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Isaac Chapman Fowler

Sessions Served: 1875 - 1882

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  • Birth Date: September 23, 1831 Birth Place:Jeffersonville, Tazewell County, Virginia
  • Death Date: April 6, 1904
  • Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
  • Spouse: Kezia McDonald Chapman
  • Children:
  • Religion:
  • Education:
  • Military Service:
  • Occupation/Profession:
  • Bio: Born in Jeffersonville, Tazewell County, Va., September 23, 1831. Died in Abingdon, Va., April 6, 1904, Buried in East Hill Cemetery, Bristol, Va. Isaac Chapman Fowler of Washington County was the son of Dr. Thomas Fowler of Cooke County, Tennessee, and Tazewell County, Va., and Priscilla Breckenridge (Chapman) Fowler. He was educated at Emory and Henry College. He was a merchant from 1852 to 1860, and was connected with the Commissary Department of the Confederate States of America under General John C. Breckenridge. During the early war years, he lost all of his property. He was a member of the House of Delegates, 1875-79, 1881-83. He was one of the three proprietors of the Great Natural Bridge and Tunnel in Scott County; editor and owner of the Bristol News from August 1868 until February 1884 and five times Mayor of Bristol: appointed Clerk of the U. S. District Court at Abingdon, and resigned in 1904. He was a dyed-in-the-wool Republican. He married, December 4, 1854, Kezia McDonald Chapman, daughter of William and Nancy (McDonald) Chapman of Giles County. There is no known portrait of him. While he was Speaker of the House, the Clerk was PATRICK H. McCAULL.
  • Other Notable Service and/or Elected Offices: Speaker of the House - 1881 - 1882
District Number
1875-1877 Washington Democrat Enrolled Bills
Schools and Colleges
1877-1879 Washington Democrat Schools and Colleges (Chair)
1881-1882 Washington Readjuster Speaker of the House Rules (Chair)

*The information within this interactive and searchable application has been researched extensively by the House Clerk’s Office. As with any historical records of this age and breadth, there may be discrepancies and/or inconsistencies within records obtained from a variety of credible sources. Any feedback is encouraged at history@house.virginia.gov.

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