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Isaac Edmundson
Member From: 1869 - 1871

- Birth Date: Circa April 1840 Birth Place:Halifax County, Virginia
- Death Date: November 13, 1927
- Gender: Male Race: African American
- Spouse: Maria
- Children:
- Religion:
- Education:
- Military Service:
- Occupation/Profession: Farmer and Barber
Additional Info Links:
Bio from Encyclopedia Virginia
Bio from Virginia's Martin Luther King Jr. Commission
- Bio: Isaac Edmundson represented Halifax County for one term in the House of Delegates (1869–1871). Born enslaved, he served as his owner’s body servant during the American Civil War (1861–1865). In 1869 the local Conservative Party, an organization dedicated to white supremacy, accepted political reality and nominated Edmundson as one of its candidates for the General Assembly. After winning a seat in the general election he became one of the first African Americans to serve in the assembly. After his term he worked as a barber and was able to secure both credit and real estate. He also held good enough political connections that the General Assembly passed a bill releasing him from a fine he owed to the Halifax County court. In 1924 Edmundson successfully applied for a state pension under a law that compensated African Americans who served the Confederate military in non-combat roles during the Civil War. He died in 1927.
Session | District | District Number | Party | Leadership | Committees |
1869-1871 | Halifax | Conservative | Executive Expenditures |
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