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Alan E. Mayer

Sessions Served: 1986 - 1995

Member image
  • Birth Date: June 11, 1925 Birth Place:Annapolis, MD
  • Death Date: December 4, 2016
  • Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
  • Spouse: Grace W. Matheny
  • Children: Christopher A., Margery Misenheimer, Geoffrey E.
  • Religion: Unitarian
  • Education: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA University of Virginia (Master of Planning)
  • Military Service: USNR (Lieutenant Commander, 1944-46; 1950-85, retired)
  • Occupation/Profession: Central Intelligence Agency (1951-80, retired)
  • Memberships/Affiliations: Unitarian Church Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations (committee chairman, 1985-90) Lincolnia Park Civic Association (president, 1980-83) Strawbridge Square, Inc. (president, 1981-86) Annandale Chamber of Commerce Fairfax Chamber of Commerce Annandale Rotary Fairfax Committee of 100 National Association of Retired Federal Employees Retired Officers Association Beyer Commission (vice-chairman, 1990ó) Sigma Chi Head and Spinal Cord Injured, Joint Study Commission (chairman, 1988-89) Pre-Need Funeral Contracts, Joint Study Commission (chairman, 1988) Licensure of Engineers, Architects and Land Surveyors, Joint Study Commission (chairman, 1989) Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center (board member, 1986ó) Fairfax County Council of the Arts (board member, 1990ó) Fairfax YMCA (board member, 1991ó) Fairfax County Park Authority (board member, 1983-86) Mason District Council of Civic Associations (board member, 1984-86)
Session District District Number Party Leadership Committees
1986 County of Fairfax (part) 39 Democrat Health Welfare and Institutions
Labor and Commerce
Mining and Mineral Resources
1987 County of Fairfax (part) 39 Democrat Health Welfare and Institutions
Labor and Commerce
Mining and Mineral Resources
1988 County of Fairfax (part) 39 Democrat General Laws
Health Welfare and Institutions
Labor and Commerce
1989 County of Fairfax (part) 39 Democrat General Laws
Health Welfare and Institutions
Labor and Commerce
1990 County of Fairfax (part) 39 Democrat General Laws
Health Welfare and Institutions
Roads and Internal Navigation
1991 County of Fairfax (part) 39 Democrat General Laws
Health Welfare and Institutions
Roads and Internal Navigation
1992 County of Fairfax (part) 39 Democrat General Laws
Health Welfare and Institutions
Interstate Cooperation
Roads and Internal Navigation
1993 County of Fairfax (part) 39 Democrat Courts of Justice
General Laws
Health Welfare and Institutions
Interstate Cooperation
1994 County of Fairfax (part) 39 Democrat Courts of Justice
General Laws
Health Welfare and Institutions
Interstate Cooperation
Militia and Police
1995 County of Fairfax (part) 39 Democrat Courts of Justice
General Laws
Health Welfare and Institutions
Interstate Cooperation
Militia and Police

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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