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John S. "Jack" Reid
Member From: 1990 - 2007

- Birth Date: August 1, 1942 Birth Place:Norfolk, VA
- Death Date: July 17, 2022
- Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
- Spouse: Judy
- Children: John J., II and Lisa
- Religion: Assembly of God
- Education: St. Christopher's School (1961) Wofford College; SC (B.A.; 1965) University of Virginia (M.Ed.; 1967)
- Military Service:
- Occupation/Profession: Public school administrator
- Memberships/Affiliations: West End Assembly of God West Richmond Kiwanis (former board of directors) Carver Elementary School PTA (former president) Republican Committee of Third Congressional District (former chairman) Tuckahoe Village Civic Association (former president) AF&AM, Tuckahoe Lodge 347 Acca Temple Shrine Phi Delta Kappa (honorary education fraternity) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (board of directors) Education Commission of the States (steering and finance committees) West Richmond Businessmen's Association
- Awards: Friend of Veterinary Medicine Award (1993) Virginia School Boards Association Award for Excellence in Education (1995) Virginia Optometric Association, Meritorious Service Award (1996) Children's Rights Coalition of Virginia, "Children First" Award (1997) Virginia Retail Merchants Association, Legislator of the Year (2001) American Bikers Advocating Training & Education, Freedom Award (2001) Virginia Association of School Superintendents, Outstanding Service Award to Public Education by a Legislator (2003)
Session | District | District Number | Party | Leadership | Committees |
1990 | County of Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | Conservation and Natural Resources General Laws Interstate Cooperation |
1991 | County of Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | Conservation and Natural Resources General Laws Interstate Cooperation |
1992 | Counties of Chesterfield (part), and Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | Conservation and Natural Resources General Laws Interstate Cooperation |
1993 | Counties of Chesterfield (part), and Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | Conservation and Natural Resources General Laws Interstate Cooperation |
1994 | Counties of Chesterfield (part) and Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | Conservation and Natural Resources General Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
1995 | Counties of Chesterfield (part) and Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | Conservation and Natural Resources General Laws Roads and Internal Navigation |
1996 | Counties of Chesterfield (part) and Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | Conservation and Natural Resources General Laws Transportation |
1997 | Counties of Chesterfield (part) and Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | Conservation and Natural Resources General Laws Transportation |
1998 | Counties of Chesterfield (part) and Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | Conservation and Natural Resources Finance General Laws Transportation |
1999 | Counties of Chesterfield (part) and Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | Conservation and Natural Resources Finance General Laws Transportation |
2000 | Counties of Chesterfield (part) and Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | General Laws (Co Chair) Education Finance Privileges and Elections Transportation |
2001 | Counties of Chesterfield (part) and Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | General Laws (Co Chair) Education Finance Privileges and Elections Transportation |
2002 | County of Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | General Laws (Chair) Appropriations Education |
2003 | County of Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | General Laws (Chair) Appropriations Education |
2004 | County of Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | General Laws (Chair) Appropriations Education |
2005 | County of Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | General Laws (Chair) Appropriations Education |
2006 | County of Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | General Laws (Chair) Appropriations Education |
2007 | County of Henrico (part) | 72 | Republican | General Laws (Chair) Appropriations Education |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at