Militia and Police
Retrenchment and the Economy
W. E. Harwood Petersburg Asylums and Prisons
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Privileges and Elections
Roads and Internal Navigation
George R. Head Loudoun Federal Relations and Resolutions
Labor and the Poor
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
John N. Hopkins Henrico Immigration
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Propositions and Greivances
George H. Jewett Chesterfield, Manchester and Powhatan Claims
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Retrenchment and the Economy
Jonas S. Kelly Washington Retrenchment and the Economy (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
Benjamin Watkins Lacy Charles City and New Kent Rules (Chair)
John B. Lady Rockbridge Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair)
Asylums and Prisons
Schools and Colleges
Neverson Lewis Chesterfield, Manchester and Powhatan Claims
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Lewis Linkenhoker Botetourt Executive Expenditures (Chair)
Labor and the Poor
Militia and Police
Privileges and Elections
William Lovenstein Richmond City Enrolled Bills (Chair)
Roads and Internal Navigation
James Lyons Jr. Richmond City Asylums and Prisons
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Schools and Colleges
Charles J. Mathews Pulaski and Giles Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Public Property
Roads and Internal Navigation
David F. May Petersburg Banks, Currency and Commerce (Chair)
Propositions and Greivances
Public Property
A.B. McConnell Scott Asylums and Prisons
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Henry S. Menefee Rappahannock Asylums and Prisons
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Propositions and Greivances
T. L. Michie Albemarle Schools and Colleges (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Retrenchment and the Economy
Samuel H. Moffett Rockingham Finance (Chair)
Asylums and Prisons
Courts of Justice
Privileges and Elections
Granville L. Moorman Bedford Agriculture and Mining
Militia and Police
George W. Morgan Campbell and Lynchburg Enrolled Bills
Labor and the Poor
Privileges and Elections
George A. Mushbach Alexandria City and Alexandria County Enrolled Bills
Labor and the Poor
William N. Nelson Clarke and Warren Agriculture and Mining
Banks, Currency and Commerce
Militia and Police
Schools and Colleges
Charles E. Nicol Prince William Labor and the Poor
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Retrenchment and the Economy
Robert Norton Elizabeth City, Warwick, James City, York and Williamsburg Asylums and Prisons Committee
Chesapeake and its Tributaries
Federal Relations and Resolutions Committee
Labor and Poor Committee
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Privileges and Elections Committee
Schools and Colleges Committee
Littleton Owens Princess Anne Propositions and Greivances
Retrenchment and the Economy
Richard Gault Leslie Paige Norfolk County Counties, Cities and Towns
Labor and the Poor
Privileges and Elections
William M. Palmer Halifax Agriculture and Mining
Propositions and Greivances
Retrenchment and the Economy
William C. Parks Grayson Finance
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Privileges and Elections
Retrenchment and the Economy
William H. Payne Loudoun and Fauquier Militia and Police (Chair)
Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
Luke Perdue Franklin Banks, Currency and Commerce
Counties, Cities and Towns
Enrolled Bills
Charles Pitts Lancaster and Richmond County Banks, Currency and Commerce
Federal Relations and Resolutions
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Joseph B. Pope Southampton Enrolled Bills
Officers and Offices at the Capitol
Public Property
William S. Redd Henry Officers and Offices at the Capitol (Chair)
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Roads and Internal Navigation
William H. Revercomb Alleghany, Bath and Highland Propositions and Greivances
Public Property
A.P. Rowe Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg Counties, Cities and Towns
Militia and Police
Robert Sayers Wythe Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (Chair)
Archer Scott Nottoway and Amelia Enrolled Bills
Propositions and Greivances
Campbell Slemp Lee Banks, Currency and Commerce
Counties, Cities and Towns
Schools and Colleges
E. H. Smith Dinwiddie Labor and the Poor
Privileges and Elections
Retrenchment and the Economy
Roads and Internal Navigation
George E. Smith Lunenberg Counties, Cities and Towns
Privileges and Elections
Henry D. Smith Greensville and Sussex Agriculture and Mining
Michael P. Spessard Craig and Roanoke House Expenses (Chair)
Agriculture and Mining
Asylums and Prisons
Jurman L. Stratton Goochland Agriculture and Mining
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Counties, Cities and Towns
Militia and Police
Joseph B. Strayer Shenandoah Agriculture and Mining (Chair)
Militia and Police
Robert M. Stribling Fauquier Executive Expenditures
Roads and Internal Navigation
William H. Turner Norfolk City Courts of Justice
Executive Expenditures
George M. Waddill Isle of Wight Asylums and Prisons (Chair)
Chesapeake and Its Tributaries
Courts of Justice
Enrolled Bills
Henry J. Wale Louisa Agriculture and Mining
Roads and Internal Navigation
James A. Watkins Appomattox Library
Militia and Police
Public Property
J.H. Watson Pittsylvania and Danville Asylums and Prisons
Militia and Police
Privileges and Elections
Public Property
Smith J.R. White Caroline Banks, Currency and Commerce
Enrolled Bills
Henry T. Taylor Wickham Hanover Enrolled Bills
Militia and Police
Propositions and Greivances
John J. Wilkinson Pittsylvania and Danville Agriculture and Mining
Public Property
Retrenchment and the Economy
S.B. Witt Richmond City Asylums and Prisions
Courts of Justice
Manufactures and Mechanic Arts
Public Property
James R. Witten Tazewell Library (Chair)
Counties, Cities and Towns
Labor and the Poor
William Overall Yager Page Executive Expenditures
Roads and Internal Navigation

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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