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John Malcolm "Jack" Peck Jr.
Member From: 1956 - Ex. 1963

- Birth Date: August 21, 1918 Birth Place:
- Death Date: July 2, 1985
- Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
- Spouse: Martha Murray
- Children: John III, Susan, and Patricia
- Religion: Presbyterian
- Education: Fincastle High School Roanoke National Business College
- Military Service: World War II Captain US Army
- Occupation/Profession: Real estate broker; heating and builder representative, Appalachian Power Company
- Memberships/Affiliations: Fincastle Presbyterian Church (chairman, board of deacons) Masons Fincastle Ruritan (former president) Botetourt Young Democrats Club Botetourt County Volunteer Fire Department American Legion
Session | District | District Number | Party | Leadership | Committees |
1956 | Counties of Botetourt and Craig | Democrat | Agriculture Claims Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
1958-1959 | Counties of Botetourt and Craig | Democrat | Agriculture Claims Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
1959 | Counties of Botetourt and Craig | Democrat | Agriculture Claims Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
1960 | Counties of Boteourt and Craig | Democrat | Agriculture Claims Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
1962-1963 | Counties of Botetourt and Craig | 13 | Democrat | Agriculture Claims Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
1963 | Counties of Botetourt and Craig | 13 | Democrat | Agriculture Claims Enrolled Bills Privileges and Elections |
*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at