1865-1867 Session Information
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- Start Date: Dec 4 1865
- End Date: Apr 29 1867
- Notes: Sessions: December 4, 1865 to March 3, 1866; December 3, 1866 to March 2, 1867; March 4 to April 29, 1867
- Speaker:
John Brown Baldwin
- Clerk:
John Bell Bigger
William Fitzhugh Gordon Jr.
Special Sessions:
Name | Locality | Committees |
R. P. Atkinson | Dinwiddie and Petersburg | Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) County Organization (1865-1866) Finance Privileges and Elections (1866-1867) |
John Brown Baldwin | Augusta County | Rules (Chair) |
George Baylor | Augusta | Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Claims (1866-1867) Lunatic Ayslums (1865-1866) Military Affairs (1865-1866) Militia and Police (1866-1867) |
C. S. Bekem | Washington | Courts of Justice (1866-1867) Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Library (1865-1866) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) Schools and Colleges (1865-1866) |
R. M. Bentley | Loudoun | Banks (1865-1866) (Chair) Banks and Currency (1866-1867) (Chair) Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Privileges and Elections Rules (1865-1866) |
George W. Booker | Henry | Clerk's Office (1865-1866) House Expenses Military Affairs (1865-1866) Propositions and Grievances |
Drury W. K. Bowles | Fluvanna and Goochland | Agriculture and Manufactures (1865-1866) (Chair) Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) (Chair) Military Affairs (1865-1866) Militia and Police (1866-1867) |
J. S. Braxton | Richmond County & Westmoreland | Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Claims Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Trade and the Mechanic Arts (1865-1866) |
F. R. Brown | Franklin | Banks (1865-1866) Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Enrolled Bills Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) |
G. J. Browning | Culpeper and Orange | Claims House Expenses Library (1865-1866) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) |
Thomas B. Butt | Norfolk County | Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) Executive Expenditures (1866-1867) |
W. M. Cabell | Buckingham and Cumberland | Bonds of Public Officers (1865-1866) (Chair) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) (Chair) Courts of Justice Library |
T. D. Childress | Montgomery | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Penitentiary (1865-1866) Privileges and Elections (1866-1867) Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) Trade and the Mechanic Arts (1865-1866) |
T. J. Christian | King and Queen & King William | Penitentiary (1865-1866) Trade and the Mechanic Arts (1865-1866) |
William T. Clark | Pittslyvania | Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Banks (1865-1866) Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Executive Expenditures (1866-1867) Lunatic Ayslums (1865-1866) |
A.J. Clarke | Campbell | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Privileges and Elections Schools and Colleges Trade and the Mechanic Arts (1865-1866) |
W. W. Crump | Richmond City | Finance (1866-1867) (Chair) Courts of Justice (1866-1867) Resolutions (1866-1867) |
T. H. Daniel | Prince George & Sussex | Military Affairs (1865-1866) (Chair) Militia and Police (1866-1867) (Chair) Roads and Internal Navigation |
Z. W. Davidson | Scott | Agriculture and Manufactures (1865-1866) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Penitentiary (1865-1866) Propositions and Grievances Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) Trade and the Mechanic Arts (1865-1866) |
R. B. Davis | Louisa | Agriculture and Manufactures (1865-1866) Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) Armory (1865-1866) Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) Propositions and Grievances (1866-1867) |
J. S. Davison | Clarke and Warren | Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Propositions and Grievances (1865-1866) Roads and Internal Navigation Schools and Colleges (1866-1867) |
G. W. Deskins | Tazewell | Agriculture and Manufactures (1865-1866) House Expenses Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) Penitentiary (1865-1866) |
William J. Dickenson | Russell | Clerk's Office (1865-1866) (Chair) Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills (1865-1866) Executive Expenditures (1866-1867) Resolutions (1866-1867) |
C. W. C. Dunnington | Prince William | Enrolled Bills (1866-1867) (Chair) Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Military Affairs (1865-1866) Militia and Police (1866-1867) Penitentiary (1865-1866) Printing (1866-1867) |
W. H. C. Ellis | Norfolk City | Banks (1865-1866) Library (1865-1866) Roads and Internal Navigation (1865-1866) Trade and the Mechanic Arts (1865-1866) |
James Albert English | Alexandria | Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Roads and Internal Navigation Trade and the Mechanic Arts (1865-1866) |
T. J. Evans | Richmond City | Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) Courts of Justice Enrolled Bills (1865-1866) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) Propositions and Grievances (1865-1866) |
J.W. Fields | Accomack | Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Enrolled Bills (1866-1867) Lunatic Asylums (1865-1866) Militia and Police (1866-1867) Penitentiary (1865-1866) Register's Office (1865-1866) |
M. Garnett | Essex and Middlesex | Propositions and Grievances (Chair) Courts of Justice (1865-1867) Resolutions (1866-1867) Rules |
Benjamin F. Garrett | Halifax | Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) (Chair) Lunatic Ayslums (1865-1866) (Chair) Roads and Internal Navigation Rules |
R. Gibboney | Wythe | Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) County Organization (1865-1866) Finance |
R. J. Glendy | Highland and Bath | Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Roads and Internal Navigation Trade and the Mechanic Arts (1865-1866) |
John Goode Jr. | Norfolk City | Courts of Justice (1866-1867) Resolutions (1866-1867) Roads and Internal Navigation (1866-1867) |
A. Graham | Rockbridge | Roads and Internal Navigation (Chair) First Auditor's Office (1865-1866) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) Resolutions (1866-1867) |
P. R. Grattan | Richmond City | Finance (1865-1866) (Chair) Courts of Justice (1865-1866) Rules (1865-1866) |
A. W. Graves | Greene and Madison | County Organization (1865-1866) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) Privileges and Elections |
William H. Gray | Loudoun | Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) County Organization (1865-1866) Finance Library (1865-1866) Resolutions (1866-1867) |
A. S. Hancock | Chesterfield | Armory (1865-1866) Militia and Police (1866-1867) Propositions and Grievances Public Property (1866-1867) |
W. H. Hansbrough | King George and Stafford | Banks (1865-1866) Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Military Affairs (1865-1866) Militia and Police (1866-1867) Public Property (1866-1867) |
E. T. Hardy | Norfolk City | Finance (1865-1866) Military Affairs (1865-1866) Schools and Colleges |
H. B. Harnsberger | Rockingham | Register's Office (1865-1866) (Chair) Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) County Organization (1865-1866) Finance House Expenses |
J. M. Harris | Nelson | County Organization (1865-1866) Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) Privileges and Elections |
C. Herndon | Spotsylvania | Courts of Justice Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Schools and Colleges |
P. J. Holmes | Southampton | Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) County Organization (1865-1866) Executive Expenditures (1866-1867) Privileges and Elections |
L. Hurst | Norfolk County | Banks (1865-1866) County Organization (1865-1866) |
T. A. Jackson | Shenandoah | Claims (1866-1867) Executive Expenditures Roads and Internal Navigation |
J. H. C. Jones | King and Queen & King William | House Expenses (Chair) Courts of Justice (1866-1867) Library Propositions and Grievances (1866-1867) |
W. T. Joynes | Dinwiddie and Petersburg | Courts of Justice (1865-1866) (Chair) Rules (1865-1866) Schools and Colleges (1865-1866) |
A.M. Keiley | Dinwiddie and Petersburg | Library (1866-1867) (Chair) Printing (1866-1867) Schools and Colleges (1866-1867) |
Thomas H. Kellam | Accomack | Privileges and Elections Propositions and Grievances (1866-1867) Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) Treasurer's Accounts (1865-1866) |
G. H. Kendrick | Scott | Banks (1865-1866) Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Executive Expenditures (1866-1867) Military Affairs (1865-1866) Militia and Police (1866-1867) |
Thomas J. Kilby | Nansemond | Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) (Chair) Trade and the Mechanic Arts (1865-1866) (Chair) Enrolled Bills (1866-1867) Propositions and Grievances |
J. C. Langhorne | Norfolk County | Bonds of Public Officers (1865-1866) Enrolled Bills Public Property (1866-1867) |
N. M. Lee | Richmond City | Banks (1865-1866) Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Penitentiary (1865-1866) |
A. F. Leonard | Norfolk City | Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Militia and Police (1866-1867) |
D. W. Lewis | Fairfax | Bonds of Public Officers (1865-1866) Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Penitentiary (1865-1866) Privileges and Elections (1866-1867) |
J. Long | Page | Bonds of Public Officers (1865-1866) Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Propositions and Grievances |
J. S. Magill | Frederick | Executive Expenditures (1866-1867) Finance Public Property (1866-1867) Second Auditor's Office (1865-1866) |
B.H. Magruder | Finance (1866-1867) Militia and Police (1866-1867) |
L. T. Mann | Alleghany | Bonds of Public Officers (1865-1866) Claims Public Property (1866-1867) |
J. Marshall | Fauquier | Library (1865-1866) (Chair) Courts of Justice Resolutions (1866-1867) |
W. Martin | Charles City, James City, and New Kent | Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) Finance Second Auditor's Office (1865-1866) |
William McDonald | Lee | Agriculture and Manufactures (1865-1866) Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) Second Auditor's Office (1865-1866) |
Z. S. McGruder | Henrico | |
W. H. E. Merritt | Brunswick and Greensville | Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) (Chair) Claims Courts of Justice First Auditor's Office (1865-1866) Resolutions (1866-1867) |
G.A. Miller | Amelia, Nottoway, and Powhatan | Claims (1866-1867) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Register's Office (1865-1866) |
N. B. Moore | Floyd | Military Affairs (1865-1866) Militia and Police (1866-1867) Propositions and Grievances |
V. S. Morgan | Smyth | Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) First Auditor's Office (1865-1866) Roads and Internal Navigation |
Jonathan O. Morriss | Princess Anne | Armory (1865-1866) Public Property (1866-1867) Register's Office (1865-1866) Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) |
T. Y. Mosby | Bedford | Armory (1865-1866) Enrolled Bills (1866-1867) Library (1865-1866) Public Property (1866-1867) Roads and Internal Navigation (1866-1867) |
S. H. Newberry | Pulaski & Bland | Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Enrolled Bills (1866-1867) Lunatic Ayslums (1865-1866) Register's Office (1865-1866) Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) |
William L. Owen | Halifax | Second Auditor's Office (1865-1866) (Chair) Executive Expenditures (1866-1867) Finance Resolutions (1866-1867) |
J. W. Parsons | Grayson | Armory (1865-1866) Public Property (1866-1867) Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) Second Auditor's Office (1865-1866) |
C. Pate | Bedford | Claims Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) First Auditor's Office (1865-1866) Propositions and Grievances |
James Patterson | Franklin | Armory (1865-1866) (Chair) Public Property (1866-1867) (Chair) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) Register's Office (1865-1866) Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) |
W. J. F. Peed | Northampton | Armory (1865-1866) Bonds of Public Officers (1865-1866) Executive Expenditures (1866-1867) Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Public Property (1866-1867) |
Albert G. Pendleton | Giles | Claims (Chair) Rules (Chair) Banks (1865-1866) Resolutions (1866-1867) Roads and Internal Navigation Rules (1865-1866) |
J. Powell | Amherst | Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) (Chair) County Organization (1865-1866) (Chair) Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) Lunatic Ayslums (1865-1866) |
J. R. Purdy | Isle of Wight and Surry | Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Claims Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Lunatic Ayslums (1865-1866) |
D. C. Ragsdale | Pittsylvania | Propositions and Grievances Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) Treasurer's Accounts (1865-1866) |
H. Riggs | Wise and Buchanan | Agriculture and Manufactures (1865-1866) Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) Claims (1866-1867) Treasurer's Accounts (1865-1866) |
B. F. Rixey | Fauquier | Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Enrolled Bills Lunatic Ayslums (1865-1866) Militia and Police (1866-1867) |
T. B. Robertson | Alexandria | Finance Library Schools and Colleges |
W. T. Scott | Charlotte and Lunenberg | Agriculture and Manufactures (1865-1866) Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) Executive Expenditures (1866-1867) First Auditor's Office (1865-1866) Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) |
John T. Seawell | Gloucester and Mathews | Courts of Justice (1866-1867) (Chair) Courts of Justice Resolutions (1866-1867) Schools and Colleges |
S. Smith | Elizabeth City, York, Warwick, and Williamsburg | Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) Enrolled Bills (1865-1866) Lunatic Ayslums (1865-1866) Schools and Colleges |
Franklin Stearns | Henrico | Treasurer's Accounts (1865-1866) (Chair) Finance (1865-1866) Roads and Internal Navigation (1865-1866) |
S. L. Straughan | Lancaster and Northumberland | Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) (Chair) Claims Executive Expenditures (1866-1867) Treasurer's Accounts (1865-1866) |
Joseph B. Strayer | Shenandoah | Agriculture and Manufactures Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Enrolled Bills (1866-1867) Lunatic Ayslums (1865-1866) Propositions and Grievances |
J. McDowell Taylor | Rockbridge | First Auditor's Office (1865-1866) (Chair) Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Enrolled Bills (1866-1867) Lunatic Asylums (1865-1866) Schools and Colleges |
W. F. B. Taylor | Patrick | Armory (1865-1866) Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Clerk's Office (1865-1866) Labor and the Poor (1866-1867) Lunatic Asylums (1865-1866) Public Property (1866-1867) |
Littleton Tazewell | Richmond City | |
J. Teeter | Washington | Armory (1865-1866) Enrolled Bills (1866-1867) Propositions and Grievances (1865-1866) Public Property (1866-1867) Schools and Colleges (1866-1867) |
W. G. Thompson | Rockingham | Banks (1865-1866) Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Enrolled Bills (1865-1866) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) |
William Townes | Mecklenburg | Agriculture and Manufactures (1865-1866) Agriculture and Mining (1866-1867) Schools and Colleges |
J. Trout | Roanoke and Craig | Claims Enrolled Bills (1866-1867) Retrenchment and the Economy (1866-1867) Treasurer's Accounts (1865-1866) |
W.A. Turner | Albemarle | Banks (1865-1866) Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Counties, Cities and Towns (1866-1867) Schools and Colleges |
Zephaniah Turner Jr. | Rappahannock | Banks (1865-1866) Banks and Currency (1866-1867) Executive Expenditures Finance |
Joseph Addison Waddell | Augusta | Finance Library Schools and Colleges |
John F. Wall | Frederick | Privileges and Elections (Chair) Resolutions (1866-1867) Roads and Internal Navigation |
F. N. Watkins | Appomattox and Prince Edward | Schools and Colleges (Chair) Library Rules |
J. J. White | Henrico | Enrolled Bills Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) Propositions and Grievances |
D. A. Wilson | Campbell | Enrolled Bills (1865-1866) (Chair) Resolutions (1866-1867) (Chair) Courts of Justice Rules (1866-1867) |
L. F. Woltz | Carroll | Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Clerk's Office (1865-1866) Lunatic Asylums (1865-1866) Privileges and Elections |
J. Wood Jr. | Albemarle | Executive Expenditures (1865-1866) Finance Roads and Internal Navigation |
John C. Woodson | Rockingham | Executive Expenditures (Chair) Courts of Justice Library (1865-1866) |
T. J. Wooldridge | Hanover | Clerk's Office (1865-1866) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) Privileges and Elections Public Property (1866-1867) |
William E. M. Word | Botetourt | Penitentiary (1865-1866) (Chair) Printing (1866-1867) (Chair) Asylums and Prisons (1866-1867) Executive Expenditures (1865-1866) Officers and Offices at the Capitol (1866-1867) |
W. R. B. Wyatt | Caroline | Clerk's Office (1865-1866) Courts of Justice (1866-1867) Enrolled Bills (1865-1866) Manufactures and Mechanic Arts (1866-1867) Privileges and Elections (1866-1867) |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.