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1659 Session Information

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  • Start Date: Mar 7 1659
  • End Date: Mar 15 1659
  • Notes: This Assembly met from March 7 to 15, 1659, or later. Historical records of this Assembly are incomplete.
  • Speaker: Edward Hill Sr.
  • Clerk: Henry Randolph
  • Special Sessions:
Name Locality Committees
Nathaniel Bacon Sr. York
William Batte Elizabeth City
William Blacke/Blacky New Kent
John Bond Isle of Wight
Thomas Bushrod York
Edward Carter Upper Norfolk
John Carter Lancaster
William Cawfield Surry
Walter Chiles James City County
Henry Corben/Corbin Lancaster
Joseph Croshaw York
George Cullclough Northumberland
Mathew Edlowe James City County
William English Isle of Wight
Moore Fauntleroy Rappahannock
Thomas Foulke James City County
Thomas Godwin/Goodwin/Goodwyn Nansemond
Thomas Goodwyn Upper Norfolk
John Harlowe Warwick
William Hatcher Henrico
William Hay York
Edward Hill Sr. Charles City
Warham Horsmanden/Horsmenden Charles City
William Jones Northampton
George Jordan Surry
Lyonell/Lemuel/Lemuell Mason/Masonn Lower Norfolk
Florentine Paine Elizabeth City
Robert Pitt Isle of Wight
James Pyland Isle of Wight
John Sidney Lower Norfolk
John Stringer Northampton
Augustine Warner Gloucester
John Warren Lower Norfolk
Thomas Warren Surry
Giles Webb Upper Norfolk
John Weir/Weye/Weyre Rappahannock
William Whittacre James City County
Francis Willis Gloucester

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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